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tibetan princess's program

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Thanks Melissa!

I wish I would have done a side pic 2 cycles ago, they were even smaller if u could imagine. That shot is of my bigger breast too btw.

I noticed my top is fuller but relatively same bottom boobage.


Yesterday my noog came in and I pumped and released for a good hour and some and then at night I did 2hrs gently though with a break inbetween the hours. Before noogling, I measured about 33.5 with the FFT(forever fluctuating tape!). After, my measurement for swelling was 34.5" so I guess about an inch of swelling that lasted about an hour and it was back to my normal size within two hours.

I am addicted. love watching the tube while pumping and releasing. I can do many tasks as the domes stay on. Just have to be a bit careful or they'll start to fart offBig Grin

Waiting on my pm powder and glandulars for pit/adrenal


Do you still feel estrogen dominent? If you don't, how long did it take for the PC cream to balance you out? I am thinking the same thing as you are, to start to use a little PM in the first half of my cycle but continue with PC in the second cycle since I am prone to ED. But I want to wait untill my ED symptoms go away before I start.

I also noticed that when I use PC a week before ovulation (did it my first cycle) I saw a little difference on my breasts and my skin was so clear. This cycle I started a few days after ovulation and I don't see any change in my breasts and my skin is a little worse then last cycle). I will definitly use the PC a week before ovulation next time.

Hey cousinrose!
Since this is my 2nd cycle using PC only but 4th cycle in using PC with lower doses of phyto estros,
I decided to use a little bit starting day 7 this time.
by the 15 day, I noticed a major shift into luteal by swelling. But then I kept on with PC but noticed 3 days into luteal, not much swelling, so I think I am now balancing out. I think by this next cycle, I will be ready for PM. And I will only be doing 50mg-150mg a day.

Its strange how you will notice the difference using PC a week earlier. My reason for thinking this was a great Idea for estro-dom women like us is because often times we grow on BC and if you look at many types of BC(whether they are estro/Progest or progest only), you'll notice the low micro mini doses of progestins being released throughout the whole entire cycle of 3 weeks. To me this was my "Ah-hah" moment. Then I confirmed it had worked for me when I tried it.
If you don't feel that shift or notice any swelling, I think you may be balancing out and I would go for adding PM with your PC.

So maybe try it again a week earlier in your next cycle and see if you notice the "reset" or sensitivity when you change over to luteal phase.


Drop a note: since this is two months into the diet change, I have lost about 5 pounds. I noticed everything on the tape is measuring less. My bra straps and bands are loose but my cup sizes fit the same. So no loss, even though my bust measurement is less, I am now more proportionate to my bottom halfTongue So I cannot complain.

this am measured:

33.5" bust
26.5" underbust
23.5" waist
34.5" at my widest (hip'n bum)


So I am days before my menses. Soreness now but I can say I saw no significant growth for this cycle with PC. Noogling is going. Today, I had finally reached the ends of the Medium Domes.

So I think Its time to add PM. I will be using PC/WY for luteal but I may skip it for this new cycle.

Finally picked up the order for everything:

PM Estro Balance- 1 or 2 caps +liq
PC/WY- Lut only

Mamm Tabs-1
Raw Adrenal-1 (Hashis)
Raw Pituitary-1 (Hashis)
Swiss Lamb Placenta-2


Chelated Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc-1 or 2 (Hashis)
Vitamin C-3,4000mg (Hashis)
Vitamin D-3 & K-2 1,000 IU-2 (Hashis)


Hope to add:

Large Contoured domes (so if anyone is selling let me know)
Fish/krill oil
L ornithine

So second day of pumping that I have realized I need to add the next size. But now I am noticing stimulated nipples by enlargement width wise and a tad bit taller. They look like buttons. somewhat worried but I know there are worse things in the world.

Also, I bought a PM soap from ebay that has a smooth lovely feel when rinsing off. I noticed right away I had sharp, shooting pains in the breasts underneath the nipples. PM is some serious stuff.

I am wondering though what exactly does that mean: A shooting or stabbing sensation behind the nipples?

Hi again,

I am planning my new programme and it is a little similar to yours. I was thinking about the flax seeds because they are good for collagen build up among other things, I was however thinking about using them only in the lutheal phase of fear it might interfere with PM since PM is very potent and flax very weak phytoestrogen. I wanted to ask you how you were to use the flax seeds and if I am wrong in assuming taking flax and PM together might be a bad idea.

Hey cousin rose,

I am taking it for the mainly for the omega/fiber content. It also stabolizes blood sugar. I am often a bit hypoglycemic. And I have so much of it that needs to be used so I would rather use it then not and have to purchase something else. I don't know its effects on PM but I feel like when I take it, it mops up extra hormones in my blood I don't need whether it be testosterone, estrogens, or androgens.

I think (based on research) that it actually helps with hormone metabolism and that's what I need.

My labs showed high DHEA.
I am pretty much doing trial and error. if I like how I feel, I 'll keep doing it but if I am not seeing results, I'll back off.

If I were you, I wouldn't take my word for it. I would do some real research on it and that way you will know if you get any other benefits from it other than what most of us here will use it for. Then you can weigh its benefits from the detriments as far as how it will suit you.

ShyBig GrinTongue


Alright, I am in lut phase right now with some serious swelling. I took pics cause I think somethings happening with my hormones. I know I will lose this swelling but I am going to compare on the 5th day. Also, this is about an hour of noogling. I can tell a diff. but it doesnt really show on the FFTM.
I measure before(33.3/8s) and after noogling(34).

I put on my fit bra however, and wow, eventhough I have been measuring the same(33. 3/8) for two months, I can still see the difference as I am spilling here. I guess that's what filling out does.
So it looks like I need to measure about 34" to be an official 32 C.

My nipples have been aching and underneath, still some serious shooting pains along with nipple change and color. Check out those thicker nips. As long as the boobs keep growing, I'll get over the nipple changeRolleyes

Also, since I outpumped my med domes, I had just mad the order for the LC's. Cant wait. I will most likely have to do one at a time but I figure, my left hasn't caught up yet so I might as well pump more on it and try to catch it up.



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