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Redqueen - My program for beautiful C cups


May 02, 2008#1
Hey everyone,
I've been following this forum for the past few months and thought I'd add my program as well in the hopes it could help others when I succeed!

Starting specs, taken about a month ago, before starting:
overbust = 31.5"
bust = 32"nipple to underbust = 3"
nipple to overbust area = 5 1/8" right breast and 5 1/4" left breast

So far my routine is:
Mirifem Full Potential Pills, 1 pill 2x a day, as directed
1 cup of yummy chocolate soya milk at night (haven't been religious about it, but trying to be)
Breast massage at least once a day, at night time. Have been doing the under the nipple/bottom of breast pressure point area and around the nipple and close to the armpit.
Will soon be adding blossom soap and Mirifem Full Potential cream, once they arrive in the mail.
Hemp seed oil capsules (supposedly better that flax when matching the proportion of 3-6-9 fatty acids that our bodies needs).
Multi-vitamin and mineral everyday, and usually a bit of wheatgrass/barley grass supplement with juice for added nutrients

I've been on it for almost 4 weeks, but missed a day or two recently - oops!
I have definitely noticed some aching/semi-sharp pains in my breasts, but mainly my left one. The right one has some catching up to do, so hopefully it will follow suit. Noticed that today my left breast seemed fuller in both of my bra's than previously.

And, I thought I would add that I was on the birth control and after going off of them two months ago I noticed the fullness on the top of breasts deflated a bit. Not too mention I had a bad flu and probably lost a pound or so (and being of slender build, it seems to leave my upper body before my tush, unfortunately). I also have read that its not good to be on the bill and doing the NBE at the same time, though I've seen other places that say its okay. Seems like it would be too much of a conflict with hormone levels..

Might start taking the pills 3x a day, not sure yet..
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Unread postMay 15, 2008#2
So, I've been on full potential pills for the past month and a half and in addition to the pill once a day 2x a day, I drink a cup of soymilk and a teaspoon of fennel seeds in the evening. I've also been doing daily massage with full potential cream and I have the blossom soap that I use every other day.

So.. I've noticed my larger breast - the left one - has gotten a bit bigger and I measured.
From the nipple to underbust its gotten about 1/2" bigger! yay!

But, the right breast still is a bit smaller. It better catch up soon - I don't want lopsided breasts!!

Interesting to note, as well: I read in another thread in the main forum, I think, about asian woman promoting either estrogenic or progesteronic herbs during certain times of the month. I remember after my last period, for a couple of weeks I would get the pains in my left breast more frequently and intensely, and then for the past few weeks, they were a bit less intense. I've had my period again, so since its the beginning of a new cycle it'll be interesting to see if that is repeated.

I'll continue doing what I've been doing so far! Right boobie catch up!


Unread postMay 21, 2008#3
Quote:Hey everyone,
I've been following this forum for the past few months and thought I'd add my program as well in the hopes it could help others when I succeed!

Starting specs, taken about a month ago, before starting:
overbust = 31.5"
bust = 32"nipple to underbust = 3"
nipple to overbust area = 5 1/8" right breast and 5 1/4" left breast

So far my routine is:
Mirifem Full Potential Pills, 1 pill 2x a day, as directed
1 cup of yummy chocolate soya milk at night (haven't been religious about it, but trying to be)
Breast massage at least once a day, at night time. Have been doing the under the nipple/bottom of breast pressure point area and around the nipple and close to the armpit.
Will soon be adding blossom soap and Mirifem Full Potential cream, once they arrive in the mail.
Hemp seed oil capsules (supposedly better that flax when matching the proportion of 3-6-9 fatty acids that our bodies needs).
Multi-vitamin and mineral everyday, and usually a bit of wheatgrass/barley grass supplement with juice for added nutrients

I've been on it for almost 4 weeks, but missed a day or two recently - oops!
I have definitely noticed some aching/semi-sharp pains in my breasts, but mainly my left one. The right one has some catching up to do, so hopefully it will follow suit. Noticed that today my left breast seemed fuller in both of my bra's than previously.

And, I thought I would add that I was on the birth control and after going off of them two months ago I noticed the fullness on the top of breasts deflated a bit. Not too mention I had a bad flu and probably lost a pound or so (and being of slender build, it seems to leave my upper body before my tush, unfortunately). I also have read that its not good to be on the bill and doing the NBE at the same time, though I've seen other places that say its okay. Seems like it would be too much of a conflict with hormone levels..

Might start taking the pills 3x a day, not sure yet..
I've decided to up the amount of soymilk and fenugreek seed I have a day.

My modified routine is as follows:

1 Full Potential Pill
1 multivitamin & hemp seed oil capsule
1 cup of soymilk
1 tsn of fenugreek seed

Midday (I'll try to do everyday):
1 cup of fennel tea

Repeat of AM plus massage (using tigerlily's pressure points system) with FP cream.

With my last post, I think I was a bit overgenerous with the measuring. I have more like a 1/4" growth in my left breast and it looks fuller than before.

And correction: Looking back at my journal, starting day was April 5th and even then I wasn't consistent with the soymilk and fenugreek seed in the evening. So it's not even been two months (I won't count the one week end of march when I took the pill, then stopped for the next week and a half because I was sick).


Unread postJun 13, 2008#4
Quote:Hey everyone,
I've been following this forum for the past few months and thought I'd add my program as well in the hopes it could help others when I succeed!

Starting specs, taken about a month ago, before starting:
overbust = 31.5"
bust = 32"nipple to underbust = 3"
nipple to overbust area = 5 1/8" right breast and 5 1/4" left breast

So far my routine is:
Mirifem Full Potential Pills, 1 pill 2x a day, as directed
1 cup of yummy chocolate soya milk at night (haven't been religious about it, but trying to be)
Breast massage at least once a day, at night time. Have been doing the under the nipple/bottom of breast pressure point area and around the nipple and close to the armpit.
Will soon be adding blossom soap and Mirifem Full Potential cream, once they arrive in the mail.
Hemp seed oil capsules (supposedly better that flax when matching the proportion of 3-6-9 fatty acids that our bodies needs).
Multi-vitamin and mineral everyday, and usually a bit of wheatgrass/barley grass supplement with juice for added nutrients

I've been on it for almost 4 weeks, but missed a day or two recently - oops!
I have definitely noticed some aching/semi-sharp pains in my breasts, but mainly my left one. The right one has some catching up to do, so hopefully it will follow suit. Noticed that today my left breast seemed fuller in both of my bra's than previously.

And, I thought I would add that I was on the birth control and after going off of them two months ago I noticed the fullness on the top of breasts deflated a bit. Not too mention I had a bad flu and probably lost a pound or so (and being of slender build, it seems to leave my upper body before my tush, unfortunately). I also have read that its not good to be on the bill and doing the NBE at the same time, though I've seen other places that say its okay. Seems like it would be too much of a conflict with hormone levels..

Might start taking the pills 3x a day, not sure yet..
Okay.. change of plans part 2:

Due to the acne problem, I've done a bit of research and decided to stop taking Full Potential pills for now. Also worth noting that I was on FP for about two months and did not see much real growth, except initially a bit more fullness in my left breast (and i guess about 1/4" growth, wasn't 1/2" after measuring once more).

Started today with:

1 multivitamin 2 x per day
1 hemp seed oil capsule 2 x per day = 2000mg
Saw Palmetto 500mg x 2 per day = 1000mg to start
Red Clover 500mg x 2 per day = 1000mg to start

Plus dry massages and might still use the blossom soap I have.. not sure yet (don't want to overdo it).

Will probably ramp up to 1500mg of each per day starting next week.

And, that's a wrap!


Unread postJun 30, 2008#5
Quote:Hey everyone,
I've been following this forum for the past few months and thought I'd add my program as well in the hopes it could help others when I succeed!

Starting specs, taken about a month ago, before starting:
overbust = 31.5"
bust = 32"nipple to underbust = 3"
nipple to overbust area = 5 1/8" right breast and 5 1/4" left breast

So far my routine is:
Mirifem Full Potential Pills, 1 pill 2x a day, as directed
1 cup of yummy chocolate soya milk at night (haven't been religious about it, but trying to be)
Breast massage at least once a day, at night time. Have been doing the under the nipple/bottom of breast pressure point area and around the nipple and close to the armpit.
Will soon be adding blossom soap and Mirifem Full Potential cream, once they arrive in the mail.
Hemp seed oil capsules (supposedly better that flax when matching the proportion of 3-6-9 fatty acids that our bodies needs).
Multi-vitamin and mineral everyday, and usually a bit of wheatgrass/barley grass supplement with juice for added nutrients

I've been on it for almost 4 weeks, but missed a day or two recently - oops!
I have definitely noticed some aching/semi-sharp pains in my breasts, but mainly my left one. The right one has some catching up to do, so hopefully it will follow suit. Noticed that today my left breast seemed fuller in both of my bra's than previously.

And, I thought I would add that I was on the birth control and after going off of them two months ago I noticed the fullness on the top of breasts deflated a bit. Not too mention I had a bad flu and probably lost a pound or so (and being of slender build, it seems to leave my upper body before my tush, unfortunately). I also have read that its not good to be on the bill and doing the NBE at the same time, though I've seen other places that say its okay. Seems like it would be too much of a conflict with hormone levels..

Might start taking the pills 3x a day, not sure yet..
I've been on the red clover and saw palmetto for about two weeks. I remember that the first few days of this combination I felt the most aching and swelling than I ever experienced with FP. But, I have increased the dose to 1500mg and haven't felt a whole lot lately. It's possible it could be too much for me as I did read on wikipedia about phytoestrogens stimulating cell growth in small doses but inhibiting cell proliferation in larger doses. So, maybe 1000mg is a better quantity. Or could just be a cyclical thing where I don't feel so much now. A week or so ago my boyfriend and I both decided my breasts did look a little fuller (though nothing drastic).

Also worth noting - I've been having my periods fairly regular for the past several months since quitting bcp. I have them about every 5-6 weeks and this last time it was so freaking light I was almost uncertain it was my period. But it was pretty much on time and there were practically no cramps to speak of (which was not the case previously, post-bcp).

My skin seems to be not breaking out too bad, although I noticed that a certain area on my back got better while another got worse. Just one of those things I guess. Was using MD formulations for about a week and a half and wasn't too impressed so switched to Juice Beauty the past few days and have been impressed with the results. Seems the clear skin sample kit is drying out (without drying out my skin too much) the acne I do have.

Also trying to eat a bit healthier and not have so much junk food. I go through cycles where I get a bit junky with my eating, then I back off and am better about it. This is the beginning of the 'getting better' habits. But I still indulge in my sweet tooth. Also trying to minimize dairy intake as I've read that can aggravate acne (along with sugar, additives, etc).



Unread postAug 04, 2008#6
Quote:Hey everyone,
I've been following this forum for the past few months and thought I'd add my program as well in the hopes it could help others when I succeed!

Starting specs, taken about a month ago, before starting:
overbust = 31.5"
bust = 32"nipple to underbust = 3"
nipple to overbust area = 5 1/8" right breast and 5 1/4" left breast

So far my routine is:
Mirifem Full Potential Pills, 1 pill 2x a day, as directed
1 cup of yummy chocolate soya milk at night (haven't been religious about it, but trying to be)
Breast massage at least once a day, at night time. Have been doing the under the nipple/bottom of breast pressure point area and around the nipple and close to the armpit.
Will soon be adding blossom soap and Mirifem Full Potential cream, once they arrive in the mail.
Hemp seed oil capsules (supposedly better that flax when matching the proportion of 3-6-9 fatty acids that our bodies needs).
Multi-vitamin and mineral everyday, and usually a bit of wheatgrass/barley grass supplement with juice for added nutrients

I've been on it for almost 4 weeks, but missed a day or two recently - oops!
I have definitely noticed some aching/semi-sharp pains in my breasts, but mainly my left one. The right one has some catching up to do, so hopefully it will follow suit. Noticed that today my left breast seemed fuller in both of my bra's than previously.

And, I thought I would add that I was on the birth control and after going off of them two months ago I noticed the fullness on the top of breasts deflated a bit. Not too mention I had a bad flu and probably lost a pound or so (and being of slender build, it seems to leave my upper body before my tush, unfortunately). I also have read that its not good to be on the bill and doing the NBE at the same time, though I've seen other places that say its okay. Seems like it would be too much of a conflict with hormone levels..

Might start taking the pills 3x a day, not sure yet..
As of today I've decided I will take two Red Clover a day (as I have been doing for a few weeks) but go back up to 3 Saw Palmetto a day as when I was taking 3 SP + 3 RC I didn't have breast aches but my acne seemed to clear up a bit and when I went back down to 2 each it started getting bad again). I've also changed up my skincare routine with a natural salycilic acid peel being used every day to every other day, which seems to be helping the most recent flare ups. I'm going to take a bit of a break from RC for a few days but continue with SP but do it 3x a day.

Note: Have noticed a bit more achiness since going back to two SP + RC a day and noticably more with less caffeine in the morning.

No noticable growth although my boyfriend has mentioned lately that they look a bit bigger, but I don't think totally agree with him... maybe he's just trying to be supportive or something - who knows!

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