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Long time hops & FG user


Oh..yes I have been sleeping better and my mood is better mood feels a carefree mind..but with responsibilitiesBig Grin Get this,they say you have yes lol to myself for what I write next.. ok I havent really had nightmares unless you are dreaming your ass is huge and your boobs are pea a pear I actually seen the pear as a fruit in my dream for my body (like a cartoon they see cooked chicken instead of a real live Grin well I wake up and kind of pissed, first thing I do is look down at my body and say thank God...TongueBlush and the funny thing is I wake up with fuller boobs from what my dream was making out...

From what I have been abserving about you is you seem to react quick to things too.. and I bet you will know some time tomorrow or the latest the next day if it is right choice...

Haha what a dream Big Grin

Ever since I read The Maca Root Users in June, I keep seeing myself with these huge bubbles in pleather leggings... Turned away so I can't see the front, but definitely pear shape, yes. Also when I wake up, I look down and thank Mary and Anna and all the boobie saints Blush

Love the idea of a meet. The bad news bubbles at boobiecon 2011 Cool

Thank you for pulling me out of this funk: I know it was the anti-androgen in hops that was doing this to me, so I need to change something. Maca is a good idea, and as you say, I'll know in a day if it helps Smile

Your welcome..I cant wait to read what happens tomorrow or the next day..Big Grin I read your posts I am thinking you must have either more then one computer or your computer is fast to get all those links you post in all most every post or do you have them saved somewhere..haha if you do then you are a orginized...just messing with ya..but I know I have to open another page look a search and hope my dad's slow ass computer doesnt freeze..Dodgy He is suppose to be buying 1 or 2 gig sticks for this 2004 dell (yuk Dell) I laughed so hard when I seen he only had 256 mb and 2gig I every so often have to do a disc clean up...or if I want I could wait for the page to come up while having a cig come back and it is just popping lol..Ok sorry rambling..yep maca giving me energy..haha

My first teaspoon of maca root powder in 1/2 glass of milk, half an hour ago. I liked the taste, but it feels like a virginity thing Blush

I do all of this on my little netbook at home. Disc cleanup 3 times a day. Virus scan too. Defragment disk once a week. Spyware and malware scan too.

All the organization is in this thread: all the documents I like to use are here. So I can just backarrow, instead of opening a new window each time. If I really need to think and search, I prepare a post off line in Notepad. Just love oldskool .txt files...

When I fill E cups, I want that snorgtee: i'm a n3rd Big Grin

(28-07-2011, 08:56)Isabelle Wrote:  My first teaspoon of maca root powder in 1/2 glass of milk, half an hour ago. I liked the taste, but it feels like a virginity thing Blush

Yay...and we shall you mean it feels like you lost your virginity..hehe..awh..Tongue

I do all of this on my little netbook at home. Disc cleanup 3 times a day. Virus scan too. Defragment disk once a week. Spyware and malware scan too.

Yep do all that to with the scans..bottomline is my dad's puter needs more bites..1 gig should work..boy I would love to have a day soonBig Grin

All the organization is in this thread: all the documents I like to use are here. So I can just backarrow, instead of opening a new window each time. If I really need to think and search, I prepare a post off line in Notepad. Just love oldskool .txt files...

Actually I use to do the same thing of copy and paste to a file..when I have my own puter I will and this puter is too slow now so the more I store the slower it will get..Dodgy

When I fill E cups, I want that snorgtee: i'm a n3rd Big Grin

What's a a cut off tee that shows your belly and goes just below the boobs..if so yeah like them too..Cool

Hi Susan, is just a site that sell funshirts. Some of them look great on big boobs: "that's what she said." or "don't act like you're not impressed"

And thank you again for getting me started on maca! I took 1/2 tsp this morning at 9:15 on an empty stomach in 1/2 glass of milk (is that the best way?). My mood was a lot better after 20 minutes, and by 11, I felt tingles like you described here:
I still feel some: after 8 hours!

I need to read more on how to take it, what exactly it does, etc.
Thanks for posting this already:

Don't you just looove Prettymama's results? Cool

Hey ok got the shirt thing yes your a nerd..haha..and me too cause I like them too..Big Grin I like the 2 chocoate bunnies..the one says my butt hurts and the other says has a bite out of butt the other the ears are bit off...Tongue

So glad the maca is working...yayyyyyyyyyyyy... see your like me you feel the results fast..we are too sensitive chicadeesRolleyes well sometimes...I could be demanding in a good way, if that is possibleDodgyHuhTongue

Hey not sure of the best way of taking it, trying to figure that out..on the other site they all take it dif. ways.. just now I opened one up and put it in warm water and drank it..didnt taste bad at a matter of fact no I will see if I get more from it.. my bottle says take preferably with meals.. so will see..

Maca finally gave me my energy back. Thank Susan and all the boobie saints! It feels like a couple of energy drinks, but it lasts 8 hours. Since I'm on it now, I might as well catch up on maca science.

Maca increases DHEA levels. This is the first article I found stating that:

This booklet confirms that maca increases DHEA-levels. Maca also contains sitosterol (an anti-androgen). But maca increases libido, so it cannot be all anti-androgen.

Both of the above publications look less than scientific. So I looked further into what is really known about the effect of maca on serum hormone levels. If DHEA is increased, everything the body makes from DHEA should go up: progesterone and cortisol, testosterone and DHT, estrone, estriol and estradiol. One study found no effect on estradiol, LH, FSH, and SHBG:

Another study saw no effect on luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin, 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone, testosterone and 17-beta estradiol:

And yet another study found no effect on luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin (PRL), testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2):

And so on: no difference in estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and sex hormone-binding globulin:

No effect on testosterone, estradiol, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and prolactin:

No changes in testosterone and estradiol:

Only recently, researchers have been looking further than serum hormone levels:

Maca does not exert direct androgenic activities:

Red Maca administered orally in rats seems to exert an inhibitory effect at a level post DHT conversion:

Red maca reduced prostate size and zinc levels in rats where prostatic hyperplasia was induced with testosterone:
This is the first real clue: zinc. The publication is from 2011.

Fortunately, there is enough info on how to take maca: in water, meals, anything goes. Three different liquid extracts also had similar effects. No difference was observed between the data obtained from aqueous extract (boiled for 2 or 3 hours) or hydroalcoholic extract of red maca:

so it would be okay for me to take maca saw palmetto and fenugreek or should I just take maca and pm?Huh

Hi Marcykid011,

Nice to meet you.. I hope you dont mind my 2 cents.. I started with FG, SP plus I also tried Breast success and Solgar PM, but my personal experience with the FG and SP they didnt agree with me.. I think try one combo and see how it goes..its all about experimenting..Isabelle will give more detail behind her opinion of her thoughts of what you should do..

Best to you in the growingBig Grin

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