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Taking the plunge


Where to start???

I wanted to start my own programe threat to help me keep my thoughts in order and to give me motivation when things feel a little hopeless. Of course any comments or advice would be appreciatedSmile

I shall begin with why I'm here. I'm 28 (29 next month!) and I've been visiting this site on and off for the last ten years but haven't actually tried out any NBE. This is mainly due to living with my ex who was very negative about the idea and not very understanding about my body issues. I have a lovely new boyfriend now (we don't live together) who I have spoken to about my body issues and he is very understanding, loving and complimentary! He tells me he thinks I have great boobs but I'm sure many people will understand that it's not about what others see when they look at me but how I feel about myself. I'm tiny (5"2) and have a ghetto booty which I love but I do feel like I look a little strange and out of proportion (starting out at 32.5 25 37). I still haven't told the bf that I've started NBE. My goal would be a lovely C cup at around 36".

So what made me take the plunge? Just before Christmas I was with a group of people and took off my jumper and accidentally lifted my tshirt in the process. I was wearing a bra I know is a little ill fitting and not very flattering. I was mortified! Afterwards someone who is very close to me spoke to me about loosing weight (I am very into exercise) and made a comment about me loosing my chest. I was soo upset. For weeks this comment plagued me. One night on a total whim I bought a 3 month supply of the breast enhancement pills perfect c. Years ago I remember them getting a lot of press because a handful of celeb had used them. I bought them out of a feeling of desperation. I regretted it when they arrived as I did my research and know that the ingredients in them are very low and not many people have reported good results.

Oh well. So rather than just feel like I've wasted my money I though I would throw myself in at the deep end. I've read loads of posts and done a bit of research. I must admit I was terrified to begin with and a little overwhelmed. So here goes from memory what I have been doing so far.

January - Before taking any herbs I wanted to get myself into a steady routine so started with breast massage 150 per day using baby oil.
I was taking some vitamins anyway:
1x vitamin c
1x vitamin b complex
3x maca tablets (from holland and barret) for fatigue and stress.

Increased massage to 150 twice per day and switched to almond oil
vitamins and maca as above
started taking perfect c
Looked into hypnosis - listened to blakes talk a few times but not consistently

as above with supplements/herbs
About two weeks ago I switched to massaging with flaxseed oil.
I also found BB and RMR. I truly believe that these have made a huge difference. I try to listed to BB every morning and RMR a few times per week. Since adding flax and BB/RMR I have woken some mornings with sore boobs and noticed they are sensitive when touched (a bonus!). They feel more swollen and I can see a bit of a difference.
I have also tried a bit harder with blakes talk. I do like them and believe they work but I struggle to stick to it. I either fall asleep or struggle to fit it in; particularly if my bf stays over.

Yesterday I used MR for the first time and have tried it again today. This is just because I have back pain and used deep heat on it then remembered that I've seen a few people have had success with it. i will probably just do this a couple of times per week until I've researched it a bit more.

Today I finished my first bottle of perfect C and measure 34". Not sure if this is real growth and whether I can attribute it to the perfect C pills.

I think the plan for now will be:
BB/RMR every day
massage 150 twice per day with fso
massage mr twice a week
perfect c
vitamin A & C
Maca (because I like it rather than for the NBE)

After I have finished up my perfect c I may consider a different range of herbs. I want to do more research first though as I have a BC implant and really deeply do not want babies!

Thanks for listening x


How rude of that person to make a comment about you losing your chest! I'm sorry you went through that. Love the methodical way you've added components to your program. That's how I've been doing it.

It sounds like it's working for you! Good luck.

(25-03-2014, 23:14)betty Wrote:  Where to start???

I wanted to start my own programe threat to help me keep my thoughts in order and to give me motivation when things feel a little hopeless. Of course any comments or advice would be appreciatedSmile

I shall begin with why I'm here. I'm 28 (29 next month!) and I've been visiting this site on and off for the last ten years but haven't actually tried out any NBE. This is mainly due to living with my ex who was very negative about the idea and not very understanding about my body issues. I have a lovely new boyfriend now (we don't live together) who I have spoken to about my body issues and he is very understanding, loving and complimentary! He tells me he thinks I have great boobs but I'm sure many people will understand that it's not about what others see when they look at me but how I feel about myself. I'm tiny (5"2) and have a ghetto booty which I love but I do feel like I look a little strange and out of proportion (starting out at 32.5 25 37). I still haven't told the bf that I've started NBE. My goal would be a lovely C cup at around 36".

So what made me take the plunge? Just before Christmas I was with a group of people and took off my jumper and accidentally lifted my tshirt in the process. I was wearing a bra I know is a little ill fitting and not very flattering. I was mortified! Afterwards someone who is very close to me spoke to me about loosing weight (I am very into exercise) and made a comment about me loosing my chest. I was soo upset. For weeks this comment plagued me. One night on a total whim I bought a 3 month supply of the breast enhancement pills perfect c. Years ago I remember them getting a lot of press because a handful of celeb had used them. I bought them out of a feeling of desperation. I regretted it when they arrived as I did my research and know that the ingredients in them are very low and not many people have reported good results.

Oh well. So rather than just feel like I've wasted my money I though I would throw myself in at the deep end. I've read loads of posts and done a bit of research. I must admit I was terrified to begin with and a little overwhelmed. So here goes from memory what I have been doing so far.

January - Before taking any herbs I wanted to get myself into a steady routine so started with breast massage 150 per day using baby oil.
I was taking some vitamins anyway:
1x vitamin c
1x vitamin b complex
3x maca tablets (from holland and barret) for fatigue and stress.

Increased massage to 150 twice per day and switched to almond oil
vitamins and maca as above
started taking perfect c
Looked into hypnosis - listened to blakes talk a few times but not consistently

as above with supplements/herbs
About two weeks ago I switched to massaging with flaxseed oil.
I also found BB and RMR. I truly believe that these have made a huge difference. I try to listed to BB every morning and RMR a few times per week. Since adding flax and BB/RMR I have woken some mornings with sore boobs and noticed they are sensitive when touched (a bonus!). They feel more swollen and I can see a bit of a difference.
I have also tried a bit harder with blakes talk. I do like them and believe they work but I struggle to stick to it. I either fall asleep or struggle to fit it in; particularly if my bf stays over.

Yesterday I used MR for the first time and have tried it again today. This is just because I have back pain and used deep heat on it then remembered that I've seen a few people have had success with it. i will probably just do this a couple of times per week until I've researched it a bit more.

Today I finished my first bottle of perfect C and measure 34". Not sure if this is real growth and whether I can attribute it to the perfect C pills.

I think the plan for now will be:
BB/RMR every day
massage 150 twice per day with fso
massage mr twice a week
perfect c
vitamin A & C
Maca (because I like it rather than for the NBE)

After I have finished up my perfect c I may consider a different range of herbs. I want to do more research first though as I have a BC implant and really deeply do not want babies!

Thanks for listening x

Hi Smile
Yes I understand it only takes one aweful thing to cut deep and stick with you, I've been there. If only people realised the impact of what they say. Im sure it wasn't mean to hurt you, other people don't realise our own personal insecurities unfortunately.
Sounds great what you are doing. I have been told more than once that maca increases testosterone which you don't want, so I wouldn't take too much until you get this clarified for yourself and you're confident that taking it wont hinder your progress.
Just had a quick look at perfect c! gosh they have a lot of cool ingrediants, I can see why you couldn't not buy them with all those testimonials too. I wonder if the reason a lot of people don't succeed on pills however is digestion issues... For some they just cant digest pills properly which I guess gives these companies a bad name when they don't work on a lot of people. That and most people would give up after a month,way too soon.
I hope you do well anyway Smile

Sounds like a good program, not sure what perfect C is but I'm definitely for massaging..... I think it's a good idea to constantly change oils for your massages, I do it every 2-3 months... So maybe you can try fenugreek oil at some point
Take pictures so that you compare later on your progress, measuring tape can be frustrating at times.
Don't be upset by what other people say it only reflects on their imperfections, maybe that person is also insecure about their chest (even if they don't show it) so unconsciously bring other people down about it. My family constantly tell me that I'm flat and joke about it, comparing to them I am flat. Now the more I progress the less these comments bother me because I believe that I will get the growth I want. Just believe that you will grow and itl happen, nothing will bother you after that.

Did Maca make your butt grow by any chance? Or have you experienced any weight gain with it?

Good luck Smile

(26-03-2014, 00:23)blessedbreasts Wrote:  How rude of that person to make a comment about you losing your chest! I'm sorry you went through that. Love the methodical way you've added components to your program. That's how I've been doing it.

It sounds like it's working for you! Good luck.

Thanks for the support blessedbreasts. I think slow plodding is best for me. If I tried to do everything at once I would get into a total flap!

Thanks for the tip Ellacraig. I've read up a little on maca and from what I can see it doesn't contain hormones but helps to regulate your pituitary glands which in turn helps to regulate your hormones. I have come across breast enhancement supplements which contain small amounts of maca! I take small amounts to help with my general health and am kind of cool with it if it takes a little longer to reach my goal with this in my routine because it I feel incredible when I take it.

I think part of the issue with perfect c is the quantities of the ingredients is fairly low (this isn't listed on the site)
fenugreek 900mg per day
saw palmetto 240mg per day
I am still happy with my results so far though. I think it has been a good place for me to start as I'm not second guessing quantities. They also say that it's safe to take with bc which is a huge benefit.

Thank you also for your kind words. Its nice to be able to express how I feel with others who understand and don't think I'm being silly. It's like a cyber hug. Smile

(26-03-2014, 05:52)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(25-03-2014, 23:14)betty Wrote:  Where to start???

I wanted to start my own programe threat to help me keep my thoughts in order and to give me motivation when things feel a little hopeless. Of course any comments or advice would be appreciatedSmile

I shall begin with why I'm here. I'm 28 (29 next month!) and I've been visiting this site on and off for the last ten years but haven't actually tried out any NBE. This is mainly due to living with my ex who was very negative about the idea and not very understanding about my body issues. I have a lovely new boyfriend now (we don't live together) who I have spoken to about my body issues and he is very understanding, loving and complimentary! He tells me he thinks I have great boobs but I'm sure many people will understand that it's not about what others see when they look at me but how I feel about myself. I'm tiny (5"2) and have a ghetto booty which I love but I do feel like I look a little strange and out of proportion (starting out at 32.5 25 37). I still haven't told the bf that I've started NBE. My goal would be a lovely C cup at around 36".

So what made me take the plunge? Just before Christmas I was with a group of people and took off my jumper and accidentally lifted my tshirt in the process. I was wearing a bra I know is a little ill fitting and not very flattering. I was mortified! Afterwards someone who is very close to me spoke to me about loosing weight (I am very into exercise) and made a comment about me loosing my chest. I was soo upset. For weeks this comment plagued me. One night on a total whim I bought a 3 month supply of the breast enhancement pills perfect c. Years ago I remember them getting a lot of press because a handful of celeb had used them. I bought them out of a feeling of desperation. I regretted it when they arrived as I did my research and know that the ingredients in them are very low and not many people have reported good results.

Oh well. So rather than just feel like I've wasted my money I though I would throw myself in at the deep end. I've read loads of posts and done a bit of research. I must admit I was terrified to begin with and a little overwhelmed. So here goes from memory what I have been doing so far.

January - Before taking any herbs I wanted to get myself into a steady routine so started with breast massage 150 per day using baby oil.
I was taking some vitamins anyway:
1x vitamin c
1x vitamin b complex
3x maca tablets (from holland and barret) for fatigue and stress.

Increased massage to 150 twice per day and switched to almond oil
vitamins and maca as above
started taking perfect c
Looked into hypnosis - listened to blakes talk a few times but not consistently

as above with supplements/herbs
About two weeks ago I switched to massaging with flaxseed oil.
I also found BB and RMR. I truly believe that these have made a huge difference. I try to listed to BB every morning and RMR a few times per week. Since adding flax and BB/RMR I have woken some mornings with sore boobs and noticed they are sensitive when touched (a bonus!). They feel more swollen and I can see a bit of a difference.
I have also tried a bit harder with blakes talk. I do like them and believe they work but I struggle to stick to it. I either fall asleep or struggle to fit it in; particularly if my bf stays over.

Yesterday I used MR for the first time and have tried it again today. This is just because I have back pain and used deep heat on it then remembered that I've seen a few people have had success with it. i will probably just do this a couple of times per week until I've researched it a bit more.

Today I finished my first bottle of perfect C and measure 34". Not sure if this is real growth and whether I can attribute it to the perfect C pills.

I think the plan for now will be:
BB/RMR every day
massage 150 twice per day with fso
massage mr twice a week
perfect c
vitamin A & C
Maca (because I like it rather than for the NBE)

After I have finished up my perfect c I may consider a different range of herbs. I want to do more research first though as I have a BC implant and really deeply do not want babies!

Thanks for listening x

Hi Smile
Yes I understand it only takes one aweful thing to cut deep and stick with you, I've been there. If only people realised the impact of what they say. Im sure it wasn't mean to hurt you, other people don't realise our own personal insecurities unfortunately.
Sounds great what you are doing. I have been told more than once that maca increases testosterone which you don't want, so I wouldn't take too much until you get this clarified for yourself and you're confident that taking it wont hinder your progress.
Just had a quick look at perfect c! gosh they have a lot of cool ingrediants, I can see why you couldn't not buy them with all those testimonials too. I wonder if the reason a lot of people don't succeed on pills however is digestion issues... For some they just cant digest pills properly which I guess gives these companies a bad name when they don't work on a lot of people. That and most people would give up after a month,way too soon.
I hope you do well anyway Smile


Hi aquaarab, thanks for the good tips. I've not tried fenugreek oil, does it smell strongly? I know what you mean about tape measure frustration I find myself measuring all the time! I will admit the idea of photos terrifies me in case someone stumbles on them. I'm working on plucking up the courage. Thanks for the supportive words it makes such a difference to know other people out there understand. I hope your progress helps with your family. It's great that you're soo positive.

I love maca and think its great! I have gained a little butt growth since using it. The way maca works is that it helps with exercise performance and recovery; your butt gets bigger because the muscle gets bigger quicker. I do resistance training at the gym and I think it definitely helps. If you do take it I would recommend doing some squats and stuff as it probably won't do much without the exercise to support growth. In terms of gaining weight I have put weight on but as muscle not body fat. Muscle weighs more than fat so you can actually loose body fat but the scales go up because you gained muscle. Hope this makes sense. x

(26-03-2014, 10:21)AquaArab Wrote:  Sounds like a good program, not sure what perfect C is but I'm definitely for massaging..... I think it's a good idea to constantly change oils for your massages, I do it every 2-3 months... So maybe you can try fenugreek oil at some point
Take pictures so that you compare later on your progress, measuring tape can be frustrating at times.
Don't be upset by what other people say it only reflects on their imperfections, maybe that person is also insecure about their chest (even if they don't show it) so unconsciously bring other people down about it. My family constantly tell me that I'm flat and joke about it, comparing to them I am flat. Now the more I progress the less these comments bother me because I believe that I will get the growth I want. Just believe that you will grow and itl happen, nothing will bother you after that.

Did Maca make your butt grow by any chance? Or have you experienced any weight gain with it?

Good luck Smile


Good luck on your program, betty! Smile

people can be so thoughtless. Dodgy

sending the best boob-vibes your way betty.

Thanks for the support Smile

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