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Help! I am so confused


hey everyone! 
I am totally new and bumped into this forum while googling maca root and how it helps with breast augmentation.

 a little about me, I am 24 years old, a bit chubby  
160 cms tall and 64 kilos
I was fatter as a teenger and lost a lot of weight , sadly my breasts came down from a full C (almost a D) 
to a B and some days they swell up to a full and nice B 
I do not want to make them so much bigger, maybe a nice full C , I like them small and perky, but somedays they are too small, and my left one is smaller than my right breast, also the right one has lost its perkiness. they are asymmetrical and sometimes it makes me self conscious when naked in front of men.
I even have been thinking about surgery, to make them more symmetrical and some lift. but honestly If I can even make them a tiney bit perkier and fuller naturally I will be happy. 

I can buy some maca and flax seed easily, but I dont know if those will help me and when should I take them during my menustral cycle? I have read so much around here but I am only confused and I would like to hear from someone with more experience. 
I am willing to massage them with some oil , I dont know which oil though and how often, I have found nice  youtube videos with massage techniques. 
also does progesterone cream help with firmness? if not what does? 
other than that I don't know which herbal supplements to get, but Fennel, Goats rue , Chaste tree, have all gotten my attention from a random post i saw on here, but really after so many techniques and names I am willing to start just with the flax seed and maca. 

plus, I am not on birth control neither do I want to be, it makes me so depressed and emotional.

I had done some blood work a few months go
I dont know if they are relevant, they are done during the luteal phase 
Prolactin 238.0 mIU/l 
Somatomedin C (IGF-1) 234 ng/ml

thanks to anyone that will help.  234234


Try massaging the small breast only whilst taking herbs and hopefully you can encourage it to catch up with the other. This actually works in some cases, so it's worth a try.

I don't know a huge amount about Maca but it's only one of your options. I got good growth some years ago now using several herbs, mainly fenugreek, fennel and hops.

I found most macas didnt do too much for me.
When i found "world botanicals maca" ( a blend of maca ) this really helped my cycle become regular.
It didnt however help me gain weight ( boobs) BUT.... I really struggle gaining weight anyway! There are many over the years who found maca helped immensenly. 

My naturopathic doctor who is highly rated with very high commendations suggested to only take maca for 3 months to balance your cycle otherwise it might go against you. 

Flaxseed i have heard nothing but good things but my personal belief its not necessarily going to help you grow breasts by way of estrogen but rather help metabolize the estrogen you have into the "right" direction... detox pathways and what not...

Progesterone... Ive been on enough forums over the years to know it can be helpful IF you actually need it... At 24 i just dont know ... (tests would confirm for you)...
Ive trialled progesterone knowing that i do in fact need it but its strong stuff. Not to be messed with unless the real need for.. It can mess you up too if you dont in fact need it.

Re maca.... the raw maca i find is awesome! boosts my libido big time.. But upon my studies people consumed it cooked traditionally ( gelatinized) and that one doesnt quite do it for me. Its trial and error really. Raw can really do a number on your gut! Gelatinized not.

Im personally taking chasteberry ( only cause my hormones are a mess) and i do so at the risk of having too much and risking shrinking boobs .. A little vitex can be helpful but a lot not so much (this you can find online).

The goats rue and fennel  tread carefully. They act similiarlily and i learnt that the hard way -not to be messed with. If you were intent on trying id do one or the other. Goats Rue I read can help build mammary tissue but it can also give you some nasty side effects (cardiac wise) which i learnt the hard way which put me in hospital. 

Anything you DO try do so under guidance of a herbalist who can asses your particular needs , they can then asses your hormone deficiencies and be honest in the respect that you lost alot of breast tissue with the weight loss and that you'd like to regain what you lost ( that way embarrasment aside you are honestly seeing what a professional in that field might suggest in your particular case).  Thats the approach i would take given the chance. 

My ND who has a PHD for what its worth suggested maca no longer than 3 months before it might interfere with the hormone process. 

Hope this might help.

(16-06-2017, 03:55)VickyA Wrote:  Try massaging the small breast only whilst taking herbs and hopefully you can encourage it to catch up with the other. This actually works in some cases, so it's worth a try.

I don't know a huge amount about Maca but it's only one of your options. I got good growth some years ago now using several herbs, mainly fenugreek, fennel and hops.

Hi VickyA, I tried sending you a private message...

Could you please let me know how much hops you were taking? Did you cycle your herbs? Also, did you maintain your growth after you stopped taking the herbs? Sorry for all the questions!! I recently started taking hops. I'm not sure if it's a strong phytoestrogen or not because some sources claim that it's actually the strongest (along with pueraria mirifica) but others say that it's not that strong.

Sorry Loversinjapan for taking over your thread!

Hi am also pretty new to NBE this forum is great for info and alot of experience from various people...
One thing you have on your side is age - the closer to puberty the better results.
I guess you need to work out a few key concepts to NBE
- do you want to ingest herbs?
- do you want to ingest whole foods or drinks
- do you want to use food based topicals eg. Oils
- do you want to use herb based topicals
- do you want to massage
- do you want to noogle
The easiest and safest is massage there are various techniques and just a base oil can do it. Some use flaxseed oil as it has NBE properties.  Others add essential oils to boost circulation or add the skin tone.
More expense but non-herbal is noogleberry - suction device but it is longterm and it can be time consuming and you need some privacy daily and time set aside but apparently helpful with those with asymmetrical breast (suction sml breast).
Topicals are things such as volufiline, breast creams containing PM or other known breast enhancing herbs these can be expensive.
Wholefood ingestion are things such as  foods known to contain herbs that mimic or kick start hormones in our bodies - knowledge n balance is the key here.
And last and most cautionous category is herbal supplements - while some get fast great results with no troubles there are alot of stories about women who have messed their cycles up and thrown their bodies into chaos because of using herbs so this one requires caution, research and monitoring.

Other things to mention is that all natural breast enhancement is long-term project there is no one month treatment or quick fixes most methods require atleast 4month commitment and some much longer to see any results. And the other important thing is nutrition - you need to give your body what it needs to grow or improve your breast (you cant grow plants in depleted soil same goes for your body). 

But as i said you have age on your side and this forum is great for info - when looking through them checkout people's age, experience with NBE and what route they have chosen to take eg herbs, massage, noogle etc. Some suggest things then never come back to tell results or look for experience over quick results! 

Hope this helps! 

(27-06-2017, 19:10)bettie32 Wrote:  Could you please let me know how much hops you were taking? Did you cycle your herbs? Also, did you maintain your growth after you stopped taking the herbs?

For the record, I took 3720mg of hops daily (that's just how the capsule amounts worked out). I didn't cycle my herbs. I did maintain my growth after I stopped taking the herbs, at least for some years. I did notice some loss eventually.

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