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NEW HERE! pregnant and planning on breastfeeding. Advice please


I am almost 8 mos. pregnant and I grew a cup size. I used to be a b cup.
How do I avoid shrinkage after breastfeeding? Some say to soak breasts in ice cold water to dry the milk up and that will retain the breasts. Is that true? I need advice I am only 18 and I don't want to feel 80 after breatfeeding
No to saggy sock likeboobs. I already have projected, quite saggy boobs already. Helpplease!

Ouch, that hurtsSad I guess I have 80 y old women's boobs here "sagging sock like", but you know what I am very proud for giving my babies the best food I could, and I don't mind working on them to make them full again.

Well, the cold water is probably untrue. so is saggy breasts after weaning. my breasts didn't start to sag until weaning my 6th child, I breastfed for 8 years straight. if your breasts are starting to sag chances are that's just your skin type. At 18 your breasts should not be saggy even if you're pregnant. try massaging them. the stimulation increases circulation and can do wonders for skin.

Good luck.

Actually cold water therapy for breasts does exist, I remember discussing it with a BN member (maybe Peggy??, idk) anyways, it think it was swedish girls splashing cold water on their breasts for therapy, I'll share the article when I come across it.

Cold causes the body to release endorphins, hormones with proven pain-fighting properties.

Cold water activates sensory nerves that lead to the brain. A cold, exhilarating shower can be emotionally uplifting and prime a person for new experiences.

Hydrotherapy for Firm Breasts

(26-06-2011, 14:54)Maz Wrote:  Hello all,

I wanted to share something else that may help some of you with blood circulation in your breasts.

Cold water therapy.

Dip and submerge your breasts in ice-cold water for a short while each night. It is a method used by ancient groups to promote perkiness, fullness and shape. And cold-water therapies have always been thought of as good.

I don’t know how to work this into a routine yet though, like before or after massage/pumping. It’s always advised to use a heat pad and massage to warm your breasts up so this is a bit counter productive. So far I have been leaving a gap between pumping/massaged/the hot stuff before doing this. I have been doing it for a few days and they look good strait after.


Here's something interesting for people with fibromyalgia while we're on the subject.

Efficacy of hydrotherapy in fibromyalgia syndrome--a meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials.

I may just have natural saggy breasts then. Will cold water hinder the milk making capabilities of my breasts or is hydrotherapy safe for breastfeeding women?

Cold water will cause poor circulation, which will hinder milk production. why are you planning on how to dry up your milk, if you haven't even started breastfeeding yet? Your breasts will stay big if you continue to nurse. if you start massaging and a herbal/glandular program before your milk is gone (obviously not until you're baby is weaned) you'll have better luck keeping your size. Enjoy the boobs while they don't take work (other than feeding a baby) to keep them, silly girl

I would say massage. I wouldn't do anything else until completely done breastfeeding. You wouldn't want to have something your doing interfere with breastfeeding.

Wear a really good, supportive bra. Wear a sleeping bra. I always had to sleep in a bra when nursing and the last part of pregnancy.

(08-09-2014, 14:28)brookeshells Wrote:  I may just have natural saggy breasts then. Will cold water hinder the milk making capabilities of my breasts or is hydrotherapy safe for breastfeeding women?


I've never heard of this before but the site listed below claims that cabbage leaves is an old school remedy that works.

How do I get my breast milk to dry up?

Make sure you check with your ob-gyn on everything, babies health is priority number 1, (I'm sure you know that already and will be an awesome mommy). Wink
Good luck!.


Cold water therapy causing poor circulation lacks supporting evidence, hypothermia maybe, which isn't what cold water therapy is about.

Cold water, it should be noted, holds a magic of its own. Cold water has more oxygen in it than hot water, and therefore has an alkalizing and detoxifying effect. Plus, cold water is known to wipe away negative energy from our bodies. And there's a negative energy component to most disease - particularly where cancers or tumors are located. Using cold water can help remove the energy that's binding the filth in certain locations and when that energy is gone, the filth can more easily be moved out of your body - where it truly belongs.

Learn more:

(09-09-2014, 00:30)Lotus Wrote:  Cold water, it should be noted, holds a magic of its own. Cold water has more oxygen in it than hot water, and therefore has an alkalizing and detoxifying effect. Plus, cold water is known to wipe away negative energy from our bodies. And there's a negative energy component to most disease - particularly where cancers or tumors are located. Using cold water can help remove the energy that's binding the filth in certain locations and when that energy is gone, the filth can more easily be moved out of your body - where it truly belongs.

Learn more:
Are there any experiments to confirm this? It sounds like a load of crap to me.

I'm just speaking from experience. I have/had poor circulation and when my breasts got cold (-45° winters) I could not express milk well and caused them to become engorged. which can lead to mastitis, which is not fun.

Thanks for the info on cold water. I've heard French women constantly change water temp in the shower to improve skins youthfulness.

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