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Uneven breasts just need one to grow more HELP!


Hello Everyone!

I have breasts that the the same general shape but one sticks out a half inch more than the other and is fuller and firmer. My smaller breast is much mushyer and not as firm/rounded.

I tried Natureday Enlargement Formula because it had so many good reviews but it has done nothing.

Can anyone suggest something to help my other breast grow? I can't spend much I am paying a ton of student loans right now. Ideally I would love large breasts but my priority is just having even breasts that I don't mind in a swimmingsuit Sad

thanks <3

If you don't have much $, maybe you can try massaging the smaller one with a topical - many popular ones - flaxseed oil, muscle rub, evening primrose oil, cocoa butter, etc. - are readily available and cheap.

And I think there are free hypnosis tracks. Smile

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