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Nyx's Quest


Hi everyone! Long time no update Smile I've been busy with school. I try to Noogle as much as I can, and for a little while since the last update, I was doing pretty good, but my boyfriend has been over at my house so much and I don't want him to see me with it on (even though he knows about it) that I haven't done it at all these past couple weeks Sad I'll be getting back into that along with working out, because I've been putting on some weight. I watched the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010 and it's reinspired my NBE journey Big Grin

So the big news! I fiiiinally decided, after so many weeks of debate, that I'm going to give BO a shot. I actually already bought it a few days ago, and eagerly away its arrival, haha. While I do understand that growing bigger breasts will take hard work and perseverance, taking so many pills was just not my thing. And it wasn't only that, but I think the herbs were starting to have negative side effects that weren't worth the growth, even though they started off relatively harmless and helped me grow 1/2 inch.

Anyway, I ended up getting Ultra Breast. I monitored my temperature for a week and it stayed at a steady 98.6, so that's one less set of pills to take (no kelp, cayenne, or l-tyrosine). I can't decide if I should add the pituitary or not. Also, I'm thinking about getting that NOW unflavored whey protein that I keep hearing about. I'd only have a scoop a day, probably. I'm a big egg and meat person so I already have a good amount of protein, but I want to make sure I'm covering my bases so the UB isn't a waste of money.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about all my herbs...I have so many lol. I got the HUGE jar of fenugreek. There were 500 capsules and I probably have 400 left. Maybe I'll try to sell that, the fennel capsules, and the borage oil capsules? I still have MSM, Neocell collagen pills, and maca, but I want to keep taking them. I'm thinking about crushing up the MSM and Neocell collagen pills to take in powderized form with a drink, because those were the hardest pills to get down.

Wow that was a long post. I'll update again when I get the UB!

I watched the fashion show too and was thinking to myself can't wait to have boobs just like those lol.

Welcome to the BO side Smile

lucky your temp is already good enough! Good luck with the BO program! It's great that there seems to be a few of us starting BO at the moment so we can compare stories!

Thanks guys! lol periwinkle, makes me think of Star Wars. "Welcome to the...BO SIDE."

Well I just got my UB in the mail today and it took about a week from ordering, and they told me to expect slower shipping because of the holiday season. It came in a bubble pack lol, I was expecting a box.

I guess I'll post my new daily routine then, which I'll be starting tomorrow! I'm excited~

3 x Ultra Breast
1 x Maca (525 mg)
1 x Multivitamin
Powderized MSM (3000mg)
Noogleberry (1+ hrs)

Looks so nice and simple compared to herbal routes, haha.

Completely agree! Taking all those herbs drove me crazy! Lol.

(10-12-2010, 08:55)periwinkle12 Wrote:  Completely agree! Taking all those herbs drove me crazy! Lol.
Haha yeah! Big Grin However, I think I'm back to taking the same amount of pills a day as I was when I was taking herbs...

I don't know if anyone's familiar with Neocell Super Collagen but it's a collagen supplement for hair/nails/beauty that provides types 1 and 3 collagen (as opposed to MSM which provides type 2) and they make you take 6 pills a day! They're not that small either Sad I tried powderizing both the MSM and Neocell together and chugging it in a glass of orange juice...ugh. It didn't really taste all that bad, but seeing the globs of powder and the smell of the MSM (I got some weird vanilla flavored tablets that smell sickly sweet) made me gag. You'd be surprised how much powder you can get from 8 measly pills. I kind of wish I hadn't made such an impulse purchase on these pills because now I feel obligated to finish the darn thing.

So I'm back to just swallowing them whole until I figure out how I'm going to do this. I'm thinking about getting 1 tub of flavored protein powder to make shakes and 1 tub of unflavored for mixing into cooking. Whenever I get them, I'll try mixing in the powdered pills with a protein shake and see if that works better.

I'm taking the neocell pills and yes they are rather large! Huge even.

I haven't had a problem with my MSM powder. I just put half a teaspoon in a bit of water and quickly gulp it back.

out of all the supplements i'm taking, MSM powder is the easiest! i can't even taste it. i just put 1/2 teaspoon in water and drink it down. maybe you can switch to the powder form?

After I finish these last few MSM pills I will. They're from when I did herbal. I bought a big bottle and they have this weird vanilla coat on them. When I tried crushing them into powder, I got a headache from the smell. I'm sure if that vanilla wasn't there, it wouldn't be bad at all. Where do you get powder MSM from? Maybe I'll check the health food stores. Too bad Neocell doesn't come in flavorless powder Big Grin

Do you feel like the hair/nails pills are working for you? I've been taking biotin since the summer and I'm not sure I'm seeing a difference.

Haha the BO route can quickly become the herb route with too many pills. I'm taking pituitary with BO and wanted to add MSM and Papaya enyme, but once I have too many pills I become lazy to take them so I'm trying to keep my program with as little pills as possible

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