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My secret


I am atempting to give the members here a safer more effective alternative to the dangerious plants that they are now consuming.- and hopefully this knowledge, we create, will spread outside of this group!
I agree with us taking these drugs , as the present laws give us ? no other option.

The safetst thing is estrogen that is approved by the FDA-- and i will gladly tell you how to get it delivered to your home mailbox- without a prescription. - without breaking any us laws. to anyone who is presently using things like PM! My test order - went thru customs in 10 minutes and right to my home mailbox.- full tracking. billed to my credit card which if i did not receive it. my credit card company would give me my money back.

Many of you have been convinced that these natural plants are safe to take- please don't respond to this post connunication with you would be a waste of my time- and i will not communicate with you in any form.-- I don't talk to Idiots.

I have pissed many people off here- I will try real hard not to let it happen in the future-
I have not taken the estrogen i have which cost me $135.00 because i think that these plants with there toxic elements removed would be the best option.

WE only get one shot at this thing called life- enjoy your's and experience it to the fullest while you can.
And take the journey not alone but with family and friends.

Get off your high horse and quit trolling, please.

(04-08-2013, 01:20)aoz Wrote:  Get off your high horse and quit trolling, please.
PM is the most dangerous and destructive drug available.
And people need to find a safer and more effective means to develop breasts and feminine characteristic:s .

Please keep answering my posts, it gives me the opportunity to tell people just how dangerous PM is.

And Fenugreek seed powder.
and --Blessed Thistle powder

Are much better and safer.



Every study I found showed positive health effects from PM:

Pure estrogen OTOH is no joke. Someone could die. It greatly increases breast cancer rates. In studies and in casual practice. There are some other boards where people say "Ya I knew a girl who tried a bunch of estrogen for boobs and then she got breast cancer". Even birth control increases risk a little, which is why they are constantly reducing the hormonal amounts in them. And sometimes recalling some of them.

(04-08-2013, 05:09)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  Every study I found showed positive health effects from PM:

Pure estrogen OTOH is no joke. Someone could die. It greatly increases breast cancer rates. In studies and in casual practice. There are some other boards where people say "Ya I knew a girl who tried a bunch of estrogen for boobs and then she got breast cancer". Even birth control increases risk a little, which is why they are constantly reducing the hormonal amounts in them. And sometimes recalling some of them.

All doctors will prescribe estrogen none will prescribe PM.

Are you going to believe your doctor.
Or a salesman who calls himself surferjoe2007

Who will sell you anything to make a buck.


Estrogen increases the risk that you will develop endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of the uterus [womb]). The longer you take estrogen, the greater the risk that you will develop endometrial cancer. If you have not had a hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus), you should be given another medication called a progestin to take with estrogen. This may decrease your risk of developing endometrial cancer, but may increase your risk of developing certain other health problems, including breast cancer. Before you begin taking estrogen, tell your doctor if you have or have ever had cancer and if you have unusual vaginal bleeding. Call your doctor immediately if you have abnormal or unusual vaginal bleeding during your treatment with estrogen. Your doctor will watch you closely to help ensure you do not develop endometrial cancer during or after your treatment.

In a large study, women who took estrogen with progestins had a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots in the lungs or legs, breast cancer, and dementia (loss of ability to think, learn, and understand). Women who take estrogen alone may also have a higher risk of developing these conditions. Tell your doctor if you smoke or use tobacco, if you have had a heart attack or a stroke in the past year, and if you or anyone in your family has or has ever had blood clots or breast cancer. Also tell your doctor if you have or have ever had high blood pressure, high blood levels of cholesterol or fats, diabetes, heart disease, lupus (a condition in which the body attacks its own tissues causing damage and swelling), breast lumps, or an abnormal mammogram (x-ray of the breast used to find breast cancer).

The following symptoms can be signs of the serious health conditions listed above. Call your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms while you are taking estrogen: sudden, severe headache; sudden, severe vomiting; speech problems; dizziness or faintness; sudden complete or partial loss of vision;double vision; weakness or numbness of an arm or a leg; crushing chest pain or chest heaviness; coughing up blood; sudden shortness of breath; difficulty thinking clearly, remembering, or learning new things; breast lumps or other breast changes; discharge from nipples; or pain, tenderness, or redness in one leg.

You can take steps to decrease the risk that you will develop a serious health problem while you are taking estrogen. Do not take estrogen alone or with a progestin to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, or dementia. Take the lowest dose of estrogen that controls your symptoms and only take estrogen as long as needed. Talk to your doctor every 3 to 6 months to decide if you should take a lower dose of estrogen or should stop taking the medication.

You should examine your breasts every month and have a mammogram and a breast exam performed by a doctor every year to help detect breast cancer as early as possible. Your doctor will tell you how to properly examine your breasts and whether you should have these exams more often than once a year because of your personal or family medical history.

Tell your doctor if you are having surgery or will be on bed rest. Your doctor may tell you to stop taking estrogen 4 to 6 weeks before the surgery or bed rest to decrease the risk that you will develop blood clots.

Talk to your doctor regularly about the risks and benefits of taking estrogen.

Why Doctors Do Not Prescribe Natural Alternatives

A new study published in the Health Services Research journal shows that physicians and nurses are more likely to turn to alternative and complementary medicine than the general public, when treating themselves. This is strangely at odds with the fact that few doctors will prescribe or recommend natural health products to their patients. We look at the reasons why.

What are “Natural Alternatives” in Medicine?
Complementary medicine, also termed natural alternative medicine, incorporates all manner of techniques and natural supplements. It covers acupuncture, massage, Pilates, chiropractic techniques, meditation and the use of herbs and minerals among other things. Many of these practices have been used for thousands of years, yet fail to be acknowledged by mainstream medicine.

In the study mentioned above, it found that 63% of the general working population use some form of natural healing while 76% of those working in the healthcare sector use complementary medicine. Breaking down the statistics further, the study found that doctors and nurses were twice as likely to seek treatment from a massage therapist, acupuncturist or chiropractor than other healthcare workers. They were also three times more likely to be tapping into natural treatments such as yoga and herbal supplements than those with a lower standard of education.

This report comes just weeks after the Archives of Internal Medicine called on doctors to use preventative medicine rather than drugs and surgery to keep patients healthy.

The Rules Binding Doctors from Recommending Natural Alternatives
Doctors are generally aware of what complementary medicine has to offer; in fact, they are better educated than most people about both orthodox and alternative medicine options. However, they are unable to suggest any natural health therapies to patients due to their employment contract. Regulations by health insurance companies prohibit doctors from suggesting natural non-drug treatments as a condition of their employment, backed up by Medical Board Regulations.

The medical industry is hugely profitable and naturally, the powers-that-be jealously guard their “cash-cow”. Most money is made by patents on cancer-fighting drugs and other new treatments. If doctors start to prescribe or recommend natural supplements instead, the medical giants do not have the patents to profit from them.

Another reason why doctors ignore safe and sensible natural treatments in favor of prescription drugs is that the system teaches them only to advise and prescribe drugs. It is human nature to take the safe option and prescribe what is familiar, widely taught, and in line with what every other doctor is doing. The risks of bucking the system are simply too great. Those who bow to their own convictions will generally leave mainstream medical practice and set up on their own as natural health practitioners, leaving even fewer doctors to recommend sensible natural therapies.

Supplement not Substitute
The best way to take advantage of the wonders of modern medicine and get the benefit of ages-old wisdom is generally to supplement medical treatments with natural products. However, you should check with your physician that there would be no contra-indications or bad reactions.

For those who are recovering from major surgery or radical treatment, it makes good sense to help boost the immune system with natural products and formulas for a speedy recovery. Although doctors may not yet be able to embrace natural alternatives in medicine, widely read and knowledgeable people can easily learn how to get the best from both natural and medical treatments.

Medical professionals tend to be opposed to natural supplements. If there isn't research in a medical journal endorsing an herbal remedy, most doctors don't want to hear about it. But because natural ingredients cannot be patented, the research rarely exists to show the merits of natural alternatives to drugs – and under the present system, probably never will.

Natural Ingredients Cannot Be Patented. Pharmaceutical companies rake in the big dollars for drugs that contain precisely controlled chemical formulas - recipes concocted in a laboratory to carry precise dosages and yield predictable effects. Most of the compounds in these drugs occur somewhere in nature, but never in isolated, precise doses like those in medical drugs.

It's only by isolating them and patenting the process to create these drugs that biotech companies earn the exclusive right to sell a drug – a patent.

Without a patent, any other drug company that wants to cash in on a pill's success can copy it and take a slice of the market. So unpatentable treatments like herbal remedies, homeopathy, essential oils, and other traditional medicines don't interest the big pharmaceutical companies, except for the chemical compounds they can isolate from a plant and duplicate.

Who Funds Expensive Medical Research?

The reality is that most medical research, even that done by colleges and universities, is funded by big pharma. And without the potential payoff of an ingredient that can be patented, few are willing to invest millions in research to establish the health benefits of whole plants and natural remedies. Under the present system, to do so would mean throwing away money with no possibility of return.

Unfortunately, few other funding sources exist for costly medical research – so the research on natural treatments, for the most part, just doesn't get done.

Natural Treatments Are More Difficult to Prescribe

To top it off, natural treatments like essential oils, homeopathy, and energy work don't have a "standard dose." They work slightly differently for each person – something the drugs companies would be appalled to hear said about their own products – and use of natural treatments must be tailored to the individual's needs, metabolism, their state of health and other factors.

Because the use of herbs, essential oils, and other natural treatments requires a bit more fine-tuning than prescribing a drug, physicians are wary of suggesting them. They take more work and arguably require significant training to prescribe appropriately – training most doctors, at present, don't have. Why would they, when the money isn't there for the pharmaceutical companies to teach them about natural medicines the way they educate them about drugs?

Quality Varies Widely Among Natural Supplements

What's more, there is some cause for concern about the quality of natural supplements. Because they cannot be patented or standardized, one company's oregano oil may be substantially different from the next brand's oregano oil – and this can have a serious impact on the consumer.

Some natural supplements heal and others can do harm – even if they appear to have identical ingredients – depending on the farming or collection of the ingredients, the processing, what else may have been added, and how long the bottle sat on a shelf.

Your Doctor is Unlikely to Prescribe Natural Remedies Any Time Soon Because…

companies cannot patent natural ingredients
research takes money – and it's not worth it to the drug companies to invest unless there is a potential payout in the form of a drug patent
more variable doses mean natural treatments are difficult to research and difficult to prescribe
quality of ingredients is likewise not standardized.

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