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Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E


March 23 2006 at 11:52 AM anailz (Login anailz)

Hey ladies...

been reading up on massages and a few ladies say that it works... Is there an actual way to massage them? and can i start massaging my boobs with cocoa butter and vitamin e straight away ?

(Login liquidSunset)
Re: Massages
March 23 2006, 5:50 PM

YES! you CAN start right now with just lotion, anything helps as long as you are just doing it.

It doesn't have to be with cocoa butter and vitamin e. Any massage is useful.

p.S. I have been massageing for a month with out doing anything else (tried to add fenugreek but was just to stinky only used it for 3 days) All I have used is EPO at night all by itself and Cocoa butter in the day all by itself.

Me AND my fiance can notice a difference. I really noticed after about 2 weeks into it. So yes, start doing it today!! Smile

(Login cemh20)
Vitamin E
March 23 2006, 8:46 PM

Hey ladies, sunset what difference did you notice using the cocoa butter? I found some info earlier that said cocoa butter use on the breasts can increase size if used frequently. The routine was to ensure the breasts were warm 1st so the butter will sink in easy & then apply in a massage until it has soaked in, then add more & massage until it has sunk in again. But it also said that if you stop using it the changes will be lost - HOWEVER! if you mix the butter with vitamin E, or even use vitamin E (in cream/liquid form) before or after massage the results can be sustained!! It may help! xxxx

(Login jpeters2)
Re: Massages
March 23 2006, 9:27 PM

I have a small tub of Vit E Body Shp cream I had for Xmas ... I'll give it a go :-)

(Login liquidSunset)
March 23 2006, 9:55 PM

I am so excited now!! So you are saying if I add Vitamin E to the cocoa butter that any "plumpness" will be kept even If I decide to discontinue NBE and cocoa butter?! how cool is that? I do have some vitamin E cream, maybe I could mix it with the cocoa butter?

Ok you asked what changes did I notice, sorry I was a little exited about that
After 2 weeks The sides of my boobs were plumper and then I noticed they started to have a nice crease under them I never had before. They look AND feel fuller, like there is more there and they look more rounded. SO Yes I use it everyday. One time I stopped useing it for like 3 days and used other lotion and YES the plumpness DISSAPEARED!! After starting back up after a few days it seemed to help and reapear again!! So now I will never stop using it I will definatlly experiment with the vitamin E cream now! THANK YOU!!

~Follow your heart-
Let your spirits lift you-
And then capture your dreams!
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

(Login Lisa121)
Re: Massages
March 23 2006, 10:02 PM

That sounds great, my coconut butter lotion actually has vitamin E already in it, so that should do the job then, shouldn't it?
I am so excited now, I haven't really used the coconut butter any more on my boobs just because I use olive oil and Fennel at night and am not a big massager in the morning or during the day but I will definatly start doing it now.
Thanks for that info!

(Login SugarQ)
Vit E?
March 24 2006, 12:11 AM

mel, whats your source for this info? i think i read something simular a while ago but i just dismissed it cause i could never understand how vit E helped with NBE. thanks for sharing your info.

(Login liquidSunset)
mine has vitamin E
March 24 2006, 12:39 AM

in it too I think (I'll have to check again) but when I stopped using it I still wasnt as I dunno. Im just always gonna use it. 10 minutes out of my day would be worth it if I can keep it Smile

And I think Vitamin E is important in NBE only when EFA's are taken in a routine. It helps keep em from going rancid through out all over the body or something like that. I read about why its important, but cant remember it all right now. Vitamin E has tons of benifits any how, so it is usefull wether or not you do NBE I think. Smile

~Follow your heart-
Let your spirits lift you-
And then capture your dreams!
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

(Login SugarQ)
Found the Vit E/Cocoa butter NBE site
March 24 2006, 5:35 AM

Found the Vit E/Cocoa butter NBE site thanks MEL, you're da bomb!!!

(Login Fabby01)
Re: Massages
March 24 2006, 6:03 AM

Thanks for the link. This is a really great article, I'm excited to start trying this. One question, this is going to sound so dumb... But is the "globe" of the breast basically the front where the nipples are found??

And what do you guys think, should the cocoa butter be applyed at a different time than Vit. E, one following the other, or mixed together?

Oh and do you guys think its still ok to massage with the boobie batter most of us use (fennugreek, fennel, EPO, etc.)??


(Login jpeters2)
Re: Massages
March 24 2006, 9:05 AM

Am I reading it right and they want you to use 50gms cocoa butter and it takes 11 hours to absorb?????

(Login cemh20)
Vitamin E
March 24 2006, 3:27 PM

sorry for late reply! that's the info I found, I don't think you need to use that much cocoa butter at once, becuase according to that using vit E with it will keep the results, so you can do lots of massages and build it up - which i think would work better because I can't see a massage lasting that long will keep the results!!let's hope the vit E works!xxx

(Login liquidSunset)
Re: Massages
March 24 2006, 5:58 PM

hmm..I think this vitamin E cream/cocoa butter thing is an awsome "discovery"
I am glad you informed us on how to make the cocoa butter results stay.

I just wanted to say that "for me" the results do stay AS LONG AS I use the cocoa butter for massage AT LEAST 1 time a day. BUT if you go say a week without it--any plumness you gained from it will slowly (actually rather quickly) dissapear. And for me, AS SOON AS I started back up using it again about 2 days later I was back to the "plumper way " I was before.

And also I just wanted to mention that yes-I would still use the booby batters you all are using now. I would just use the batters at night and the cocoa butter in the day or something like that. You could even add the herbs INTO the cocoa butter That stuff absorbs super fast so it should work well.

But in my opinion I would still keep the current boobie batters you all have just try to maybe add a cocoa butter massage in at least 1 time a day.

~Follow your heart-
Let your spirits lift you-
And then capture your dreams!
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

(Login liquidSunset)
March 24 2006, 6:45 PM

So I just read that web site and it's AMAZING!! I am so freekin' happy you ladies found it!!~~~~~~~~ ~~THANK YOU!!!~~~~~~

I will CERTAINLY use the Vitamin E either before, after or with the cocoa butter! I COULD JUST HUG YOU ALL!!!

Ok--Next I think there needs to be a seperate thread for this topic (Vitamine E/cocoa butter) Discovery. It may go un-noticed being listed under "massage" I would make the new thread, but I dont want to take any "glory" from the lady who found this info. So I just wanted to mention I think you should make a new thread on vitamin E can help keep results made by cocoa butter and then list that web site on there also. Smile

Thank you so much again!! See what can be accomplished when we all put our heads together?! ~~never underestimate the power of a woman!~~ hehehe

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