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Hello Nooglers
After reading last post from Rosance I do not have to say anymore,
she has mastered this and I hope you all get positive results.
You cannot expect results in a couple of day's but persist with it and
I am sure all my Fellow Nooglers will be happy.
Even when not Noogling try to just practice flexing your breast muscles
while watching television or when you have time,flexing will help for when
you are Noogling you can do it without even thinking.


NotSoBusty, yes I do. I get a sound of the air traveling back in forth between the domes. No loosing of suction when this happens Wink You are experiencing exactly the same as I am.

(09-02-2012, 23:33)Rosance Wrote:  You are not supposed to loose any suction. While you flex, you want to have suction, after the three minutes, you want to add MORE suction. Try flexing less intensely, a soft flex, enough to make your breasts move up and down. If you still loose suction, you might want to find a way to not loose any. Are you using oil as a sealer?

I think my problem was that I was flexing too hard! I'm getting the hang of flexing a little more gently now, so fingers crossed this technique works for me! Thanks!


hello been doing this each time I pumped recently, its fantastic but i have a Q. why should you do one at a time and not both together?

Hello Nooglers
I am absolutely positive this method works ..
Before I ordered the system I was undecided about which cup size Medium or Large.
Thankfully I chose the Large,after doing Piston Pump Regime I filled the Large domes. Now I have been doing the Piston Pump Regime with the Contoured Large.When I first open the box I thought how am I going to fill these, they are huge compared to the Large domes.
I have only been doing the Contoured Large domes for three day's and guess what. I am only one inch from the top.... Unbelievable.
I am doing three one hour sessions a day everyday without fail,as I have said in previous posts on another forum if you do not put the effort in you will not get anything out of it.
I do not take any supplements herbal or otherwise,although I was tempted with herbal supplements because I do take herb's for other condition's.
All I can say is unbelievable ,three day's and one inch from the top .
When I had been using the large for three or four week's it only took 15 minutes to fill them with piston pumping whereas before this there was a lot of pain, blister's and bruising then I started to FLEX,LEFT,RIGHT ETC....
I hope this inspires all who are feeling down{ I understand this feeling}
and just keep persisting , you will win if you try.....


You are such an inspiration Dharma. I have been doing the flexing everytime I pump, which has been about You are such an inspiration Dharma. I have been doing the flexing everytime I pump, which has been about a month and a half. I must say, I see much more swelling and rounder breasts. I have gotten deeper into my Large Contoures at an increasing rate.
My left breast is slightly smaller than my right (about half a cm difference) and it seems that it is catching up to my right! I pump them at the same time and with the amount of pressure. In other words, I am not doing anything special for their asymmetry.
I am in love with this new technique. I actually feel like I am working out my breasts, you really are when you do this! Not only are you helping your breast tissue expand with the use of NB, but you are also expanding the muscle, which only means BIggER breasts Wink
I believe that for beautiful healthy breasts, one must work them out; that is why we hear some people doing gentle push ups while on NBE. The bigger the breasts, the heavier they get; surely we want to help them UP as much as we can Tongue; this is especially if you have breastfed (like me).
I hope those of you who have not given this a try give it. It is much more fun when you have music on Tongue

@ Maz:

I do not know why you should do them one at a time. I do find it easier to alternate than to do it at the same time. You can hold the flex for both at the same time, release and repeat. Hold for about 10 seconds every now and then. I tend to hold the flexes about every 10 minutes of alternating.
I am using this along with the nipple stopper by Mummabear
These two methods put together=LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Noogler's
I was in such a rush to tell you all about my progress with Large Contoured Cups that I forgot to tell you about something.
I was noogling with large cups about a week ago and toward the end of session I pump them all the way up.
I was just lying down with cups on and it was a hot day so I had the window open to let fresh air in. My emotion's these past few years have been up and down like a roller-coaster. But anyway I started to get teary eyed and I have learnt to get up and do something to take my mind off these things. I was walking past full length mirror in bedroom and caught a glimpse of myself in mirror and I stopped and looked{what a sight with cups on} and I said out loud raising my arm's ,have a look
at you what are you doing then I started laughing.
But when I raised my arms the cups slipped off and let out a noise like I have never heard before.
Then I heard two of my neighbors yelling out and laughing, I remember one saying Jesus Christ what was that.
When this happened my head was spinning I went over to the other side of the house and curled up into a ball.
I have never been so embarrassed ,my face felt like it was on fire it was that red. I did not leave the house for two days it would have been longer but I had to go shopping.
I am still looking out the front of the house before I go out to avoid the neighbors.
I keep window closed now when Noogling.


Hello Rosance
Forgive my ignorance but in my last post I forgot to thankyou , I just lose track of things sometimes.With regard to progress B1 is a little less
than an inch from top and B2 is one and a quarter inches from top.
I am doing three one hour session's a day.
Happy Noogling


I don't understand this method. The original poster on NBs forum calls it Piston Pumping because the breasts are supposed to move up and down. When I flex, the breasts don't move up and down. Instead they twitch a little, but don't grow. I am sure I am doing this wrong. Anyone know which muscles to move in order to do this correctly?

It should be the one that is close to your armpits going towards your breasts. The one that feels like a hard line of muscle when flexed.

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