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Stories and results with NBE?


Hi! I have the same problem with underdeveloped breast too. Does anybody know how to buy NBE? I wanna try that!

(06-10-2011, 00:42)plie Wrote:  Hi! I have the same problem with underdeveloped breast too. Does anybody know how to buy NBE? I wanna try that!

Hi plie, NBE stands for Natural Breast Enhancement. Hormone therapy seems to be the best way for underdeveloped girls to achieve a mature shape and size. A lot of women use bovine ovary (BO). Pills that contain BO include Bountiful Breast (BB) and Ultrabreast (UB). Some grow by just using supplemental progesterone.

It gets very confusing but what's clear is that for growth and development to happen, different hormones (most importantly estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin) have to rise and fall at the right times, and there has to be adequate amounts of other hormones like human growth hormone (HGH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). A lot of women are deficient in either estrogen or progesterone, or both, or they have enough of one but too much of the other. Excess androgens (like testosterone, DHT) also interfere with breast development. Blood tests and symptoms checklists can help you figure out what's wrong.

Hope this was helpful, and good luck!

Hi girls,

I also have underdeveloped breasts, due to being underweight as a child and teen and with virtually no protein in my diet. I went vegetarian as a pre-teen but never substituted the meat with any other form of protein as I didnt know any better at the time. I was always around a 34aa , my largest size being a large 34a a few years ago. Howver I suffered some massive weight loss last year due to a health issue and am now the smallest I have ever been as I lost a lot of breast tissue. I am now barely even a 34 aa. I also have riased androgens (suspected pcos) which doesnt help matters and I am on dianette for this.
My plan is :
-to gain weight in order to increase body fat and as a result increase estrogen--therefor eat full meals rich in protein and high in fat but low
GI to stabilize blood sugars.
-breast enlargement hypnosis
-daily use of a breast pump/massage one day on one day off
-a breastfeeding tea twice a day
-Goats Rue twice a day
-No caffeine
-Plenty of fluids
-B vitamins
-Omega oils

I`ll be starting this this week so will keep the forum posted on how I go.
My goal is a B cup.


Hi, I'm 16 and I'm pretty sure I have tubular or underdeveloped breasts.

AS a pre-teen, I was veery thin with no breasts. I pretty much did everything to prevent breast growth( not on purpose), by eating tons of sugar and caffeine, and not eating hardly any veggies and protein. I got my period aroung 13, and my breasts pretty much stopped growing at 14.

I first started researching NBE when I was around 14 (really young, I know), and when I turned 15, I decided to buy the NB. I used it for maybe 5 or so months, but I stopped when I really began to notice the changes in my nipples. Although I'm pretty sure I've always had pointy nipples, they got REALLy REALLY puffy. I tried using bandades but they either wouldnt stay on, or they would leave marks. I hated my breasts before because they were small (measure 32A but I wear 32bs), but after I couldnt stand their shape as well!

Right before I turned 16 I decided to try 3 months of wonderup. Although I got tons of pain, I decided to stop as I was getting my period every 2 weeks... I'm now massaging and eating TONs of veggies. But I need advice, I know I'm young, but is there anything more that I can do to fix my breasts?? I feel like Ive ruined them!

Welcome hopeful,

From age 16 to 21, the milk ducts grow because of your body's own estrogens. The milk ducts push the nipples out, so the puffy look is normal for your age. Regular periods are the best remedy: in the two weeks before your period, your body will produce progesterone, which develops the milk glands and alveolas, and rounds your breasts out.

You already did the best thing you can do: improve your diet. You can also add protein. You can add a multivitamin. Together with your diet, you should get
> 50 mcg vitamin B12
2-10 mg vitamin B6
400 mcg folic acid or folates
25 mg iron if you have regular periods
12-35 mg zinc

Massage or exercise will help too. I don't mean competition sports, but walking and push ups. Another thing you could do is go on a combination birth control pill, but at your age, a good diet, multivitamin, and exercise will do more. Things like Wonderup are more likely to stop your growth, mess up your cycle, and give you headaches and more puffy areolas.

Good luck Smile

Hey, just like you guys I have underdeveloped breasts, as a pre teen I went through a bad break up and the stress I went through caused my breasts to stop growing, then I stopped eating properly and you get the picture. Did nothing for my breast growth, however recently I was a 32a/b cup and today I found that I fit into a 32c cup. Literally jumped for joy. I used TigerLily's massage technique, had a healthier diet and used started taking evening primrose oil to help with hormones. My goal is a d cup so fingers crossed. I have to admit it's so nice to have a place where people have the same problems as I do, I swear in my every day life I'm surrounded by girls with voluptuous chests :L

Wow same here. When I was 12 or so, I could fit a 32 B. Then I got depressed, barely ate, barely saw sunlight (or any light for that matter) etc. I shrunk to 32 A. If even that. I ate a lot of sugar and caffeine. I really think my growth stunted. I'm 16 going on 17 (the 10th of this month) and I'm a 32 A now due to weight loss but I'm aching to become a 36 B or 32 C. I've been looking into NBE since I was 12. Still doing it. I want bigger breast and I am GOING to get them no matter what.

(03-12-2011, 16:50)Nisha.Dillon Wrote:  Hey, just like you guys I have underdeveloped breasts, as a pre teen I went through a bad break up and the stress I went through caused my breasts to stop growing, then I stopped eating properly and you get the picture. Did nothing for my breast growth, however recently I was a 32a/b cup and today I found that I fit into a 32c cup. Literally jumped for joy. I used TigerLily's massage technique, had a healthier diet and used started taking evening primrose oil to help with hormones. My goal is a d cup so fingers crossed. I have to admit it's so nice to have a place where people have the same problems as I do, I swear in my every day life I'm surrounded by girls with voluptuous chests :L

I would be so grateful to know what brand of EPO you used and the dosage, and how long it took for you to notice growth.

Thanks so much Smile

Hi everyone! It's my first time here and just by reading all your thoughts about how you felt having such underdeveloped breasts I am relieved so far that I am not alone. I grew up being one of the boys so I knew how guys would look at girls with big boobs and butts. They would tease me then that I would be perfect if only I got bigger boobs. So as a newbie here, where should I start and what to do? Help. I'm 22 and 32AA i guess.

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