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Is my PM Program ok for PCOS?


Hi All,

Firstly thank you all for your contribution to this site.It's wonderful we can all help e/other out and get such great tips and knowledge here.

So my quest for breasts..... I brava'd before and got good results but once I stopped using they disappeared..... I'm hoping this will work-amazed at Japanese girls results and would be so happy with D's. I was pregnant last year only for 8 weeks and my breasts were a 32C.
Now at small B.I have learned that I have polcystic ovaries. PCOS-which I believe in androgen dominant for the most part-I think it is with me (I am going to get some home hormone tests to know for sure-any recommendations on which ones?)
But I'm concerned that what I'm taking could be bad for me and not as effective. I'm not great with this hormone balancing-can someone please give me some advise on my program-whether it's safe or should I be changing something so that I'm not doing damage. I Have felt some firmness in my breasts and noticed a little something-only doing this routine for 3 weeks now. But my period is late so may have to stop taking everything until I get that and then start from fresh.

So here's my program:
PM 1,000-1500MG PER DAY BUT NOT ON CYCLE. Everything else I'm planning on taking all month
BS-1-2 per day.
Wild Yam- 1200mg p/day
Collagen-3x p/day
FG- drops 3x p/d
Massage Cream-2x p/day 5-10 mins.
Placenta, L arginine and msm is on it's way.

Thank you all.

Hi, Carol

I have hypothyroidism, though I don't think PCOS, but it's kind of in the same family, I guess. I've never taken PM, but I did take hops for about 3 weeks. Hops are lower in photoestrogens, but generally should be doing something similar to PM. I was miserable. I broke out. My period was the heaviest I've ever seen and I was borderline depressed. It effected me very poorly.

I'm curious how long were you wearing Brava? I'm doing that now, I've talked to a few girls on this forum for whom it worked, though they all wore it 20+ weeks.

Hi Carol, what about adding some more anti-androgen? Isabelle posted a list of herbs and their functions here.

I was never diagnosed with PCOS, but I have adult acne and I've had hirsutism and other mild symptoms of high androgens since I was a child.
I'm trying Saw Palmetto, Wild Yam, Spearmint tea and Licorice root tea. I also tried hops but had a bad reaction too, not in my mood like Malina (how much were you taking, Malina? I reached 1550mg/day) but in my body: it gave me cramps.

And yeah balancing hormones is a very confusing task, Sad I'm thinking of getting a hormone test too.

(04-03-2012, 13:21)Alicia Wrote:  Hi Carol, what about adding some more anti-androgen? Isabelle posted a list of herbs and their functions here.

I was never diagnosed with PCOS, but I have adult acne and I've had hirsutism and other mild symptoms of high androgens since I was a child.
I'm trying Saw Palmetto, Wild Yam, Spearmint tea and Licorice root tea. I also tried hops but had a bad reaction too, not in my mood like Malina (how much were you taking, Malina? I reached 1550mg/day) but in my body: it gave me cramps.

And yeah balancing hormones is a very confusing task, Sad I'm thinking of getting a hormone test too.

Ooo, I like that link, thank you, Alicia! I ramped up to 1800 mg. I tried to do something similar to Eve M program, and it just wasn't for me. I'm still taking Fenugreek and Fennel and I don't see any adverse reactions. I think it's a little easier to control my sugar cravings, so that's something. Do either of you have those with your conditions? For me it's the main mark of my hypothyroidism. It's like a really bad habit/addiction. I usually have a lot of self-control in things. I work out daily, get up early to do it. I can control most things except for my sugar intake. It seems to have gotten easier with Fenugreek.

I may throw some borage oil into the mix. I hear WY is pretty potent and I'm scared about adding something so strong again. Oh, yeah, did I mention that hops also made me shed some hair. Not a pleasant experience overall. I felt great not even two days after I stopped taking it.

What did you think of WY? Did it make you gain weight, did you notice anything different? How much are you taking?

Malina, yes I crave sugar!! Keeping that under control is one of the hardest parts of my NBE, when I began my herbal BE I decided to cut all caffeine/chocolate/sugar because I read here that too much of those can hinder results. Before that I used to drink 2 or 3 cans of Coke everyday, and I also ate a good amount of chocolate in the form of bars, donuts, cookies, always between meals, and chewed gum when I wasn't eating anything.
Now when I miss my sweets I eat those yogurts for kids "Danonino" lol, they're very sweet and creamy and have a good amount of protein. but I've noticed that since I'm eating so many dairy products my period comes with bloodcots. Not good.Sad
Reading that Fenugreek is helping you with your cravings gives me hope, I'm also taking Fenugreek!

I'm thinking of adding Borage oil too. I was taking EPO but it seems it's bad for high androgens, while borage oil has an anti-androgen effect.

As for Wild Yam I started taking it a few days ago so I can't say if it's having any effect on my weight or not. For the moment I'm taking one pill (850mg) and seems it's treating me fine (no cramps, no headaches, mood is normal) and have some sensations in my breasts, which I haven't had since last week, but I guess it's too soon to draw conclusions. I'm also lowering the fenugreek dose, I want to find the dose of FG+WY which works for me (this can be so tricky...)
I haven't put on any weight since I started my herbal routine, in fact I dropped a bit of weight after changing my diet to no caff/no chocolate.
Can Wild Yam make you gain weight? I didn't know that.


Because my period is late I think I will have to cease taking everything for a little. BUt thank you for the post by Isablle. I will definitely start taking the spearmint tea and maybe SP....

Yes brava worked well for me, however I used for months and uo to 10hours per day + I went up 1 and a half cup sizes to a full C. Was so happy with them, but I went traveling and within weeks they were gone again. The domes don't last long and neither does the pump. I wouldn't waste my time or money on it again..... It's more swelling than real growth. Enhance are sore to use but a lot cheaper.....

Am I right to go off everything until I get my period and start back when it's over?

If nbe doesn't work I might go for stem cell breast transfer..... but I think this will work. Fingers crossed.

Thank you lovely ladies,
x ox o

Just a little update....
So I have not been cycling my pm lately. I was getting really good results on it. I'm a good C-most of the month.....But my period was over 3 weeks late, had another pregnancy scare so I have once again no choice but to go back to basics and I don't want to make my pcos any worse.

Here's what I'm thinking, if you of hormone genius' can help or advise that would be awesome.
Firstly start cycling Lorraine!

Follic. Phase:
pm-1,000mg per day
Vitex- 2 x 1,000mg per day = 2,00mg
Fenugreek tea x 2 per day or drops 2 x 25 drops
Arginine 1,000mg x 4 per day =4,000mg
Placenta 500mgx 4 per day=2,00mg
Collagen 500 x 4 p.d = 2,000mg
No sure what to massage in yet as I shouldn't use a progesterone cream in this stage right?

Lut. Phase
Pregnenolone-waiting for it to come.....only take small amount
Vitex- 2 x 1,000mg per day = 2,00mg
Fenugreek tea x 2 per day or drops 2 x 25 drops
Arginine 1,000mg x 4 per day =4,000mg
Placenta 500mgx 4 per day=2,00mg
Collagen 500 x 4 p.d = 2,000mg
Progesterone cream.

Thanks all,
Will keep you posted.

Hey Malina and All

Yeah I got my results back prolactin is way high and so is my testosterone.I'm going back in on Friday to chat with Dr. But I'm sure I have pcos.....
I did purchase DCI today and hoping that will help, aswell as drinking 3cups of spearmingt tea a day. I presume we can drink spearmint throught our cycle if we are cycling pm-right?

Also I would like to add Sp during follicular and Don Quai during luteal.....I believe this should neither effect my nbe nor my pcos.....?

Ciao for now

(04-03-2012, 18:01)Malina Wrote:  
(04-03-2012, 13:21)Alicia Wrote:  Hi Carol, what about adding some more anti-androgen? Isabelle posted a list of herbs and their functions here.

I was never diagnosed with PCOS, but I have adult acne and I've had hirsutism and other mild symptoms of high androgens since I was a child.
I'm trying Saw Palmetto, Wild Yam, Spearmint tea and Licorice root tea. I also tried hops but had a bad reaction too, not in my mood like Malina (how much were you taking, Malina? I reached 1550mg/day) but in my body: it gave me cramps.

And yeah balancing hormones is a very confusing task, Sad I'm thinking of getting a hormone test too.

Ooo, I like that link, thank you, Alicia! I ramped up to 1800 mg. I tried to do something similar to Eve M program, and it just wasn't for me. I'm still taking Fenugreek and Fennel and I don't see any adverse reactions. I think it's a little easier to control my sugar cravings, so that's something. Do either of you have those with your conditions? For me it's the main mark of my hypothyroidism. It's like a really bad habit/addiction. I usually have a lot of self-control in things. I work out daily, get up early to do it. I can control most things except for my sugar intake. It seems to have gotten easier with Fenugreek.

I may throw some borage oil into the mix. I hear WY is pretty potent and I'm scared about adding something so strong again. Oh, yeah, did I mention that hops also made me shed some hair. Not a pleasant experience overall. I felt great not even two days after I stopped taking it.

What did you think of WY? Did it make you gain weight, did you notice anything different? How much are you taking?


(19-02-2013, 18:05)carolanlorraine Wrote:  Hey Malina and All

Yeah I got my results back prolactin is way high and so is my testosterone.I'm going back in on Friday to chat with Dr. But I'm sure I have pcos.....
I did purchase DCI today and hoping that will help, aswell as drinking 3cups of spearmingt tea a day. I presume we can drink spearmint throught our cycle if we are cycling pm-right?

Also I would like to add Sp during follicular and Don Quai during luteal.....I believe this should neither effect my nbe nor my pcos.....?

Ciao for now

(04-03-2012, 18:01)Malina Wrote:  
(04-03-2012, 13:21)Alicia Wrote:  Hi Carol, what about adding some more anti-androgen? Isabelle posted a list of herbs and their functions here.

I was never diagnosed with PCOS, but I have adult acne and I've had hirsutism and other mild symptoms of high androgens since I was a child.
I'm trying Saw Palmetto, Wild Yam, Spearmint tea and Licorice root tea. I also tried hops but had a bad reaction too, not in my mood like Malina (how much were you taking, Malina? I reached 1550mg/day) but in my body: it gave me cramps.

And yeah balancing hormones is a very confusing task, Sad I'm thinking of getting a hormone test too.

Ooo, I like that link, thank you, Alicia! I ramped up to 1800 mg. I tried to do something similar to Eve M program, and it just wasn't for me. I'm still taking Fenugreek and Fennel and I don't see any adverse reactions. I think it's a little easier to control my sugar cravings, so that's something. Do either of you have those with your conditions? For me it's the main mark of my hypothyroidism. It's like a really bad habit/addiction. I usually have a lot of self-control in things. I work out daily, get up early to do it. I can control most things except for my sugar intake. It seems to have gotten easier with Fenugreek.

I may throw some borage oil into the mix. I hear WY is pretty potent and I'm scared about adding something so strong again. Oh, yeah, did I mention that hops also made me shed some hair. Not a pleasant experience overall. I felt great not even two days after I stopped taking it.

What did you think of WY? Did it make you gain weight, did you notice anything different? How much are you taking?

Since vitex can up prolactin, and you having higher prolactin, you may want to drop it. PM is a nono for those with pcos generally. I would focus on progesterone more so than anything and a great anti androgen.

SP is a great idea and so is dong quai. You may have something there.


Hmmm....I didn't know....I've read Vitex in low doses can but 900mg or more will lower Prolactin- But thanks for the input Tibetan....I'll do some more reading.Huh

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