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1st Time Noogle


I was a bit too cheap to just order an NB, so I faked one up with a plastic container and an old hand pump I had. Oh My Goodness! This is Wonderful! I know I am hooked already. The girls feel So Much fuller!

Welcome to the DIY boobie club , Joanne! I've been making my own for years......

I really can't believe it! I should have started years ago!

That's what we all think.... but no time like the present! Have any photos of your home made domes?

I don't have photos yet, these are Very Much a work in progress. I need something to edge around the lip of the container and a little more secure vacuum port.

that's tough to find a gasket that fits a nonstandard size container that will not get sucked in while pumping... I've had success using a heat gun to soften the plastic and flair the opening out or round it off.... better yet use thick walled PVC pipe.... doesn't cut into your skin like thin plastic....

Hi Karren, I just stumbled an a photo of you PVC domes, they look Much more comfortable then these plastic jugs but I really like to watch the pump do it's magic. Your post with the "perfect dome" is very interesting and I'm going to start watching out for one.

has anyone done a how to make your own domes page yet?
You should make one it be great! or anyone !!! if I knew how to make one I'd make one..but atm no clue xD
any dips on making domes and the whole pump !! I really want to start pumping =p

good job being inventive ;]

Six days for about 20 minutes in the morning now, my girls feel just wonderful. I started at five minutes, then ten, then up to 20. I notice I have to keep pumping once every few seconds as my breasts are drawn into the domes. It's just great and I love the feeling. The girls are staying a bit swelled for some time now which makes me visit the mirror more (blush).

Sounds like you have a leak in a hose or the check valve in your pump is defective.... most pumps will bleed down over 10 or 15 minutes..... but you shouldn't have to pump that much... unless your hand needs the exercise.... and you like that milking effect! lol... moooooo...

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