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7 mths til Breast Aug surgery if can't get BO to work


I just wanted to chime In that although I've only gained 2 inches in over a year, I have gained two cup sizes! Arguably before I measured the extra inches! Because we are looking for volume and not perimeter, you may fill out out at the sides, or underboob or any other of the quadrants before you notice projection.
The best way to gauge growth is pictures! Smile

(29-07-2015, 07:30)Anastasia916 Wrote:  LissaMac, being formerly a AA so much smaller than you are, I feel your pain. NBE TAKES TIME!!! I can't emphasize that enough, I've been doing it off and on for YEARS! You cannot expect to recreate puberty (which is what we are doing), a process that takes years and expect it to work super fast, and with cutting corners. You mentioned not massaging, not noogling... and you're doing a BO program without protein... sorry to say this, but that's cutting corners. I'm one of the ones that grew from a BO program, quite a bit actually. And it took TIME, persistence, patience, consistency, etc etc. I understand not wanting to do the protein shakes, then up your protein in your diet, that's what I did most the time. I would eat tons of tuna, peanut butter, meat in general, etc etc. You'd be surprised how much proteins are in food when you start measuring it all out. Start paying attention to the protein you already consume then just increase it to the amount needed. If you don't want to noogle that's fine, but massage is ESSENTIAL! Not only to grow but to shape, perk, etc. I'm now a 32D/34C depending on what I find in that brand of bra, and I'm 28 now and my guy tells me I have tits that look like an 18 year old. Why? Because I massage! Any successful person that has grown with NBE did so with massage in their routine. Those are just my thoughts though.

You are right Anastasia. 100% right and you are a true inspiration. I want that magic pill and it just doesn't exist. Well there is magic surgery but I don't want that or I'd have done it in my early 20s not now when I'm closing in on 40.
I started massaging morning and night last week as I knew I had to do it I was just being lazy. But I'm doing it now and that is what matters.
I packed a protein rich lunch today. I ate 55g of protein yesterday and already ate 30 grams today and dinner is chicken and I plan to have carrots with peanut butter for dessert. I'm still researching protein sources I'll actually eat. I just can't do the protein shakes anymore unless someone can suggest a non-whey based one that actually tastes good. I found out whenever I drank milk or had the whey protein powder my face broke out in cystic acne. My face has never looked so good since stopping both of those.

I've just started a pea protein powder by "natureade" off iherb. It's vanilla flavoured and non allergenic. Tastes really good too. There's other pea protein powders on iherb too infused with pro/prebitics etc too

(05-08-2015, 01:26)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  I've just started a pea protein powder by "natureade" off iherb. It's vanilla flavoured and non allergenic. Tastes really good too. There's other pea protein powders on iherb too infused with pro/prebitics etc too

I might have to check that out. What do you mix it with?

(05-08-2015, 03:26)LissaMac Wrote:  
(05-08-2015, 01:26)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  I've just started a pea protein powder by "natureade" off iherb. It's vanilla flavoured and non allergenic. Tastes really good too. There's other pea protein powders on iherb too infused with pro/prebitics etc too

I might have to check that out. What do you mix it with?
I use coconut water personally or my greens superfood mix

Just a quick update. I've been on BO for almost 14 months now and I've seen no growth. I've added a vibrating bra that I use morning and night and just bought an electrode breast stimulator so I'm not giving up, but might stop all pills when the last of them run out in a few weeks.

For anyone needing regularity to their cycles or wanting to become fertile, I swear the Chasteberry is the ticket. I had endometrial ablation 4.5 years ago and have not had a period since and now I spot on occassion (which sucks) so if you really downed those pills I bet they'd work wonders. IMHO

(05-08-2015, 00:41)LissaMac Wrote:  
(29-07-2015, 07:30)Anastasia916 Wrote:  LissaMac, being formerly a AA so much smaller than you are, I feel your pain. NBE TAKES TIME!!! I can't emphasize that enough, I've been doing it off and on for YEARS! You cannot expect to recreate puberty (which is what we are doing), a process that takes years and expect it to work super fast, and with cutting corners. You mentioned not massaging, not noogling... and you're doing a BO program without protein... sorry to say this, but that's cutting corners. I'm one of the ones that grew from a BO program, quite a bit actually. And it took TIME, persistence, patience, consistency, etc etc. I understand not wanting to do the protein shakes, then up your protein in your diet, that's what I did most the time. I would eat tons of tuna, peanut butter, meat in general, etc etc. You'd be surprised how much proteins are in food when you start measuring it all out. Start paying attention to the protein you already consume then just increase it to the amount needed. If you don't want to noogle that's fine, but massage is ESSENTIAL! Not only to grow but to shape, perk, etc. I'm now a 32D/34C depending on what I find in that brand of bra, and I'm 28 now and my guy tells me I have tits that look like an 18 year old. Why? Because I massage! Any successful person that has grown with NBE did so with massage in their routine. Those are just my thoughts though.

You are right Anastasia. 100% right and you are a true inspiration. I want that magic pill and it just doesn't exist. Well there is magic surgery but I don't want that or I'd have done it in my early 20s not now when I'm closing in on 40.
I started massaging morning and night last week as I knew I had to do it I was just being lazy. But I'm doing it now and that is what matters.
I packed a protein rich lunch today. I ate 55g of protein yesterday and already ate 30 grams today and dinner is chicken and I plan to have carrots with peanut butter for dessert. I'm still researching protein sources I'll actually eat. I just can't do the protein shakes anymore unless someone can suggest a non-whey based one that actually tastes good. I found out whenever I drank milk or had the whey protein powder my face broke out in cystic acne. My face has never looked so good since stopping both of those.

I think you should take BO for 6 months at 4 pills a day then at ur 6th month add testosterone. And maybe raise your pills to 6 a day.
Since BO converts T to E that should help you.

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