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What do you think about posting pictures?


Hey guys. I've noticed many of you post your progress pictures on here, and I love that because it gives me an idea of what works and what kind of results I an expect. I appreciate the pictures because they are a good learning tool for NBE, and everyone on the site always gives very positive and encouraging feedback for all the pictures posted.

I'd like to post pictures, but I'm not sure.I'm a very private person. I'm keeping my NBE a secret from everyone, including my loved ones. I'm also a major worry-wart, so I worry about people I know some how coming across the pictures. I also don't feel like it would be very respectful to my boyfriend or my baby girl to be posting naked pictures of myself on the internet, even if they are completely non-sexual.

I'm wondering if anyone else had these worries before posting pictures, and what made you change your mind if you did? Should I go for it and take before and after pictures? I'd love to hear everyones opinions, and stories. Thank you :)

I posted pics of me in bras. I also felt a bit weary of doing the nude ones.

Some people cover up the nipples when they do nude shoots. But I've always been confused as to why they do that. I've looked at it like well I can see your boob so why hide the nipple with a dot. Can anyone shed light?

Take photos for your own reference. If you have success, you can decide then whether or not to share it with us.

I've taken some pretty average photos a while ago in a bra but am hoping to have something impressive to show in the future. I find the picts of the successes really encouraging.

I find pictures encouraging but if they look altered I get the feeling of being deceived.

I personally don't feel posting the pictures I have is a disrespect to my son or hubby, but do what you feel is best, no one can tell you better than yourself. You can take pictures for your own reference as others said just so you can see your own growth, it's encouraging once you see it rather than just feeling it. And believe me you can't just look in a mirror sometimes and tell, pictures tell better. You can always take pictures with tops on like others have said, bras, bikinis, tank tops, whatever. All up to you.

The covering of the nips thing... haha I do it, either with my hands or a dot because I have big areolas, like if you notice my "dots" over my nipples are not "dots" lol they are more like circles hahaha. I'm a little self conscious of my nips being shown, though I know they aren't bad, just still makes me feel better with them covered. I do it because to me personally, it's less nude with them on? It's kind of like gogo dancers wear pasties on their nips and a thong and that's the lowest they strip to as a stripper shows her nips and in some places shows vag too. If I had to choose to be a gogo dancer or stripper, I'd be a gogo dancer haha. I don't know to me nipples are more personal than showing the boob itself. Like you can tell someone's breast shape in a bikini top, but you can't see their nips right? So same concept really in my opinion. Yay for dotted nips! haha

blaze, which of the pics are you talking about are "altered"? I really haven't seen any on this site apart from cropping faces out and putting circles on nipples, maybe even putting text on the picture. But non that I can tell altered the pic where like they made themselves look bigger than they really are.

Haha I like the gogo dancer and stripper example. Ok, I get it now. I've always wanted to ask but didn't want to offend anyone so when I saw this thread I knew I could ask in here.

I agree with everyone on here. Post whatever makes you feel comfortable. I think you will be able to tell growth even with clothes on in a picture with a front and side view.

I don't think anyone really has time to alter their pictures because it's not like we know anyone on here personally to try and fool them so I think of like what does that person have to prove to strangers, let alone internet strangers. But even if there are some altered ones I don't care I'm working on getting my boobs to grow lol

Or is it frustrating bc you don't want to buy the product/herbs they are trying and be lead astray?

In my pictures, I have my face and nipples hidden. I'm a private person, and that's good enough for me because there isn't much to go off of to match up to me in real life.

Even if you don't post the pictures, they're good to have for yourself as a record of your progress. If you do decide to post pictures but are worried about indecency, maybe you can have a skimpy shirt- like a camisole/tank top, or a bikini/bra on. That way it's easy to discern shape and size, but you're not really showing more than what would be acceptable in public. Just make sure to wear the same top in all pictures because it's better to compare.

As for nipples being hidden, it's always been kind of weird to me too, even though I do it. It's like, what's so special about them that makes people hide them so much? You see people walking around in bikinis and stuff, showing off everything but a few inches of skin in select areas, and nipples make or break a certain line of decency. I dunno, but for me it's just a societal thing that I just happened to go along with since I noticed a lot of other people covered up their nipples. I personally don't like the way my nipples look so it's not like I wanted to show them anyway, haha.

Anastasia- I'm a little self-concious of my nipples too! I appreciate your advice :)

Periwinkle- I'm glad this post has answered your question :)

Nyx- I agree with you, also. Thank you :)

Thanks, guys! I'm enjoying my results, and I'm really considering posting pictures. This is such a supportive, positive site. I love it!

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