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My program.


So I decided to post my first NBE program.
For my estrogen dominance/hormone imbalance I added:
Vitex/Agnus cactus/Chasteberry
type: liquid form
dosage: 6-12 drops - 3x/day
administration: sub-lingually or in juices.
Vitex works mainly through the pituitary gland. This is the master gland, regulating all the other glands of the body, including the sexual hormones. This may be why Vitex is able to help with so many different ailments due to hormonal imbalance--it starts at the top, and perhaps helps all the different glands to work more efficiently together.
It increases luteinizing hormone production while inhibiting the release of follicle stimulating hormone, leading to an indirect increase in progesterone and a normalization of prolactin levels. The combination of actions produced by vitex seems to restore the estrogen/progesterone balance.
Vitex probably affects the hormones by stimulating dopamine in the hypothalamus. This in turn suppresses prolactin and favors progesterone.

And a good read:

type: liquid
dosage: 15 drops - 3x/day
administration: sub-lingually or in juices.
Scientists and doctors are now finding maca to be one of the most optimal and natural ways to balance and support endocrine health by aiding in the regulation of healthy hormone production with its adaptogenic qualities.
More info:

Dandelion root
type: liquid
dosage: 6-12 drops - 3x/daily
administration: sub-lingually or in juices.
Aids in liver health, stimulates digestion for improved hormonal balance.Dandelion root has good amount of zinc, magnesium and calcium and contains Taraxasterol as well taraxerol compounds, thereby helping to balance your hormone levels.

For my hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone production) I added:
type: liquid
dosage: 2 drops - twice a week
administration: in juices
Besides the fact that thyroid hormones need iodine to exist, it also plays a huge role in breast health, removes fibrocystic breast disease, rids you of toxins like bromide and more, helps with healthy levels of stomach acid, is anti-fungal, and is anti-cancer…and so much more.Even the names of the different forms of thyroid hormone reflect the number of iodine molecules attached -- T4 has four attached iodine molecules, and T3 (the biologically active form of the hormone) has three -- showing what an important part iodine plays in thyroid biochemistry.

Also Maca
Although the exact mechanism of how maca root works still isn’t known, maca apparently affects the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (11). And of course the hypothalamus and pituitary gland affect the output of the adrenal hormones, thyroid hormones, as well as hormones secreted by the ovaries and testes. These of course both play a role in thyroid health, as the hypothalamus releases thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to release TSH, which stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormone. In this matter it is possible that taking maca root can affect thyroid health, and perhaps even help to increase the output of thyroid hormone in some people with hypothyroid conditions.

I try to eat mostly raw. I do not eat any animal product. I juice everyday (as you might have figured it out by now) it's my main source of getting the nutrients I need. So basically I listen to my body and give it what it needs to get the "job" done. As long as you have headaches/acne/allergies/digestive problems etc. your body is trying to tell you that it doesn't like what you're giving it, so the logic is simple. Don't give it "those" things anymore.

I massage daily-not too consistent though! I might need to get more into it.
I do inward rotations and lymphatic breast massage.
Here's a video. (you might want to skip the first 2:02 minutes)

Also I'm trying to get my hands on a NoogleBerry and the PC. These I think would do the most job if I started using them but it's not that common in my country and it's a bit hard to find a good deal.

That's it for now. I will try to keep everybody posted. At the moment I don't have a strict schedule and I don't feel like it would be that productive to post pictures once every month, I decided to post whenever there is a change in my breast size/shape. When I'll get the NB I'll take pictures every month so you (along with me) can see the changes.

And of course, the measurements:
top of bust - 33''
across nipple - 35''
under bust - 28 1/2''
waist - 26''
hips/butt - 38''

Quick edit:

I've been using vitex for a week now and for 3 days I've been having 3 big pimples on my face. Yesterday they got inflamed and I thought that my body didn't like it so I was going to keep taking it a week more and see what happens. But today they got smaller and don't hurt anymore so now I guess it's because it started regulating my hormones. Another thing that I noticed was that my breasts shrunk and I felt like I lost half of my body weight BUT I realised that my breasts don't feel lumpy anymore. My cysts disappeared and now when I squeeze them they feel normal. What I think happened was that it got my body rid of water retention and "unhealthy" tissue. My face seems slimmer as well.
My period should last for 1 or 2 days more and I'm really curious how my body will react when estrogen starts rising.
At the moment my breasts feel a bit plumper I wonder if I will gain something this cycle and manage to keep it 'till my next one?!

That's it for now, I will write again if I see any changes.

I'm not entirely sure why your breasts shrunk but I know mine did once I started flaxseed oil massage. They came back alot heavier and firmer. You might have begun the breaking down of those thick tissues and started developing actual growth instead of temporary swelling (they felt like water balloons before??).

Definitely be glad of the lumps being gone! You're doing something really good there. Weight loss is always an added bonus considering most BE pills will make you gain weight like crazy.

(05-05-2015, 19:57)Orangepeels Wrote:  I'm not entirely sure why your breasts shrunk but I know mine did once I started flaxseed oil massage. They came back alot heavier and firmer. You might have begun the breaking down of those thick tissues and started developing actual growth instead of temporary swelling (they felt like water balloons before??).

Definitely be glad of the lumps being gone! You're doing something really good there. Weight loss is always an added bonus considering most BE pills will make you gain weight like crazy.

Yes,yes and yes!! That's exactly what I thought it would happen, and yes, THAT'S how I always said my breasts felt like. Water balloons. And oh god! There were times when my breasts felt like they were about to explode!They would expand so much and feel heavy but then *spuff* GONE. Thank you so much for writing, keeps me motivated. Tongue

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