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Help? PLEASE? :)


After seeing people talk about it on the old forum, and researching it myself, i bought some wild yam cream for massage. I never heard of it before coming to these forums. The thing is, as soon as i got it, i have been massaging it into my breats twice a day, every day. However, i read on the internet somewhere that you shouldnt do this every day on your breats? Can someone please help me out to as how often i should be massaging the wild yam into my breats?

I am also taking starflower Oil, (500g 2-4 capsuls a day) should i use these for massage too or just to swallow?
& do you think this is effective for breast growth, if not is there anything else you can recommend please? Thankyou to anyone who takes the time to read this and replies. Smile Really need your help. xx

The reason they say not to rub it on in the same place every time is due to over saturation, since it builds up in the fatty tissue of the place you are applying it. You should rotate applications between, any sift tissue areas, like the inner thighs, the backside of the arms, the breast and the face.

Keep in mind that these directions are for someone using it for hormone balance to provide progesterone. If you are using it for breast enhancement, I really don't know if the directions apply as well and hope that someone else can answer that for you.

I´m doing the following: I massage my breasts doing the chi rotations with wild yam in the morning (ony I mix it in extract form with regular body lotion) and then before sleeping I do the same with fenugreek extract mixed with lotion. At the moment I try to massage for 10 to 20 minutes each time.

As for what to take internally, that depends on your hormonal situation I think, maybe you can look at what others have been doing on this forum.
good luck!

Forgot to mention that I´ve been doing this for 2 months now and my breasts are constantly sore and areolas a bit bigger, which should be a step in the right direction.

(I´m also taking fenugreek, red clover and a multivitamin internally and a protein shake when I remember. I used to take saw palmetto too but stopped because I didn´t want to risk celulite and it was making me strangely euforic.)

Thankyou both for your replies, they were very helpful Smile x

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