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Starting NBE but anxious for BC effectiveness



I am really excited to start my NBE journey!

However, I keep reading mixed thoughts about using some herbs (particularly Saw Palmetto and PM) together with the birth control pill. 
For now I've decided to just use fenugreek, fennel and maca for my routine.
I definitely wouldn't wanna get pregnant now, so does anyone have any experience taking these herbs with their pill?

(13-03-2018, 15:27)arual Wrote:  Hi!

I am really excited to start my NBE journey!

However, I keep reading mixed thoughts about using some herbs (particularly Saw Palmetto and PM) together with the birth control pill. 
For now I've decided to just use fenugreek, fennel and maca for my routine.
I definitely wouldn't wanna get pregnant now, so does anyone have any experience taking these herbs with their pill?

Heyy Smile  Welcome to the forum. Yeah I get what you are saying about mixed feelings and confusion. I felt like that too at the very beginning. The solution is to read, read and read some more. Read about people experiences, progress, problems and hacks. That way you will learn more about nbe. There are herbs, massage and suction devices to help you grow. You gotta experiement and find what method works for you. 

I don't have any experience taking pills and herbs. I did use fenugreek and fennel to massage my breast but I could not stand the smell. I like that stuff in my food but not on my body. You can use heaps of other stuff to massage like aloe vera. I mainly use a pumping device so I can't give you much advice on herbs.  

Happy growing!


Saw palmetto should not affect bc because it mainly suppresses testosterone, a hormone unrelated to fertility. The others might because they affect progesterone and estrogen levels which determine whether your body is fertile or not. I would think it would cause a slight decrease in protection but not all together make it null and void. The big question is which is more important, breast growth or pregnancy risk?

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