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[archive] Which massage technique is more effective?


in your opinion which massage technique is more effective?
January 9 2007 at 3:18 PM cutevelvet  (Login cutevelvet)

the chi rotations (lisa's massage) or the tiger lily massage where ur slapping ur breast and knuckling down to remove those blockages!!!! which one is for you girls?

(Login princessglitter)
Re: in your opinion which massage technique is more effective?
January 9 2007, 3:53 PM

I do tigerlily method plus some chi massage at the end of it...i find it most helpful

(Login Sonia.)
Re: in your opinion which massage technique is more effective?
January 9 2007, 4:00 PM

I'm following instructions I was given by Fengshui, but thinking about doing the pansyclub massage.

(Login sunnyMark)
Re: in your opinion which massage technique is more effective?
January 9 2007, 4:11 PM

i do chi massage and pansyclub's massage, but i don't use my palm but fingers or knuckles

(Login -Moon-)
Re: in your opinion which massage technique is more effective?
January 9 2007, 6:23 PM

I vote knuckles all the way!!! A version of Tiger Lily's massage - emphasise on the first step. It's not about some mystic virtual blockages, it's pure physiology - massage with knuckles gives a lot more physical stimulation than the chi massage in circles. I get a lot more pains with this technique than I did with the chi massage, also I get them shortly after the massage, so I know it's doing good and that keeps me motivated.

(Login Moonkissed)
Re: in your opinion which massage technique is more effective?
January 10 2007, 1:28 AM

I use Fengshi's massage, with the knuckle pressure.

organic angel
(Login organic_angel)
Re: in your opinion which massage technique is more effective?
January 25 2007, 7:41 AM

I also do the Pansyclub massage. Steps 1-6. Then I use an acupressure device to press on the appropriate stimulating/releasing points around each breast. The device I use, you can buy at any Walmart or health food store. They come in animal shapes and are made of either wood or plastic.

Boobie Love My Organic Beauties

(Login jellyboobs)
Re: in your opinion which massage technique is more effective?
January 25 2007, 10:09 AM

I love the pansy club massage love hitting those pressure points love jellyDeee...

Breast enhancement massage programs: what is the difference?
April 22 2007 at 4:07 PM Summer (Login summer_skye)

I need to ask, what is the difference between the kind of massages used by Pansyclub, Fengshui and Tiger lily and these new ones that are apparently offered on a free trial. What is the essential difference?

(Login Myjourney)
April 22 2007, 4:27 PM

The Grow Yours is different because it's aimed at inducing lactation.

(Login Myjourney)
April 22 2007, 4:39 PM


Tiger Lily's massage as I understand is more for circulation.

"the strength only to help better blood circulation; while growyours (there're 6 levels depends on how you grow...)not only helping your blood circulation but also well-massaging your each lobes"

Hope that helps!

(no login)
Re: Breast enhancement massage programs: what is the difference?
April 22 2007, 8:44 PM

We aren't able to divulge the exact details of the grow yours program, so it's difficult to answer your question.

(Login sugar2spice)
my own massages
April 23 2007, 12:02 AM

So can't I do my own massages? I've gotten ideas from the programs shown on the forum, but I'm not sticking to one really. Does that matter?

(Login Minnie)
Re: my own massages
April 23 2007, 12:12 AM

You can do your own. Women were massaging for NBE before these specific techniques came about.

(Login ThaliaSun)
April 23 2007, 3:35 AM

Let me take a stab at this--

When I started NBE I was doing the Flat to Fab program where I learned the Chi massage. Chi is specific about direction of motion, medium pressure, etc. I did it religiously and think it may have helped me get a little more firm, but no growth to speak of.

Once I found this forum I read over Pansyclub and Tiger Lily's massage techniques and used them. These massages made much more sense to me as they were more aggressive with manipulating the breast tissue, I could feel some soreness and felt like it was acutally making more of a difference. However, the same outcome happened for me, increased fullness but no growth.

This program, Grow Yours is like a few steps even more intense than Pansyclub & Tiger Lily's techniques. More pressure, very precise movement instruction and time required, and frankly, the best thing is that there are videos that show you how to do it all. Trying to learn a massage technique by reading about it is difficult at best. Half the time you just hope you're doing it right. The Grow Yours program is very detailed in what to do, how it should feel and in tracking the changes to the breast.

The downside is for sure the time commitment, but I do my morning massage on one breast in the shower, on the other on the way to work. I use lotion and it works fine with the bra/clothing. The evening massage I do in front of the TV, or computer, or reading a book. It's just become part of my day this past week and I'm getting used to it.

I've had 1.5 inch growth in one week. This is very exciting. I am continuing my BO program at the same time, not sure where all this will lead me but I'm being pretty methodical and will adjust as I go.

Best to everyone!


(Login Sarabell239)
Re: Breast enhancement massage programs: what is the difference?
April 23 2007, 6:29 AM

Awesome Sun+ It's awesome that you are finding ways to fit this into your schedule, I am trying to do the same thing. I think it's great to learn the techniques and be able to adapt them into our programs. best of luck to you!

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: Breast enhancement massage programs: what is the difference?
April 23 2007, 7:54 PM

I don't think the above explanations are correct. I think the difference is actually that Chinese massages are supposed to promote the growth process by stimulating pressure points (similar to acupuncture) and are not anything to do with blood circulation. Also they seem to provide permanent growth, if I've understood things right, whereas it seems to be suggested with this other system that there is no permanent growth.

(Login skyler_s)
Re: Breast enhancement massage programs: what is the difference?
April 26 2007, 11:18 AM

The Chinese method seems only necessary to follow until you are happy with the result, whereas this other system seems to require you to follow it for the rest of your life. I think that's the essential difference.

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: Breast enhancement massage programs: what is the difference?
April 30 2007, 8:32 AM

The new system seems to have a high sucess rate though, even if it requires constant maintenance.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Breast enhancement massage programs: what is the difference?
April 30 2007, 12:35 PM

Entirely from personal experience, I think the chi massge is more for circultion, while the grow yours is for attaining tissue expansion with physical stimulation. I actually think that the cinese/acupressure massage is similar to the grow yours, that those points may actually be the lobes. Not sure tho.

boobie massage techniques how do u do yours?
January 30 2007 at 12:20 PM gingerD (Login gingerD)

after reading the post-chi rotation, its got me thinking,i read the massage pages time and again, i watch the video i posted and read tiger lillys massage page-BUT i still find the whole thing hard to interprate properly, i know that if massage is done incorectly then its either pointless or even damaging-(as per web pages read)
So i was wondering-although i think i do it right im not 100%sure so could we all do an explination to how we do it,im sure we could learn a few things im sure we all have a variation,and even do things not mentioned before-and if we don't we can have a good old laugh at how we explain them.
Thanks everyone

(Login gingerD)
What i do
January 30 2007, 12:58 PM

so here we go:
1stly i put spread an a hudge mound of collagen gel on-wait about 1 min(let it soak in)
Then i make my hands into fists and rotate the breast up and round leftB clockwise rightB anti clockwise(i use both hands at the same time) I do press on quite hard and it hurts alittle,i do this maybe 50 times.
Then i apply another lot of collagen mixed with shea butter
I then grab gently around the nipple and do this for 20-30 seconds
I then go back to what i call the gorilla fist for about 2min.
I also concentrate on the top of the brest/collar bone area? as that is where i need the rounded definition
I then push the faty bit from under my arm pit forward with both hands soft of like a sweeping motion one hand then the other- i repeate this with both breasts for about 2-3 min.
I then grab both breasts and push them together into a clevage, but making sure i grab as much breast and armpit fat as posible and push them in 20-30 times.
(next aplication of collagen/shea and vit E)
I will then do sweeping hand motions around each breast.
Then i do the Slap Fat grab,with both breasts in my hands-i do this for as long as i can physically take it-which isnt usually that long.i do try to do this technique twice during the massage.
Next i push both breasts up starting below the niple using both hands one after the other(sort of a cupping motion?)
then 1 last rotational gentle massage-i did start the nipping breast tigerliily put but only this morning
I apply another small amount of collagen, let it soak in for alittle while while i dress etc-
Now i am doing this every morning which is taking approx 15 min in total-some times alittle less some times more.
Night time i have lapsed but will be doing it as from the 1st Feb-(iv run out of collagen already)

sorry for the essay So this is what i think i do, expalined as best i can any imput would be good,but also tell me what u do-Thanks

(Login Surf.)
Re: boobie massage techniques how do u do yours?
January 30 2007, 4:24 PM

I have been massaging in the am with Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Bust Firming Massage Cream. I have been massaging in the pm with 2 EPO capsules, 1 pumpkin seed oil capsule broken open, 1 safflower seed oil capsule broken open and vitamine E (400 iu). After my massage I rub 100% pure cocoa butter (that I have melted down) all over my chest area including under my arms. Sometimes I use 100% pure shea butter instead of the cocoa butter (I don't have to melt it down, so it's easier than the cocoa butter).
I then use heat for about 15 minutes. I use a bag that has corn in it that I pop in the microwave to heat. It is an almost moist kind of heat, but dry to the touch. The heat is low (approx 110 degrees).

Now I'll try to explain the way I massage -
After putting all the EPO, oils and vitamine E on my breasts (and sometimes I'll add in fenugreek extract at night), I put the palms of my hands over my nipples (right hand on right boob, left hand on left boob) and do 200 rotations (clockwise for my right breast and counter-clockwise for my left breast - like if the clock were attached to my breast, facing out).
Then I put my right hand on my left boob and left hand on my right boob and do the same rotation movement for 100 more rotations. When I do these, I try to push some of the skin from under my arms towards my boobs. Then I use my knuckles (right hand on right boob, left hand on left boob) starting right below my nipples and do small rotations with my knuckles and do this motion in a clockwise for my right breast and counter-clockwise for my left breast roation around my boobs (like doing small circles in a circular motion around my boobs). I do this about 3 times around my boobs. Then I recently started massaging under my arms. I use my knuckles of my right hand and massage under my left arm. I go from my arm pit all the way down even with the bottom of my boob (like a 7 inch path up and down under my arm). I do this 25 times under each arm. Geez, I hope this makes sense. Then I put the melted cocoa butter all over my breasts and under my arms. I lather as much on as possible, above and below my breasts too. Then I crawl into bed and do the heat (no more than 110 degrees for about 15 minutes), then fall asleep.

I really feel like massaging is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT parts of NBE. Especially for those with poor circulation (which I believe I do, as my hands and feet are always cold). I feel like when I slack with my massages, I don't grow as much.


(Login Ann5)
Re: boobie massage techniques how do u do yours?
January 30 2007, 5:43 PM

Thanks to you both for ur time in sharing.

I try to do pansyclubs massage with the addition of the knuckles making circles around the breast.

Just to add, I use the 100% cocoa butter and noticed if I kind of shred it (just take a spoon and scratch at it so it gets grated in the same tub) I don't have to melt it. Since I use heat before massaging my chest is warm, so I just dab my fingers in the tub and rub the gratings on the chest and they melt by themselves.

(Login sissy2345)
Re: boobie massage techniques how do u do yours?
January 31 2007, 12:01 AM

Ladies, thank for taking the time to explain it. It really helps. What would reeeeally help is if someone with a proven routine would made a video and sent it to youtube or something, but that's probably asking too much huh??? lol.

Surf, when you do your rotations with palms on breast, are you moving the breast around with the palms never leaving the breast? Like basically covering the breast with your hand and moving the hand around? By the way, I took your suggestion and started a nightly massage with EPO and Vit-E. Before that I tried CCB & Vit-E and they shrank and felt weird, but now it's fine and am trying to be dedicated to a short nightly massage. Thank you!

(Login Surf.)
Re: boobie massage techniques how do u do yours?
January 31 2007, 1:07 AM

Sissy - I'm so glad you're having better luck with your new massage routine! I do it just as you described - I do not take my hands off my breasts and move them around with my palms. Best of luck!

(Login _violet_)
Re: boobie massage techniques how do u do yours?
January 31 2007, 1:26 AM

Totally gave up on the chi massage, just have been doing the Tiger Lily's massage with knuckles these days, or at least my interpretation of it anyway.

(Login Ann5)
Re: boobie massage techniques how do u do yours?
January 31 2007, 2:21 AM

What a great idea Sissy. I can just imagine it. Now who would be courageous enough to make the video? Hmmmmm......

(Login -Moon-)
Re: boobie massage techniques how do u do yours?
January 31 2007, 9:28 AM

I do a version of Tiger illy's massage, emphasis on the first step - with knuckles in a circle arround the breast. And some chi rorations.

Massage under arms?!?!
January 8 2007 at 2:33 PM Surf (Login Surf.)

I know tingles and pains have been discussed at length on the forum. My pains are usually felt under the arm. I recently started to massage under my arms in addition to my normal massage. My thinking was that since I've gotten pains under my arms, it must all be connected to NBE and why not specifically massage where I've felt the pains. Anyways, I've noticed that my breasts seem alot more sore since I've started massaging under my arms!!!!! I just wanted to pass the information along in case anyone else might want to try it and also to see if anyone else does this (and have felt like it helps).

Gigando growing boobie blessings to everyone!!!

(Login emmiedee)
makes sense
January 8 2007, 5:54 PM

it does make sense... after all, there is a major artery there that is very close to the surface so the stuff you are massaging doesnt have to go that deep to hit a major blood flow...

just a thought there!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Massage under arms?!?!
January 8 2007, 6:26 PM

Interesting info Surf! I have recently ''customsized'' massage to myself a bit too, I get a lot more pains if I massage with my knuckles in circles around the boobs. I think it's very important to experiment and go with what feels right, listn closely to your body.
Btw, with the amazing growth you had so far, are you sill growing??

(Login Surf.)
Re: Massage under arms?!?!
January 8 2007, 6:58 PM

Moon - I feel like I'm still growing. I try not to measure too often. I also massage with my knuckles (for part of the massage). When I massage under my arms, it is with my knuckles, as I feel like it's the only way to really feel it.

Best growing boobie wishes to you all!

(Login wonderbride)
Massage under arms?
January 9 2007, 5:16 AM

yep, I massage under the arms too. It's part of my lymphatic massage that I found here:

I do it to clear any chi blockages and hopefully make the breasts grow better. Good luck everyone Wink

Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve...

(Login jellyboobs)
Re: Massage under arms?!?!
January 9 2007, 8:51 AM

hi surf , great to hear from you !!! yep Ive always been naturally massaging undermy arms too!!! cause theyd be sore !!! great to know your still growing !!! mine are too !!! yippee !!! maybe theyll just grow and grow !!!!!! and selma better watch out for the boob brigade he he ....Ive lost a kilo now and my boobs are still sore !!! oh I hope I dont go down in size!!! hows your growth now ? anything to report? love jelly.....

(Login Surf.)
Re: Massage under arms?!?!
January 9 2007, 3:13 PM

Jelly - I'm at a total of 5 inches of growth so far. I haven't measured since Dec, when I updated my programs page and pictures (I should try to re-send those pictures agian - when I can find the time). Best wishes!

Massage Technique
June 11 2006 at 3:23 PM wsdm (Login wsdm)

I remember seeing this, I am not if it was on this board or another but I will post the link anyway.

Breast Lymphatic massage:

draining toxins out of breasts aids in overall breast health and therfore NBE.

Its really funny how I started simply wanting bigger and better looking boobs, to wanting a healthy body and seems for me at least, emotional health, mental health and breast health are all related and I need to tend to each aspect to acheive my goals...dunno just feel that is the best way for me to go...

(Login tammyrita)
massage technique
June 11 2006, 9:25 PM

Hi wsdm,

Yeah, the NBE thing does really become a whole body and mind health project, doesn't it? Now I really take concern with my overall well-being probably 100% more than I did before I started BE. It's a really good feeling to take care of yourself!


(no login)
Lymphatic massage
June 12 2006, 5:31 AM

I just started doing that massage about 3 days ago, and I was totally shocked. My breast got a lot bigger about 10 minutes after doing it. Did your breast size increase like that? I wasn't doing the massage for that reason, but because I read that it was good for breast cancer patients, and that it clears out your lymphatic system so it would probably be good for increased circulation and opening up estrogen receptors. But I was not expecting it to work so fast, That and other massage at the same time has almost caught my small breast up to the bigger 1 in 2 days. Hopefully in another day, I can do the same ammount of massage on both breast so I can make them both bigger. What has impressed me is that I am not using anything yet for my massages and they still have a huge affect on me. Well I'm glad you are telling others about it, I didn't say anything because I think I got this massage tech. somewhere on this forum. Please let me know if you noticed a difference in size right after. Thankyou, Shell

(Login wsdm)
Re: Massage Technique
June 12 2006, 7:37 PM

I haven’t started the lymphatic massage yet; I am just doing the chi...I will start performing the lymphatic tomorrow morning and I will monitor my results for a week and see,

the chi massages are ok, there is a slight difference however (it is very slight) in breast feel after massaging nothing anyone but me can notice though....

(Login annieomc)
massage techniues?
June 12 2006, 8:23 PM

I'm brand new to this sight, however have been taking single herbs for 2 weeks now with a slight increase in fullness at bottom and insides of my breasts. I hope to eventually see some fullsness on the outside of them. I recently bought cocoa butter with vitamin e and thought I would try massage but am at a loss to how I do it. Could you give me some advice?
Thanks, annie

(Login Shell688)
Single pill
June 13 2006, 11:53 PM

I noticed the same thing 2 weeks into taking BGP, bottom and sides seem to start first. I believe that that seems to be the way alot of people say it works. good luck.

(Login wendy)
Re: Massage Technique
June 14 2006, 5:45 PM

There are quite a few videos on youtube of lymphatic massage. Well worth a look.

Massage! My NBE Cannot Work Without It!
April 11 2007 at 5:05 PM Luvgrl (Login luvgrl)
SENIOR MEMBER I never really understood how much massage affects NBE!! I stopped massaging for like a week (out of laziness) and my boobs shrunk! I was back down to a AA! So I started massaging again... trying to do anything I could think of to get back on track... and oh my goodness the next day it was amazing! They were plump and round all over again!! Girls if your in a slump and don't know whats going wrong... MASSAGE. I never believed it until now, but it is essential for sure!!


(Login littlemadison)
Re: Massage! My NBE Cannot Work Without It!
April 11 2007, 7:23 PM

Hmmmm... maybe that's my problem. I have really been slacking on that thinking it probably wasnt that beneficial. Perhaps I just didn't have the right technigue. I should start that up again I guess and llok at which massage method is right for me. I'll let you know how that goes...

x Madison

(no login)
Re: Massage! My NBE Cannot Work Without It!
April 11 2007, 11:07 PM

Well if all the fullness is caused by massage and you shrink a cup size after a week of not massaging, it couldn't have been any real breast growth. Breasts don't shrink like that unless it's water swelling that disappears or something. Fat deposits don't just go away if you don't massage. Perhaps all these herbs and massages only make our breasts swell up with water?

I've never heard of any other women's (that are not on NBE) breasts shrinking if they don't lose weight in general. It seems to only happen to us that are on herbs.

(Login sophie9)
Re: Massage! My NBE Cannot Work Without It!
April 11 2007, 11:46 PM

hey luvgrl...
yeah! totally! i stopped massaging several weeks ago but have been "good" this week, and i look in the mirror and notice my breasts look so much nicer in shape and much fuller. definately something to it. any doctor would think it is nutty, but what works, works.

are you using the natureday massage cream? i just ordered wonderup's cream to change things up a bit. try something different. what massages do you do, and how often, because you have had great results.

p.s. - are you on two droppers now? i ramped up to 160 drops and feel real pains again and notice real fullness like i did my first week on natureday. granted, i'm at the end of my luteal phase, but this has been going on since i ramped up a bit back. what do you think of the natureday cream? i think it is fine. i just wanted to try something else out there. it is relatively inexpensive and in the U.S., which is nice.

p.p.s. - my runt boob has GROWN with massage! definately! so all you ladies with the same issue, it took about a month, and it totally is catching up with the winner! i have been adding some greenbush fennugreek tincture to the runt and doing chi massages with my knuckles on the one. then i massage them both together a bit. i can't believe it actually WORKS!

(Login BellyGirl)
Re: Massage! My NBE Cannot Work Without It!
April 12 2007, 1:38 AM

I TOTALLY agree ladies! I wasn't massaging for bout 2 weeks and definately noticed a difference. They didn't look as full at all. Massage really does help.
Sophie:I couldn't agree more! My lil one has come a long way! Finally starting to catch up!

Big Boobies for Us All!!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Massage! My NBE Cannot Work Without It!
April 12 2007, 8:56 AM

That's a known fact, before massages became popular in NBE, almost no one had any results.

Be sure to massage corerctly tho, INWARDS, and lots of girls including me recomend massage with knuckles in small circles in a circle, especially at the bottom of the boobs, this gives a lot more physical stimulation.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Massage! My NBE Cannot Work Without It!
April 12 2007, 12:09 PM

Massage and heat have always been recommended for NBE on this forum, threads back to May of 2005. The idea behind massage is to clear out any blockages and improve circulation. Heat increases prolactin which enables growth.

(Login luvgrl)
Re: Massage! My NBE Cannot Work Without It!
April 18 2007, 9:59 PM

I just realized something after much work yesterday. The harder i rub, really dig into my chest, and get the knots out that are in them... they get HUGE! In such little time too!! Does anyone else notice that their breasts are like really hard and lumpy??? When I work all of it out, they are really tender and swollen and big. Is this bad for me?

(no login)
Re: Massage! My NBE Cannot Work Without It!
April 19 2007, 6:09 AM

Well the swelling that occurs after massage isn't really growth is it?

If you go really hard at it you do get some oedema there temporarily.

Tiger Lily: have your results been sustained?
April 30 2007 at 8:34 AM
Epiphany (Login Epiphany.)

Tiger Lily, if you're still around I wondered if your results had been sustained?

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Tiger Lily: have your results been sustained?
April 30 2007, 9:40 AM

Hi Epiphany! Yes I still read forum most days, helps a lot with my English. For my result, yes happily have lasted. I not massage for this time, but still eat some booby food to help keep result.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Tiger Lily: have your results been sustained?
April 30 2007, 12:37 PM

Tiger Lilly, I have a few questions - did you do a kind of agressive massage? Did you ever feel that the massage stimulated the growth of actual breast glands? Do you think your growth has been more fat or more gland tissue, or both? Thankx!

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Tiger Lily: have your results been sustained?
May 4 2007, 6:32 AM

Hi Moon! The massages are need to press hard, if this is what you mean when you say aggressive. I always press hard, sometimes hurt a little in the start. I don't think I am anymore fat. Overall I have a very little weight gain, probably because of all booby food that I eat! But I don't think anymore fat in boob area, except maybe very little. I find also that boob are very firm and it doesn't feel like fat there.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Tiger Lily: have your results been sustained?
May 5 2007, 10:07 AM

Maybe I can shared some of my experience since tiger lilly and I used the same method, but I just went with boobie foods, not "yin, yang" foods. When I did my knuckle massages, it was really firm massage, I guess it's kinda agressive, I pushed in deeply, but it didn't hurt at all(even if some girls claimed it hurts but it never happened to me), and I never felt any "blockages" aka glands or lobes? and from I read from chinese NBE forums, some girls felt the "blockages" disappeared after massages for a period of time, then the growth would start. So, I don't know, both massages require time and efferts, but the thoeries are different. I just started Gy recently, and I am still not sure if I find any lobes yet, so the growth from my previouse method didn't make my lobes got big or anything, I guess what I gained was fat on my boobs? I had about 2" of growth I think, and my breasts are more firm and perkier than before.
hope this helps. :-)

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Tiger Lily: have your results been sustained?
May 5 2007, 10:14 AM

forgot to mention, when I did my knuckles massage, i always felt some moistures from my nipples but never had any liquid come out, and today I saw some tiny dropes of liquid from my nipples when I did my GY massage. a little weird for me.

(Login Chrissy)
Re: Tiger Lily: have your results been sustained?
May 6 2007, 6:30 AM

I think the one massage that won't tempt me is the GY massage.

Regarding the chi rotations massage I don't personally think this should be written off, even though it gets overlooked ever since the GY became popular.

breast massage
February 20 2008 at 1:39 PM Katja (Login Ninchi)

Hello everybody!

I find your page very interesting and hepls me a lot!Today I order Wonder Up pills and cream, but I have some doubt how to do breast massage.Can somebody explain me in details how she do it.I dont know if my palm have to cover the nipple or not? What I do with my fingers....? I need to do 360 circulations all at once or can I have pause between them?

Realy thanks for your answers!!! I will let you know how am I doing on Wonder Up! I realy hope it will work for me and will not cause me some problems (celluloid, weight gain...)....Smile))))

Love, Katja

(Login -Moon-)
Re: breast massage
February 20 2008, 4:39 PM

Use the search function and you will find a lot of posts on massage. There is also a 'massage techniques' page on the main page. Personally I think the chi rotations are an obsolate and ineffective technique.

(Login durga)
February 20 2008, 11:25 PM

Hi Moon,

I'm curious why you feel Chi massages are "obsolete"? Are you referring to your experience with this technique?


(Login -Moon-)
Re: breast massage
February 21 2008, 10:57 AM

From my personal experience, an agressive massage is what does the trick, the rotations are just too geneltle and too simple. They serve mostly for lymph drainage and maybe blood flow, but what really contributes to growth is deep penetrating agressive stimulation. From what I hear a lot more people nowdays are doing Pansyclub's massage than the rotations and especially Chinese and Asian girls use agressive techniques and have had lots of sucess with them. I advise a massage that includes several techniques - rotations, knuckles and especially fingertips for a deep penetrating stimulation. I'd also recomend everyone to be experimental, try different grips and movements and techniques you can come up with and observe what feels right to your breasts, what makes them fell more 'active', what gives you more signs.

(Login Mango84)
Re: breast massage
February 21 2008, 3:12 PM

Another side of this is that many women have grown with gentle massage, little massage or no massage at all. Eve and others massaged just enough to apply their batters. Blood flow to the area is the goal for some. Depending on how it is done, a very aggressive massage can bring you close or all the way to lactation.

I massage my smaller side and even though I haven't massaged the larger side at all, it has grown just from the herbs alone.


(Login Hopeful88)
Re: breast massage
February 21 2008, 5:00 PM

I do something similar to Moon in that I do rotations, knuckles and fingertips, even my palms if I have to I feel the most woken up there if I do it really intense like that. I still do some rotations but I just don't feel like they're enough personally...

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: breast massage
February 21 2008, 5:03 PM

To further add to your confusion;-) When I massage, my smaller side shrinks by firming up and my larger side doesn't do anything, so it doesn't help me to stick with just one side, or at all. I have tried aggressive, and I have tried light, and I really don't think it is beneficial to me.

IMO, I think that the aggressive gives quicker results through the swelling of lobes, but not necessarily permanent growth. The importance of massage though I think is just to get the blood circulating around the chest area.

As pointed out, some have grown with massage and some have grown without, so sometimes I thinks its an individual case, and sometimes I really think its all in ones perspective.

Also only massage to what you can stand, certainly don't go aggressive if it hurts!

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: breast massage
February 22 2008, 9:19 PM

So true, I definitely don't think it makes me grow more just because I do it harder... I just feel like when I do light ones the circulaiton really isn't improved. This probably ties back to me just having bad circulation in general. Moon I think you took cayenne before didn't you? Did you feel it actually helped or not really?

(Login classyfashh)
Re: breast massage
February 23 2008, 7:43 PM

What is Cayenne vitamins for? My mother has those. Will it help in breast growth at all if I take them with Vitex or in general? Or is it just to help blood flow so it will help with massaging for NBE?

Also, I have been massaging aggressively with Borage oil/avocado oil for about 9 days along with taking Vitex. My boobs seem to be getting firmer and firmer everyday. And wayyyy more shapely. Should I not massage as much because it seems as the same as if I were doing push-ups. I don't want hard muscular-looking boobs. I can feel like, the inside of my boobs getting harder. I don't know. Will this effect the growth of them with if they are getting this firm? Should I skip a few days with massaging? Ughhhh..

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: breast massage
February 24 2008, 11:48 PM

Hey jackie, I think them getting harder is probably a good sign... I think it relates to the lobes inside of your breasts becoming more hard which would result in some growth. So I say keep at the hard massages, good luck! Let me know how it goes...

And, I believe the main reason people doing NBE take cayenne is to increase circulation. So more bloodflow will occur in the breasts.

(Login classyfashh)
Re: breast massage
February 26 2008, 11:38 PM

Oh alright. Thanks hopeful:]
I'm going to add it to my routine of taking Vitex everyday and I will tell you how it goes.

(Login classyfashh)
Re: breast massage
February 26 2008, 11:49 PM

Oh and, I took 3 pills of that yesterday [Cayenne] ..I think it's really making my skin irritated though today. I've very itchy and it feels like my skin is kinda burning. I don't know. I wonder if it's from that..

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: breast massage
February 27 2008, 5:42 AM

Ooooo nono I don't think you are supposed to take 3 things of cayenne, it can actually cause some burns in you or something like that I remember reading... best to stick to one for now. Here is what moon said about the doses:

"it must be taken in smaller doses, like 100, 200 or 300 mg, ideally several times a day to get a sufficient daily ammount. It's known that cayenne causes burning, nausea and vomiting at too high doses. But this is more a matter of correct administration, then an adverse reaction / not being for everyone. The maximum recomended dose may very between individuals and it should be determined by ramping up. I can get away with maximum 400 mg, but usually I take arround 300 mg."

so try follow that for now Smile good luck

Black Sheep
(Login Cselestyna)
Re: breast massage
February 27 2008, 6:42 AM

if you want to learn how to do breast massage, well there is a website that you can go to that will send a video to you, all you have to pay is shipping and handling. the massage may not seem like much, but it's easy and it works, the video also tells about what each part does for your breasts, (besides helping to enhance them)

just go to click on the pink tab that says breast video, and then click on the blue highlighted part that says "click here to order" at the bottom of the page, all you pay is shipping and haldling, which is about 4.95 for the u.s i think, i dunno ,i'm canadian, but the video, although short, is good, and it shows you how to do it, a woman actually does it onscreen!

so try it out!

best of luck!

blessed be!

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