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How to take PM?


Can somebody advise me about how to take pm? do you take it throughout your cycle, or just the first 14/15 days and then something else (or nothing) for the second half of the month?

Or if this has already been discussed, can you point me to the page? I'm having no luck searching... and it seems controversial, to say the least...

Thanks, luvs.

Hi Paloma, controversial is definitely the word when it comes to PM!! There's a lot of people on this forum with very strong views on the subject but you really have to make up your own mind. Look through all the threads on this PM forum and if you click on the Archive tab at the top of the forum this will take you to the old Eve's Forum site where you will find many many pages of info on PM. Personally I take my PM throughout the month, no breaks and not had any problems but this is a very strong estrogenic herb so be careful and start on a low dosage and see how your body reacts.

(05-04-2010, 00:11)cleo Wrote: on the Archive tab at the top of the forum this will take you to the old Eve's Forum site where you will find many many pages of info on PM.

What would you suggest for key words? Just typing "pm" gets such a ton of reading I'd have to quit my job to have time to wade through it... plus it gets frustrating when the thread wanders off topic or folks get into personal arguments, then you have to read thru all of that irrelevant material to get to the answer... *sigh*

ok, no more whining... but let me know if you can think of a good key word or two. Thanks!!Heart

I know what you mean Paloma. Before I started taking PM I went onto Eve's PM forum and just scrolled through looking at threads with titles that I thought would give me most info but my head ended up full of conflicting advice. The thing is you really don't know the people on this forum and what qualifies them to say "don't take PM every day" or "only take 50mg of PM or this or that will happen". The PM I bought direct from Thailand says 1 capsule a day after a meal, it doesn't say anything about only taking it for 14 days etc. I also use the Noogleberry and some ladies on the NB forum who take PM take it every day with no problems. I have a regular cycle so I did the same and it hasn't affected my cycle at all but everyones different so what worked for me may not work for you. If you do decide to take PM good luck and I hope it works as well for you as it has for me.

Thanks cleo! that helps, actually. Smile

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