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BO for me?


Hello everyone Smile I have been thinking about BO for a while but I am not sure if it is right for me, I am hoping some seniors could give me advice.

I had a hormonal issue (an ovarian cyst) that caused me to lose weight in my breast, 2015 i've got it under control because it ruptured (tmi sorry)

Just out of high school my skin changed and I had rosacea and very bad blotching acne-- my skin is now 99% clear, but that was a horrible time for me.

I am looking to change the shape of my breast seeing as they're already back to their old size. My breast may have grown back but my issue with my breast is the shape. Just because you gain fat back into the breast doesnt mean it will be in the same proportion it was in before you lost that fat Sad -- so even if I may have fixed my hormones, the weight i've lost from the hormonal imbalance is why the shape might be different. The fat is displaced.

So I am thinking BO might help my shape-- my questions are..

I really dont want to be put back into puberty mode because it was such a hard time on my skin-- what are the odds of that happening again? if I get off BO, would it stop? Sad I am super scared about it.

and is it smart to take BO with a hormonal issue like mine?

I know everything is a chance, everyone is different, etc etc but I have been reading some threads on here that women got very sick and even got PCOS while on BO (ugh) just, is it worth it?? Huh Sad

If you start to have skin issues with BO, which is a big if, then take an anti-androgen. Spearmint is still one of the better "cheap" options, as it doesn't affect estrogen too strongly, sadly, it still does. Peppermint is slightly better from my new research with its coumarin. The current best I've found is tonka bean, as the #1 strongest source of coumarin, but it's expensive, in the US I'm sourcing it as $50 minimum to get medicinal effect, a week. If you DO use tonka bean, I would also suggest getting a digestion aid, anti-gas/bloating herb. As a bean, that you're going to be eating raw, it WILL give you gas and bloating without such.

thank you so much Smile I will look into tonka bean, this is the first I've heard of it.

Do you think BO would cause ever lasting effects on acne? The only reason why I ask is because since it is putting our body into puberty mode, I feel like we're technically altering our DNA. Is there a chance it could give us adult acne? or is it most likely to stop after we stop BO?

(16-01-2016, 18:52)missboobshirt Wrote:  thank you so much Smile I will look into tonka bean, this is the first I've heard of it.

Do you think BO would cause ever lasting effects on acne? The only reason why I ask is because since it is putting our body into puberty mode, I feel like we're technically altering our DNA. Is there a chance it could give us adult acne? or is it most likely to stop after we stop BO?

If you don't have a kitchen scale capable of going below 1 gram, get one, if you want to use tonka bean, honestly, use spearmint or peppermint first because of the lower risk.

If you use an anti-androgen in concert with BO you shouldn't have any acne at all even while using BO. There is a small risk of it without one.

It's testosterone that causes acne, like so many other ills.

(16-01-2016, 01:01)missboobshirt Wrote:  Hello everyone Smile I have been thinking about BO for a while but I am not sure if it is right for me, I am hoping some seniors could give me advice.

I had a hormonal issue (an ovarian cyst) that caused me to lose weight in my breast, 2015 i've got it under control because it ruptured (tmi sorry)

Just out of high school my skin changed and I had rosacea and very bad blotching acne-- my skin is now 99% clear, but that was a horrible time for me.

I am looking to change the shape of my breast seeing as they're already back to their old size. My breast may have grown back but my issue with my breast is the shape. Just because you gain fat back into the breast doesnt mean it will be in the same proportion it was in before you lost that fat Sad -- so even if I may have fixed my hormones, the weight i've lost from the hormonal imbalance is why the shape might be different. The fat is displaced.

So I am thinking BO might help my shape-- my questions are..

I really dont want to be put back into puberty mode because it was such a hard time on my skin-- what are the odds of that happening again? if I get off BO, would it stop? Sad I am super scared about it.

and is it smart to take BO with a hormonal issue like mine?

I know everything is a chance, everyone is different, etc etc but I have been reading some threads on here that women got very sick and even got PCOS while on BO (ugh) just, is it worth it?? Huh Sad

HeySmile im considering BO. and since, reading so many posts from you, we seem to have very similar symptoms and everything, i have the exact same questions as you! So did you try it eventually?

I am not sure I may ever try it :/ I always said it was my last resort and there are still other NBE I havent tried yet. I am very picky about what I put into my body because I know how sensitive I am to my hormonal fluctuations. So if all else fails I will try BO. I'm trying to find as much info on BO as I can. But I have to out weigh the possibilities, what is more important-- baby fresh skin or bigger boobies? I will always choose my skin- not everyone is looking at your breast but everyone notices your skin. I love my skin Smile

some things to consider:

I have a Russian roulette feeling when it comes to taking BO-- I , myself, am still dabbling in the non hormonal route and if I am taking any herbs they are at a low dose-- or way less potent than BO-- feel free to follow my thread seeing as we share the same kind of issues and am careful about what I am using, it may be easy for you & your skin. I am posting a new program on it soon Smile

Very nice, it makes me understand more.
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Hi I just joined this site, I'm seriously thinking about taking BO soon.

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