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Hi Sissy, and thank you for the complements. I have been very lucky with my development but it is not all down to BB. I found out i have a hormone condition that causes me to produce very low testosterone and i have a high estrogen count, i dont fully understand it but my doctor has told me that what ever i had been taking had made my hormone condition surface, he also said it could be sorted easily with medication but i am very happy with how i am now and i am enjoying adjusting to life living as a woman which i must admit is a whole new experience lol. I also admit the picture is flattering and my boobs are not quite as good in the flesh lol. To answer your question about the pump, i started pumping about a week before i took BB and only stopped for about a month as it was too painfull at that time, but i love the noogleberry and think it has helped me alot to develop. At the moment i am still using BB, but i have reduced my intake to 2 pills a day and i have cut out the saw palmetto completely as i dont need it. I am currently looking at supplements to help me firm my boobs and skin and im interested in massage aswell so i will keep you all up to date.
Thanks Sissy, good luck. xxxxx

Wow. It's crazy that it's a man with breasts that big! I'm actually kinda jealous (can't believe I've said that about a guy's chest lol). Sorry to hear about the sagging, but sh!t, I'd be ecstatic if my boobs were as big as yours. Rolleyes

Congrats on your new breasts, even tho you're male.Cool

Thanks Shyboobs, i guess its easier to grow boobs than it is to enlarge them once they are fully developed, i do feel very lucky but the photo does flatter alot, the top i was wearing pulls everything up lol. But thank you, i still have alot of work to do though as they seem to be changing shape one week to the next and i have not had any change in size for about 8 weeks now yet they seem alot fuller and heavy and like i said they are heading south which is not great lol. Good luck Shyboobs. xxxxx

(03-11-2009, 01:38)Cheryl1989 Wrote:  Thanks Shyboobs, i guess its easier to grow boobs than it is to enlarge them once they are fully developed, i do feel very lucky but the photo does flatter alot, the top i was wearing pulls everything up lol. But thank you, i still have alot of work to do though as they seem to be changing shape one week to the next and i have not had any change in size for about 8 weeks now yet they seem alot fuller and heavy and like i said they are heading south which is not great lol. Good luck Shyboobs. xxxxx

I know this is a digression in the BB thread, but you mentioned the sagging. Have you done massage? I find that massage really helps to firm them up!

Hi T-belle, thanks for the advice, i am looking into massage now to try and help, i have done a basic massage in the past but nothing specific so im now trying to see what works really. Im also thinking of buying some type of cream to help, i was thinking of buying breast actives cream, but i know alot of these products are abit of a con, but im still unsure of what to try to be honest. xxxx

hey sissy...

you are taking it twice a day? it looks like that only gives you 1050mg, when i thought we were supposed to be around 1800... do you happen to know what the difference is? i don't want to take the generic i have (i got SOME of my delivery, just not most of it) at 1800 and then not be able to get bb to work should i get the money...

any thoughts?


Not sure Emmie, BB are supposed to be "super potenized" or some mumbo jumbo I read a while back, you could read about it on their site. So their 1000 mgs should then be equal to more BO. Plus some of that is kelp and pituitary gland. I wish DNE still made their original BO, they acually seemed to work for me when I took 2 per day, then I switched to Vitamin power and those were just ok, I took 1800mgs, no huge growth from it. I didn't mind taking all the pills though, just added it to the other 18 pills I take daily. I do think you are right, it might not be a good idea to go from 1800mg to 2 BB daily.

Itsjust4fun91 got a great deal on BB, better than me...I paid almost $300 for 6 months. You could contact them and see what they can do for you. They offered to allow me to make payments on a credit card if I wanted more, so maybe they would do that for you. I think she offered to break it up into 2 or 3 payments. I'm nobody special, so you'd get the same deal, only tell them you want a better price.

(08-11-2009, 22:36)sissy2345 Wrote:  Not sure Emmie, BB are supposed to be "super potenized" or some mumbo jumbo I read a while back, you could read about it on their site. So their 1000 mgs should then be equal to more BO. Plus some of that is kelp and pituitary gland. I wish DNE still made their original BO, they acually seemed to work for me when I took 2 per day, then I switched to Vitamin power and those were just ok, I took 1800mgs, no huge growth from it. I didn't mind taking all the pills though, just added it to the other 18 pills I take daily. I do think you are right, it might not be a good idea to go from 1800mg to 2 BB daily.

Itsjust4fun91 got a great deal on BB, better than me...I paid almost $300 for 6 months. You could contact them and see what they can do for you. They offered to allow me to make payments on a credit card if I wanted more, so maybe they would do that for you. I think she offered to break it up into 2 or 3 payments. I'm nobody special, so you'd get the same deal, only tell them you want a better price.

DNE have BO again but it is for 25$ now:s:sIt used to be for 9$ when i used to take them..I don't know why they increased their price like that..I don't know what to try now BO,WU or BB..I will be getting the NB somewhere next month but am still looking on what to supplement with.Good luck,

Wow Sandy, that's crazy they increased their price like that. Thanks for letting me know it's available again.

I went back to look at your program, it seems that you only really tried BO, or have you tried herbs, PM etc. and just not listed it? My advice would be to try something new, like if you haven't tried herbs, try them individually or WU. You may just be one that BO does not work for, there have been others also. Of course it's possible that BB may work better for you than generic, I did better on BB than generic, but generic did something for me atleast.

The one thing that I'm sure will work is noogleberry if you are able to stick with it. I'm still amazed at the progress some have had with it. Check out ebay for the NB system also, I've seen some go for 1/2 what they sell for on the website to lucky bidders. Good luck

hey sandy... i just checked dne (nutrasupply) and found nothing when searching for "ovary." what did you look under??


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