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Why do YOU want bigger breasts?

Perversities aren't always sexual. In this case it's both sexual and an uneccesary obsession, i.e. growing breasts on a straight man's body for unnecessary reasons, to become fulfilled in a way that has nothing to do with identity. Like I have mentioned earlier, Its a small number I am realizing, which means many haven't quite settled with their gender variance; as they are still claiming they are straight.

The same for us females who desire to be larger. There's a perversity attached to it, both sexual and unnecessary.

I'm actually at a loss for words, yet they keep coming... that so many and even here on these forums (men and women) don't realize how how fragile they really are. There's this attitude that we can change anything and be what "we want to be" without any reprocussions. I'm talking about our heart and minds... thinking you are your own God in a sense. But in reality, we are sooo small. Please know, that you may think you are untouchable with your dreams and desires that are yet to be fulfilled. But there's always a trade off spiritually. It's such a shallow thing to focus on aesthetics, becoming what we think we should be to the point where
It's enslaving, and even I sometimes regret nbe (an example), its become a slight obsession. I hate the doors that I have opened up.


(29-01-2015, 07:28)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  Perversities aren't always sexual. In this case it's both sexual and an uneccesary obsession, i.e. growing breasts on a straight man's body for unnecessary reasons, to become fulfilled in a way that has nothing to do with identity. Like I have mentioned earlier, Its a small number I am realizing, which means many haven't quite settled with their gender variance; as they are still claiming they are straight.

The same for us females who desire to be larger.

I'm actually at a loss for words, yet they keep coming... that so many and even here on these forums (men and women) don't realize how how fragile they really are. There's this attitude that we can change anything and be what "we want to be" without any reprocussions. I'm talking about our heart and minds... thinking you are your own God in a sense. But in reality, we are sooo small. Please know, that you may think you are untouchable with your dreams and desires that are yet to be fulfilled. But there's always a trade off spiritually. It's such a shallow thing to focus on aesthetics, becoming what we think we should be to the point where
It's enslaving, and even I sometimes regret nbe (an example), its become a slight obsession. I hate the doors that I have opened up.
What an utter load of hogwash !! You talk as if you are the only onne who knows about spirits !!
I have close friends who are physcic , their prediction are neigh on spot on . One from USA even predicted break in at my business before it happened . Have other friend who is sensitive to spirits and can see your aura . Jumping spirits is onLy to those who have dark side .
So please save us your lacture as you are not a know all smart alek

With all due respect TibetanPrincess... you missed my point entirely. That is neither here nor there as you are obviously set in your opinions and are unable or unwilling to see anyone else's point of view. That is the trait of the closed mind, not an enlightened and open mind. Your inability to see or understand that human sexuality is a spectrum, not a black/white issue is likely a cultural imprint/prejudice that you are as yet unable to overcome or possibly even recognize.

That happens to all of us now and then, we are after all, primarily products of the cultures we are born and live in, few of us transcend those barriers and move into the larger realm of the greater human equation which is to accept that we are all traveling our own roads, and have our own destinations and paths towards 'enlightenment' of our self. No one path is the 'only' path, no one view is the 'only' possible view. For you, your view works for you, however, your insistence on being disparaging/dismissive to those who don't share your view is really not acceptable.

You believe one way. Others don't. You insist they are dealing in perversity, while for them.. it isn't something that is perverse. You lose the perspective that each persons journey is their own, not yours to decide what is right/wrong/perverse. In your own arrogance, you have determined that your viewpoint is the only possible way something can be considered. That is the epitome of hubris.

So... While you will likely not be able to see why I have said what I have said with any actual clarity, though I hope at some point you will... I will end this conversation with a simple wish of goodness, health and great joy in your life.


Well, I didn't originally want bigger breasts. I have always struggled with my weight, naturally curvy but during the processes of gaining and losing weight my boobs bounced back and forth from looking amazing round and perky (heaviest) to looking deflated and much less perky (thinest). Right now I am somewhere between my heaviest and my thinest however through NBE I have been able to fill out my breasts and round them out, much perkier, they feel and look like they are when I am at my heaviest but I am thinner. (hope this makes sense!) I realized that to make them perkier they would have to get larger, I welcomed the larger size, and found myself wearing my bras again from when I was at my heaviest. Once I started seeing progress I guess it motivated me to continue further! I have had a pretty great success early on and my boobs have slowed down to a very slow progress but still something to be excited about and continue. I apologize for my post if it is confusing as english is not my first language. I hope all the gals on her reach their goals and continue to see progress! My dream bod is Leanne Crow, I keep her as a goal and motivation. I have put a few pics here for those new gals who have not seen my posts! Thank you for this thread it is just like one a started a while ago but nice to keep up with this topic as I think it continues to motivate us! :-) Thank you!

[Image: 7wn2xMRl.jpg]

[Image: OmnU70Il.jpg]

Hope you like my PICS! :-)

Bustybride, you look amazing, what a tremendous curvy shape you have, well done to you. Your breasts are AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL xxx

(29-01-2015, 07:59)ElainMoria Wrote:  With all due respect TibetanPrincess... you missed my point entirely. That is neither here nor there as you are obviously set in your opinions and are unable or unwilling to see anyone else's point of view. That is the trait of the closed mind, not an enlightened and open mind. Your inability to see or understand that human sexuality is a spectrum, not a black/white issue is likely a cultural imprint/prejudice that you are as yet unable to overcome or possibly even recognize.

That happens to all of us now and then, we are after all, primarily products of the cultures we are born and live in, few of us transcend those barriers and move into the larger realm of the greater human equation which is to accept that we are all traveling our own roads, and have our own destinations and paths towards 'enlightenment' of our self. No one path is the 'only' path, no one view is the 'only' possible view. For you, your view works for you, however, your insistence on being disparaging/dismissive to those who don't share your view is really not acceptable.

You believe one way. Others don't. You insist they are dealing in perversity, while for them.. it isn't something that is perverse. You lose the perspective that each persons journey is their own, not yours to decide what is right/wrong/perverse. In your own arrogance, you have determined that your viewpoint is the only possible way something can be considered. That is the epitome of hubris.

So... While you will likely not be able to see why I have said what I have said with any actual clarity, though I hope at some point you will... I will end this conversation with a simple wish of goodness, health and great joy in your life.


That is spot on, and so wonderfully written. Thank you.

(29-01-2015, 07:38)myboobs Wrote:  
(29-01-2015, 07:28)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  Perversities aren't always sexual. In this case it's both sexual and an uneccesary obsession, i.e. growing breasts on a straight man's body for unnecessary reasons, to become fulfilled in a way that has nothing to do with identity. Like I have mentioned earlier, Its a small number I am realizing, which means many haven't quite settled with their gender variance; as they are still claiming they are straight.

The same for us females who desire to be larger.

I'm actually at a loss for words, yet they keep coming... that so many and even here on these forums (men and women) don't realize how how fragile they really are. There's this attitude that we can change anything and be what "we want to be" without any reprocussions. I'm talking about our heart and minds... thinking you are your own God in a sense. But in reality, we are sooo small. Please know, that you may think you are untouchable with your dreams and desires that are yet to be fulfilled. But there's always a trade off spiritually. It's such a shallow thing to focus on aesthetics, becoming what we think we should be to the point where
It's enslaving, and even I sometimes regret nbe (an example), its become a slight obsession. I hate the doors that I have opened up.
What an utter load of hogwash !! You talk as if you are the only onne who knows about spirits !!
I have close friends who are physcic , their prediction are neigh on spot on . One from USA even predicted break in at my business before it happened . Have other friend who is sensitive to spirits and can see your aura . Jumping spirits is onLy to those who have dark side .
So please save us your lacture as you are not a know all smart alek

That's my point, what you just said there expresses that you are "untouchable," the difference between you and I is that, I know that it's happening. And maybe you are not being affected by spirits much or at least for now, but would you know if you had spirits attached to you? Or had a psycho fan spirit that couldn't leave you till they adjusted their identity to yours? I am not a know it all. That I know. I'm just sharing what I do know. NBE is kind of like a gate way drug effect. You will open doors. In this case, open doors to those like your self, they want what you want, but maybe more. Once they've found you, they don't leave for a long time, but it's repetive, others will find you to fulfill the same. Just like with anything. If its invention, you will have students in spirit, but at least their not wearing the f### out of you with body sessions and would you know of them? Probably not.

You should be open minded enough to consider this CAN happen to you (you are just as exposed), and your children. It's draining If you are sensitive enough. But it sounds like you are in your own world and no one can touch you, that's a foolish way to see your existence.

There's a sanctity in spiritual conciousness and most people don't understand the value of it. They are so focused on the here and now, becoming a slave to material things, aesthetics... Such shallowness.

Good day.

Have your psychic friends read my photo, I'd love to know what they see.

Tibetan Princess. Thank you intruding upon my life, your fairies should have told you, that I already have breasts due to a condition known as Gynaecomastia which is a natural complaint which affects roughly 15% of the male population, so breasts are a part of my life and body, I am merely going to expand what nature has already supplied.
So please do not keep on preaching YOUR values as now, your point of view is rather annoying to say the least, why don't you go onto a Plastic Surgery site and tell the people who wish to have titanium horn implanted into their skulls and cut there tongues to replicate a snake, and have their teeth shaped like pointed aligator teeth, and full facial tattoos, although in my opinion it is their choice, their body their wish to do it. Your ideals do not fit mine. So please keep them to yourself and your mixed gender fairies. Thank you enjoy your Natural Breast Enhancement , I know I shall.

I will not censor myself for your tastes, pull the veil over my truth to give you comfort, silence my words for your ears or change my heart to fit into the confining box of your definitions.

I seek those that don't demand that I fit into any shape they have carved, for they know I break the mold. I embrace those that embrace me as I am, fluid and flowing, changing in my awakening and burning with the fuel of my passion rising to what I was born to be.

Squeeze myself into the labels that you lay out for me to wear? No. I burn them all and walk naked in the acceptance of my soul dancing in the flames ~Ara


(29-01-2015, 17:32)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  
(29-01-2015, 07:38)myboobs Wrote:  
(29-01-2015, 07:28)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  Perversities aren't always sexual. In this case it's both sexual and an uneccesary obsession, i.e. growing breasts on a straight man's body for unnecessary reasons, to become fulfilled in a way that has nothing to do with identity. Like I have mentioned earlier, Its a small number I am realizing, which means many haven't quite settled with their gender variance; as they are still claiming they are straight.

The same for us females who desire to be larger.

I'm actually at a loss for words, yet they keep coming... that so many and even here on these forums (men and women) don't realize how how fragile they really are. There's this attitude that we can change anything and be what "we want to be" without any reprocussions. I'm talking about our heart and minds... thinking you are your own God in a sense. But in reality, we are sooo small. Please know, that you may think you are untouchable with your dreams and desires that are yet to be fulfilled. But there's always a trade off spiritually. It's such a shallow thing to focus on aesthetics, becoming what we think we should be to the point where
It's enslaving, and even I sometimes regret nbe (an example), its become a slight obsession. I hate the doors that I have opened up.
What an utter load of hogwash !! You talk as if you are the only onne who knows about spirits !!
I have close friends who are physcic , their prediction are neigh on spot on . One from USA even predicted break in at my business before it happened . Have other friend who is sensitive to spirits and can see your aura . Jumping spirits is onLy to those who have dark side .
So please save us your lacture as you are not a know all smart alek

That's my point, what you just said there expresses that you are "untouchable," the difference between you and I is that, I know that it's happening. And maybe you are not being affected by spirits much or at least for now, but would you know if you had spirits attached to you? Or had a psycho fan spirit that couldn't leave you till they adjusted their identity to yours? I am not a know it all. That I know. I'm just sharing what I do know. NBE is kind of like a gate way drug effect. You will open doors. In this case, open doors to those like your self, they want what you want, but maybe more. Once they've found you, they don't leave for a long time, but it's repetive, others will find you to fulfill the same. Just like with anything. If its invention, you will have students in spirit, but at least their not wearing the f### out of you with body sessions and would you know of them? Probably not.

You should be open minded enough to consider this CAN happen to you (you are just as exposed), and your children. It's draining If you are sensitive enough. But it sounds like you are in your own world and no one can touch you, that's a foolish way to see your existence.

There's a sanctity in spiritual conciousness and most people don't understand the value of it. They are so focused on the here and now, becoming a slave to material things, aesthetics... Such shallowness.

Good day.

Have your psychic friends read my photo, I'd love to know what they see.

Wow your'e beautiful girl! Look at those eyes!

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