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When on your period...


Is it safe to take herbs? When should you stop taking them... a week prior to aunt flows visit? Please help me out!

No one has an answer to this? Really?!

depends what your taking but i know most people take herbs continuously with no break. If you give more details of what you plan on taking im sure more people will give you info

Milani x

Thanks, Milani! =o) I take Fenugreek, Wild Yam, Hops, EPO and Kelp. I am thinking of adding the fennel and saw palmeto berry teas to my program as well. Plus I massage with the wild yam cream.

I was just about to post this question! Can someone answer please???? Whenever my period starts, I stop taking the pills (currently on Wonderup, fenugreek and gelatin for now) because I don't know the side effects they could have with the painkiller I use (Ibuprofen) during my period (I have painful periods so I always take painkillers during my period). But if they're safe to take during my period please let me know because I JUST started today but I want to keep taking the pills though.

As far as I know it is safe...Try asking a Pharmacist or calling your natural health product store in your area..


The herbs you mentioned are quite safe to take during menstruation, and is a common practice with many years as a track record for normal conditions. Normal conditions meaning that you have no medical condition and are in the usual dosage limits, like 3000mg per day or less.

The usual method is to ramp up dosages of the herbs one at a time in a rotation that makes sense for you, beginning on cycle day 1 when hormone levels are at their lowest. When you get to a dosage that causes "growing pains" then you remain at that dosage and adjust as necessary, using a maximum dosage based on your stats that you do not exceed.


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