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Choices, choices, choices...


Ah! Huh
I have no idea where to start!

About Me:
Age: Young- In high school.
Height: 5' 4" ish
Weight: Somewhere between 120-130
Boobs: Very uneven, right one is about 34 B, and the left is between a 34B-34C but doesn't fit all the way in a C.
History: Bad reaction to Fenugreek (stopped)

So I'm so very curious about this all ^_^.

Are there foods to help breasts?
What should I use/do?


If your still in high school I'm guessing your under 18 which is possible why you might've had a bad reaction to Fenugreek. I know you're going to hate to hear this but you shouldn't take herbs at all right now, they'll mess up your growth even more and that's because your still going through puberty so introducing herbs that can mess with your hormones will potentially stunt your breast growth which is NOT what you want. Try massaging for now, until your maybe about 19ish 20 which is when women go thru a second burst of puberty but this time added hormones can help not hinder. That's a disclaimer lol

And for food probably just eat as healthy as you can, fresh veggies, fresh fruit and lots of protein and lean meat

I've tried massaging before, it just made my breasts hurt like crazy. Sad
Dodgy I want to do something but massaging doesn't feel like it does anything.

Okay, I think for now I'll try and use NBE without any hormones, maybe...

It takes time for your breasts to get used to the massage. When I first started massaging (before herbs and noogleberry) my breasts were sore and tender for a couple weeks into it.

(31-07-2012, 18:40)BodyRocking Wrote:  Okay, I think for now I'll try and use NBE without any hormones, maybe...

Well I can't change your mind, but just know the risks and side effects of introducing hormones while still going through your first puberty.

Also if you do decide to go ahead, don't take high mgs of any herb. Try massing again but with an oil, I use Flax Seed Oil and that's really given me growth. It's high in Omega 3 so it very good adding fat to the bust.


DON'T take anything that will mess with your hormones. It may actually stunt your boob growth.

As for massage, how hard did you do it? Try massaging lightly. You don't need to apply pressure in order to stimulate circulation and drain the lymphatic system. Try massaging LIGHTLY for a few minutes, twice a day. It may be best to do it for 15 minutes, twice a day, since massage is one of the only things you can do right now. Try different methods of massage and see what you prefer and what seems like it's giving you the best results. Also, try to massage your smaller breast for longer than the larger one to try to get it to catch up! (Maybe only massage the larger one once a day). When you take a bra off at the end of the day, massage your breasts immediately to get the circulation back into them after a long day of reduced circulation. And don't wear your bra for too long, try to wear it for about 8-12 hours a day.

If you weren't massaging hard and still felt pains, that can also be normal. You may have been experiencing growing pains. Sometimes my breasts hurt a lot, and no matter how much it hurts, I will still massage (although I won't do it for as long and will apply even less pressure than usual, just 'til the pains go away after a week or two).

It's too early to give up, keep at it with the massage and see what it can do for you. It will take months to start noticing a difference, but you are at the best point in your life for seeing results from massage alone.

Also, have you looked any into hypnotherapy? I've heard it helps girls who only massage and aren't using herbs. Maybe give that a try, too.

Thank you.

I'm just unhappy with my body and I wanna improve the points I don't like. One of them being my boobs...
I'll look into it then and do that with massage maybe.
Should I use anything specific for massage?
I don't like spending time doing something like massaging though Dodgy considering I spend all day in classes then have to do a few hours after school of homework, plus chores, and anything recreational I want to do, and I'm getting a workout schedule going. Not enough hours it feels. Sad
How much growth could I get from massage?

About the Omega 3 stuff- I looked into that, but would exercise undo any of that work?
^I was considering using Booby Stacked -
But it seems that it is just to add some fat, which could just be burned off from exercise.

When I first hit puberty I hit it fast. It was like -Boom!- I got hips, bigger thighs, boobs. I also began gaining weight easily.

So I changed my diet, eating healthier, less, and controlling my carb intake (too much pasta!), then I got smaller again. With that weight loss though, I lost my boobs Sad.

My boobs haven't changed since.

I just want to do something to get bigger breasts, but something that will have a noticable result, you know?
I need some kind of encouragement that it's working, or have some kind of backed up info that it should do something...

I appreciate the help, thank you.

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