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Hi everybody, I am new to this site although I have been browsing it for some time now. I'm just not sure what to do and need some direction cuz I dont know what the heck anybody is talking about on this site.

Heres My Story:
I just turned 20 years old. When I was 18 i found out I was pregnant with twins. Wanting to do everything I could for my children I decided to breastfeed. I only breastfed for 8 weeks because it became extremely exhausting. Before I was pregnant I was a D I'm sittin at what feels like a high B or low C up. And i feel like my breasts look like they are 45 years old...not 20. I'm to the point that when I look in the mirror I cry because they dont look the same anymore. I would really like some help with this and I know that everything works differently for everyone but I really dont even know where to start. Right now I'm on the Implant for birth control and plan to stay on it for the next 2.5 years. PLEASE HELP... any advice is welcome.    

I would recommend the noogleberry breast pump. It helps a lot with making your breasts fuller.

As a plus, women who've been pregnant/and or have had larger breasts before seem to respond well to it.

(29-11-2012, 16:11)back2norml Wrote:  Hi everybody, I am new to this site although I have been browsing it for some time now. I'm just not sure what to do and need some direction cuz I dont know what the heck anybody is talking about on this site.

Heres My Story:
I just turned 20 years old. When I was 18 i found out I was pregnant with twins. Wanting to do everything I could for my children I decided to breastfeed. I only breastfed for 8 weeks because it became extremely exhausting. Before I was pregnant I was a D I'm sittin at what feels like a high B or low C up. And i feel like my breasts look like they are 45 years old...not 20. I'm to the point that when I look in the mirror I cry because they dont look the same anymore. I would really like some help with this and I know that everything works differently for everyone but I really dont even know where to start. Right now I'm on the Implant for birth control and plan to stay on it for the next 2.5 years. PLEASE HELP... any advice is welcome.

I've just started on my NBE journey as well. All I know from what I've researched and read, is that this isn't something that is going to be a quick fix with minimal effort. I think it will be somewhat of a lengthy journey, with a lot of trial and error, but worth it in the end.

I have started on fenugreek and fennel. I also use Red clover extract. I was using olive oil but now will be using almond oil (as a base oil) added with geranium essential oil for my breast massage. I started this NBE journey on the first of this month (Nov) and have been massaging twice daily (morning and evening). I have noticed my breasts feel a little firmer and are constantly sore, which I've read, is a good sign. Sure the massage is time consuming, but it's something that is essential to any NBE regimen (in my opinion).

I'm still researching what else I want to add to my regimen. That's the thing about NBE. Too little in your regimen, you won't see results. Too much, guess what? No results either. Finding that "sweet spot" is the hard part, but I believe it is attainable! Keeping a positive attitude is also important in this NBE journey Smile

Oh, and my stats are: 31 years old, mother of two, breastfed, 36C. I know what breastfeeding does to our boobs as mine somewhat sag as well, but like I said, I have been seeing some improvement with my daily breast massage. Good luck!

I always recommend testing before doing an NBE protocol. Your fat loss is due to the prolactin storing milk in your breasts so your main focus now is going back to your normal balance of hormone levels. Now that the milk has gone down a lot, you are left with sacs needing to be filled.
Time to restore fat!

Pumping can help, but I think that should come later as it may promote more of prolactin spikes than anything. Prolactin I read, competes with progesterone and progesterone builds the lobules. Prolactin maybe what you need to avoid (not sure because we don't know your current hormone levels ).

But you can def get your pre size back. I seen it happen 90% of the time.

Take a hormonal panel, this will guide you in what herbs you need to take.

Please don't guess, it will just waste your time and money. Plus, you owe it to yourself to know where you stand, there may be some things you need to adress in that panel that can save your health in the future. You are a mother, so your body has changed alot since before.

I really appreciate all the support...didnt know if I would get much help at all. I know this isnt going to be easy but I have just started school and my fiance told me that in 5 years, when I complete my degree, I could get a breast augmentation surgically if I still want to. But he thinks that in the mean time I should try natural breat enhancement to see if I can get to a comfortable size without surgery which I though was a wonderful idea as well. I have already started olive oil massages morning and evening and I've began to detox from caffine because I'm trying to cut that out as well... but that is as far as I have gone. The thing about hormones is that I'm not even sure where I can get my levels tested and how much it will cost me because I dont have insurance. I was reading up on all the supplements that you can take but then reading on here I dont want to take something until I know what my levels are and can be given proper advice. Are there any like little things, exercises or diet changes that I can do while I'm trying to figure out how/when I can get my levels tested?? Again I really appreciate all the support this is really not easy for me to talk about because outwardly I am a very confident person and have tried not to let this bug me but it just keeps eating away at me and I want to do something about it. I'm only 20 for heavens sake!!

(30-11-2012, 18:33)back2norml Wrote:  I really appreciate all the support...didnt know if I would get much help at all. I know this isnt going to be easy but I have just started school and my fiance told me that in 5 years, when I complete my degree, I could get a breast augmentation surgically if I still want to. But he thinks that in the mean time I should try natural breat enhancement to see if I can get to a comfortable size without surgery which I though was a wonderful idea as well. I have already started olive oil massages morning and evening and I've began to detox from caffine because I'm trying to cut that out as well... but that is as far as I have gone. The thing about hormones is that I'm not even sure where I can get my levels tested and how much it will cost me because I dont have insurance. I was reading up on all the supplements that you can take but then reading on here I dont want to take something until I know what my levels are and can be given proper advice. Are there any like little things, exercises or diet changes that I can do while I'm trying to figure out how/when I can get my levels tested?? Again I really appreciate all the support this is really not easy for me to talk about because outwardly I am a very confident person and have tried not to let this bug me but it just keeps eating away at me and I want to do something about it. I'm only 20 for heavens sake!!

I have used these guys:

They are the cheapest and you can have so much tested that other expensive tests will not offer. They will read your results to, free of charge!


I just wanted to pop in an say that I absolutely love your breasts as they are now. They are still a really nice size, i'd kill to have boobs like that. Try not to be too hard on yourself and think of what a wonderful gift you've given your children. You have the breasts of a woman now!

Whatever you decided to do, remember to stick with some basics.

Massage is always good, use your favorite oil.
Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water.
Eat right, a balanced diet can really help with NBE.
Be positive, mind and body are connected.

Have a look around the site. You can also start on suction therapy, herbs, hypnosis. Something is bound to work for you.

Cheers and good luck Smile

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