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Coffee helping growth?


Thank you Andy! I have cut down my morning coffee by about 50% so there is progress being made. :- )

(11-02-2011, 20:39)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Mirror Boy, stop trying to give advice like you know what the hell you are talking about, this is the 2nd time you have given bad advice. I know for a fact caffeine DOES inhibit breast growth when on an herbal NBE program, how do I know? From experience!!! When I did an herbal program and didn't know about the caffeine thing, I didn't grow. When I learned about it and tried again, low and behold I grew. It's really not hard to stop caffeine and it's actually BETTER for your health all around. I still to this day do not drink much caffeine since I stopped it years ago for NBE. Why? Because it's not a need. I still have coffee, decaf coffee. I still have sodas and tea, all decaf. I sometimes have caffeinated drinks but it's usually when I have no other choice, and it's usually only one. And I can tell you this, I feel alot better than when I use to drink alot of caffeine. Before stopping for NBE I would have 2 cups of coffee in the morning, then caffeinated teas and sodas throughout the day. There was always the bursts of energy then the crashes, and then the headaches when I didn't get enough caffeine that my body came accustomed to. So why be a slave to caffeine? Just so you won't get headaches? I love my life and how I feel alot more now than I did then. Saying you shouldn't give up something you enjoy just because it might help, that's like saying someone shouldn't stop smoking or drinking alcohol all the time, when those things can inhibit growth also and are bad for your health just like caffeine. So yea, I say it's best to cut the caffeine out as much as someone can. I stopped it completely and am glad I did.

I would like to see the evidence you are referencing that says caffeine in general and coffee in particular are bad for your health. I am a health professional, I do follow things like this, and EVERYTHING I have read in the past 5 to 10 years either fails to provide ANY evidence what-so-ever that caffeine is detrimental to health (even when the intent of the research was to prove just that hypothesis) or actually finds benefit from coffee and tea consumption (turns out BOTH coffee and tea are chock full of anti-oxidants.)

I won't dispute your assertion that caffeine prevented you from increasing your bust size since I don't know exactly what you were doing the first time and what you did subsequently. But I would be willing to take a wager that you changed other things in addition to ceasing caffeine consumption the second time around, and if that is true, in all honesty, you can't know for sure that caffeine was the culprit. If only all research were as easy as trying it yourself like that.

My personal experience as a coffee drinker who has developed very pronounced gynecomastia is that I got plenty of growth (taking primarily PM) while continuing my previous levels of coffee consumption. Drawing a comparison to smoking is pure fantasy as smoking (even second-hand smoke) has demonstrable deleterious effects on the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems, some of which can be fatal. This simply isn't the case with caffeine/coffee.

You know what? Don't believe me; read it for yourself. Here are the first few results from a google search on "evidence that coffee is bad for your health":

This is hardly an exhaustive nor scientific literature review. If you only read one link, read the first one from the Harvard School of Public Health in which they state:
Quote:I think the evidence is good that for people in general—outside of a few populations, such as pregnant women, or people who have trouble controlling their blood pressure or blood sugar—coffee is one of the good, healthy beverage choices.

Another quote from the last link above says:
Quote:"By and large, the studies (2) show that coffee is far more beneficial than it is harmful," says Tomas DePaulis, PhD, researcher at Vanderbilt University's Institute for Coffee Studies, which conducts its own research and tracks coffee studies around the globe. For most individuals, studies show that very little bad comes from drinking coffee, but a lot of good.

I've been told by many doctors and such over the years that caffeine in large amounts (which the average American does do large amounts daily) is bad for your health. I didn't literally mean the coffee, I meant the caffeine in it. I drink decaf coffee and herbal teas, sometimes green tea. But I only have MAYBE 2 drinks per day with caffeine in them, sometimes none at all. The key here is moderation. Anything can be bad for you if it's done in too large of quantities. If you eat healthy but are consuming way too many calories per day, you will gain weight and not lose. Same difference. I've also read that caffeine in high quantities throughout a lifetime causing people to have adrenal fatigue. I'm not saying small amounts aren't good. That's like with alcohol, large quantities can kill you, but a glass of wine per day is shown to help with health. I think same thing is applied here. I just don't see the big deal when many here and on other NBE forums have said that when they drank caffeine they felt it inhibited their growth, I feel the same. So what is so hard about stopping it just while your on a NBE program? If people can grow and still have their caffeine great, but for me, when I'm on an herbal routine I cut out all caffeine just to be on the safe side. I barely have caffeine now as is, so no biggie for me. Before NBE I had way too much and I can tell you, going off of it the first time was no walk in the park. My body was dependent on it to function, etc. How is that good for you in large quantities when it causes that effect when you don't have it? Kind of sounds like being addicted to a drug in my opinion. I also feel better now then I did when I had way too much caffeine everyday. But that's my opinion. I think you could get the anti-oxidants out of decaf coffee just as easily as you could caffeinated coffee. I didn't mean to start a debate, yet here you are barking down my throat like I committed a crime only sharing information I have been told for years. Anyway, this is all I have to say on the subject. I'm not going to be ridiculed for trying to help people on here.

EDIT: I just reread what I said and what was quoted. NO WHERE in what I said did I say coffee was bad for your health, the entire time I was saying excessive amounts of CAFFEINE is. Please read what I say before accusing me of saying something I didn't, thanks.

My opinion is that caffein is bad. FOR ME. I so loved the taste of coffee! I would have a cup in the morning, a cup before lunch, two-three cups in the afternoon. It would give me the boost of energy! That was until I started paying attention to the way I feel, to my health. Western people are (mainly) skeptical about things like ayurveda, chinese medicine, anything non-traditional. So things like "energy" mean nothing to people like chrishoney. But for those of you who can think outside of the box I will repeat the words of my yoga teacher: coffee can not GIVE you energy! There's no magical stuff in it that says "energy". What it does is actually TAKE YOUR energy! You feel the boost of energy afetr a cup or two but where is it coming from? This one is tricky to expain Smile There're two type of energy in your body: "external" and "internal". Try to think of it like this: "internal" is the energy needed for your organs to "maintain/cleanse" themselves. "External" - this is whet you feel "the boost" of energy. So what caffeine really does is to make your "internal" energy "external"! So you will overstimulate your organs to "give" energy more and more. You won't have enough to "maintain" your organs. Maybe it's worth listening to his words, just because ayurveda is 5 or 6 thousands years old. Or maybe because what you put into your body should make you healthier! Smile

Well I wanted to report back and say that I have completely cut out my morning cup of coffee for the past week. And the first few days I had mild headaches but I don't know if that was related to the coffee or not. It's not like I was drinking a whole lot of caffeine anyways, (only the coffee), but I do feel a little better. I will report any changes in breast growth rate if anything happens. I've also made a huge lifestyle change in that I am trying to eat as much organic and natural foods as possible. I want to be as healthy as possible! :- )

Ginie, very interesting. That does make sense though. And yes I can say since I stopped all caffeine years ago I feel better. I still have coffee and tea, just decaf.

definitelymaybe, that's awesome! and yes the headaches are from stopping the coffee, trust me. Your body became dependent on it. I get headaches if I start a routine of having even one drink with caffeine per day then stopping it. But trust me, the headaches are worth it to make a better healthier lifestyle choice! In the morning I now have a healthy breakfast and usually have a banana for energy.

Interesting thread :)
I do agree that it's healthier to keep caffeine out of your diet. I have a family member who swears that cutting caffeine out of her diet helped her lose 10 lbs and made her feel much more energetic and less sluggish.

I should have added that giving up caffeine except for morning coffee is a massive change from my earlier lifestyle in the military. I used to nearly live on coffee. Many, many cups a day. And the coffee, if you can call it that, was not the weak stuff of civilian life. But back to the original question, will it stunt your growth? It did me, I only got up to 6'4" and 300 pounds....

Any foods or drinks if you take moderately shall not give problem to health.

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