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What to add to my PM routine?


People are on l-arganine because another user had great results and was part of her routine. But if it is actually effective is unknown.

As for that IGF-1 supplement. Most IGF-1 sups are bogus and don't anything.

"Deer antler velvet extract comes from New Zealand deer antlers. Analyses of deer antler indicate they are sources of calcium, phosphorous, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, cobalt, amino acids, and free fatty acids. Moreover, insulin-like growth factors I and II have been isolated from deer antler velvet tips as well.

Therefore, with all these healthful nutrients, athletes have been using deer antler products with the intention of improving health and enhancing performance. Unfortunately, the benefits from deer antler products have primarily been anecdotal."

If your going to take something, look for something that has scientific proof in a research study (not sponsored by the manufacturer). There are thousands of supplements that do nothing but they aren't cheap.

A multi usually contains enough vitamin C (200-300mg)

According to what I read on her blog, she did 14 days pm then 14 days b-up. I will check again I guess. But her blog is in shambles atm. It is probably somewhere on her backup blog.


I take Deer Velvet Extract when I am taking PM which is on days 7-13.

Deer Velvet is the direct source of the growth hormones your body needs to grow breasts. L-Arginine can also be taken but your body needs to convert it, while Deer Velvet is the direct source.

(01-01-2012, 02:31)Rosance Wrote:  To GorgeousBlonde:

So the Deer Velvet Extract is recommended for growth. Is this supposed to be taken daily or is it supposed to have breaks like PM? I am planning on starting PM. I'm planning on taking it along with Flaxseed Oil and Evening Primrose Oil. What would be a great form of progesterone to take (or maybe just PC)? Also, is L-Arginine beneficial as well? Can one take L-Arginine instead of the Deer Velvet Extract?


There is zero proof that deer velvet extract is an IGF-1 supplement. There are no studies on it's effectiveness. The supplement industry is very unregulated and you do not need to prove your products do as stated on the bottle. The FDA needs to prove otherwise to take action.

Anyway, IGF-1 is an anabolic hormone. Promoting lean muscle mass and reduced fat. Which is why thousands of gym rats have tried it and dumped it.

Don't waste your money. It isn't necessary either.

L-arginine could be somewhat useful as it affects the pituitary gland and may promote the release of more growth hormone. However oral preperations you find on the market haven't been proved. It is mainly for body repair.


what are your wife's updates? I know she was taking PM and using a PM cream with massage, also BCAA, and using up'll D. But, what is her current program consisting of and how is her success coming along? What PM products does she use? It is just that you seem to know how this complex body works in terms of NBE, I would like to hear from what you have put into practice.

She is about to finish her 3rd cycle.

start 84cm now 91cm.

She has gained a little weight, but you need to not be in a calorie deficient state. When she gets the size she wants, she will continue pm while dieting to keep her size.

She doesn't supplement bcaas now. Just a little bit of my protein powder at night. If you already eat alot of meat, then there is no need to supplement bcaa too. (I am unsure about the necessity of them though)

You only take PM a total of 7 days each cycle instead of 14 days then?

(01-01-2012, 16:43)GorgeousBlonde Wrote:  I take Deer Velvet Extract when I am taking PM which is on days 7-13.


Thanks for the information everyone.

So, do I just take PM and no other supplements like Wild yam, Fenugreek ,Chaste berry or Red clover on my non PM days?

I would just do the PM but I feel with my high testosterone and starting at AA I might need some extra help.

Any suggestions?

Noogleberry and massage. (If you don't like the idea of noogleberry and seems time consuming, look for product named up'll c

Ketoconazole is the only drug I know that can inhibit testosterone. But there is no product that uses it as a testosterone inhibitor. It is just used it as anti DHT for hair loss and prostate cancer atm.

Just expect results to be slow at first.


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