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puberty& stages of breast development


(01-04-2018, 15:51)sweetorange Wrote:  Hi everyone, 

I wonder if anyone has studied or considered this issue as a cause of poor breast development. I've been researching this thing called tanner stages as an indicator of breast growth.

In my case, my period came when I was 11 yrs old and the next 3-4 years I noticed a change on my breasts, not too much I must admit cause I had a huge anxiety disorder which caused to be 100% nervous all the time, binge eating and finally not eating nor sleeping at all. I spent most of my high school days like a zombie or absolutely full with the meds to calm me down. Yikes, I don't like remembering those days but I guess it is essential to explain it all Dodgy Dodgy I think my development wasn't good at all due to lack of nutrients, weight loss all the time and bad sleep habit.
And I think I'm right cause since I had an illness that affected to my stomach and I lost tons of weight in 2015, when I had to gain weight again I began to look more ''woman'', like more curvy, everywhere. All the people that have seen me naked for ages have noticed the difference as well. I mean, til I turned 21 I used to be super skinny, around 47kg (103 pounds) and nowadays I'm around 56-57 (123-125 pounds) and I noticed I grown not only anatomically lol but also in height (weird, but it is true, I was a minion and nowadays I'm a hobbit from 5." to  5.1" lol 

Now, the only ''issue'' I have with my breasts is the puffy areolas + not having breast tissue on the top of my chest , so I think I am at 4th Stage and I guess if this can be solved somehow. 

[in case you want to check out if you have developed correctly, look at this one]

Does any of you considered this topic before? I'd like to hear opinions or experiences as well! Tongue

Yes, I think my breast are undeveloped, why? When I was 11 I had my period, I was totally flat, my breast never growth, my areolas was very small and now are small too (no growth of areola). After my period I start to gain weight very fast and I became too fat (I was anxious and with binge eating disorder too! It was A nightmare!!!!) I had a very huge hips and butt (women In my family are petite!) 
When I was 16 I started my diet and also training, I lost a lot of weight, I was totally flat but also with big butt, legs and hips, and this was leading me to anorexia. After 2 years of anorexia (but I didn’t lost my period) i’m Fine... 
but every program I take doesen’t work!!!! 
Now i’m Thinking to fat graft. 
I don’t want implants and major surgery!!!

I have read about this issue from the angle of breastfeeding and also fertility, long before I was looking into NBE.  It's not well-established and well-known science at all, but there is definitely a lot more info out there about how an unhealthy diet and other poor health-related behaviors could impact a girl in puberty.  It is thought that high-sugar and poor sleep in particular can be devastating to proper development.  I do wonder if that's my biggest issue right there.  I stayed up till 2 am watching TV CONSTANTLY when I was in the prime boob development years, and my parents let us drink full-sugar sodas like water, completely unrestricted.  It's a wonder I wasn't enormous, though of course I certainly wasn't thin at all like that.  My mom, sister, and aunt are decently well-endowed, but I have nothing up top.  Seems like my genes are possibly okay (?), but diet and such could explain why I've got so little.

(21-05-2018, 03:13)OrderUp Wrote:  I have read about this issue from the angle of breastfeeding and also fertility, long before I was looking into NBE.  It's not well-established and well-known science at all, but there is definitely a lot more info out there about how an unhealthy diet and other poor health-related behaviors could impact a girl in puberty.  It is thought that high-sugar and poor sleep in particular can be devastating to proper development.  I do wonder if that's my biggest issue right there.  I stayed up till 2 am watching TV CONSTANTLY when I was in the prime boob development years, and my parents let us drink full-sugar sodas like water, completely unrestricted.  It's a wonder I wasn't enormous, though of course I certainly wasn't thin at all like that.  My mom, sister, and aunt are decently well-endowed, but I have nothing up top.  Seems like my genes are possibly okay (?), but diet and such could explain why I've got so little.

You know what... In my developmental years i was HOOKED on sugar! i ate sugar like it was going out of fashion!
I was lucky enough i NEVER gained any weight but neither did i gain boobs! Ive always been tall and slim but now you bring this up particularly in my puberty years 12+ i just ate sooo much sugar it wasnt funny! And yes the females in the family sooo much more endowed than i ever was! With that said they are alot weightier and ive maintained my slimness. So who knows...

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