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Request to Eve! Please make this an adult forum


(24-02-2013, 23:28)MistressGeorge Wrote:  some of the things said in this thread alone Ive been rather uncomfortable with let alone having children pour over these pages!

I agree with you George, but the only way they will learn(aside from the real smart ones that really research and take it very seriously and approach it at the right time), is if they screw up. it'll be one hell of a wake up call when they induce lactation, develop hursuitism, sterility, breast shrinkage, late cycles, weight gain, acne etc. by taking internals they shouldn't be taking. It will cost time and money just to reverse this.

All of the diy research is here and coming. We have done a lot and shared amongst eachother, yet the forums are being flooded with the young newbs posting the same things multiple times. I will most likely not be posting on my threads as much as I am getting quite a few emails asking "how to." I cannot be responsible for advice given, I am no doctor and I too am self medicating. I feel like the forum is changing.

Honestly, like I said I feel there should be a section for teens to explain all the dangers, what they can do, etc. As far as the "uncomfortable" subjects, I can get that, but the internet is flooded with much worse at their disposal. At 15 I knew many things about sex and adult subjects because the information was so easily accessible. And this was before youtube, twitter, facebook, myspace, etc etc. So I can only imagine how it is for a teen now! Heck back when I was 15 a basic flip phone cell phone was considered cool, if you had a cell phone you were from a well off family, and "cool". It didn't have apps, texting was done, but not as much as today, games on the phone were expensive and basic.

Okay back on the subject matter at hand... yes I was put on birth control shortly after starting my period because I had bad acne and nothing helped it. The doctor prescribed BC pills, I was not sexually active, nor was I for a long time after even taking them. The doctor told me my hormones were imbalanced and it would balance them. It's kinda like back in my mom's times (she's 70) they prescribed people to smoke cigarettes! So I feel me being put on BC young is the same thing. Doctors do not always know what they are doing. I was told I couldn't have children (given I've had 4 miscarriages, I have a son and he was full term). I had a rare condition when young that I went to multiple doctors before finding out what was wrong with me, they all thought it was stomach issues, or in my head, when it was a chemical imbalance in my brain that made me think the food I ate was bad, so I would have food poisoning symptoms each time I ate. So of course I wouldn't want to eat. Thus was starving my body and of course we all know what issues that causes. So yea, doctors are morons. They also diagnosed me with high blood pressure and cholesterol a few years ago and said I needed drugs, I turned them down. And have lowered them both naturally. They called me nuts.

So in my opinion, what we should have is a sections for teens, and a section for adult subjects like sex, etc. And have that age restricted. I think that would be the best thing to do.

Quote:I agree with Anastasia. Have some sections restricted.

I am 100% for this. However, I know massage is free and really won't hurt anything, so if there was a way to verify age and keep two forums that one age cannot get into and vice versa, we could prevent the little kids from potentially hurting themselves and messing with hormones. They aren't even developed from puberty yet! Yes, I've been on birth control since I went to a gynecologist and told them I passed out from my period and they knew I needed it. But everybody trying to get into hormones before they are done growing is not okay! This is coming from me, who knows a few kids in middle school (7th grade) who have reproduced already.

I was, for lack of a better word, a moderator for several years on an adult forum for CompuServe. What we did was require a credit card. That way, if Mommy or Daddy gives a 14 yr old a credit card, then they are releasing a lot of control of said juvenile. It saved us from "Contributing to the delinquency of Minors" due to the fact that we showed we did as much as legally possible to keep under ager's out.

Just a thought.

Just a thought: I'm 19 years old and live in Austria. I don't have a credit card! So how should people like me get access to the adult forum?

Well, that would be dependent on how deep they wanted to go. We also discussed having new member's photo copy a driver's license with their Social Security and Address blackened out for privacy reason's. But that was ruled out because of the man power and hassle factor involved. In our case, you wouldn't of been allowed access.

Well I think most people wouldn't give privacy informations about theirselves in a forum (like a copy of a drivin license or adress to get access to a forum).

I agree with you all,that there should be a own category for teens,but I can't agree with closing the rest of the forum for them.
They are warned aboutconsequences and it's their own problem if they try herbal things. They'll find out about this methods anyway...

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