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Caitemh 's program


So I've done a bit of research on Interactions between Gaba and my anti anxiety medication Celexa.

Since gaba raises Hgh and promotes serotonin in the brain, I needed to see if it would interact with my SSRI medication. I found articles describing serotonin syndrome, and sweats are definitely a symptom. Fortunately I have only that one symptom, but the articles have frightened me a bit.

I would like to stay on both my Celexa and gaba, as I've never felt better in my life. But I have to slow down. For the last week I have taken my 20mg Celexa med every morning, and 500 mg gaba. And at night another 500mg gaba.

What I plan to do is back off to one 500mg capsule right before bed (I should have done that to start with) and possibly take a small break for a day or two from my Celexa just to see how it goes.

Shame, cuz I've felt fantastic. But I have to be careful. Has anyone else any experiences with ssri meds and nbe?

I feel like its maybe time to update...maybe reach out to you girls for some support right now.

I haven't been focusing at all on my program for the last week..I just split up with my long term boyfriend.

It's been exhausting for us to continue, as we were very dysfunctional..Troubles communicating, my anxiety, blah blah blah. I guess my hormones had been racing pretty bad one night, mixed with a bout of crazy panic attacks...And I left him. Two days after, the regret and the ideas of my mistake came crashing over me...It's been rough. He's refused to talk to me about it until he has had time to get over a bit of his hurt...I guess I deserve that one.

I managed to get the energy for a massage last night, but it was brief and I was nervous about my mother coming out in the middle of the night..

I've gotta get myself eating properly again, one meal a day is not healthy. My boob journey is not over, merely put on hold for the time being? I've been consistent with my herbs though. No noogling (I have no privacy!). Weird thing is, my breasts have been aching like MAD since the breakup. I wonder why!

Hopefully I get closure soon with the man..I'm ready to accept whatever he chooses..I just hope its the choice where we get to sit down and legitimately talk about our problems..

Warm regards ladies, have a good one..

caitemh, get everything sorted and focus on yourself for a little while. Your breasts can wait! Relationships with other people are more important.

Good day ladies! A little bit of an update!

So my last post was talking about my personal relationships. I just split up with my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years and we tried to talk about things. Well, super long story short, him and I don't belong together. He's impossible to trust, and has done some super terrible stuff to me. I've learned and I'm moving on. I don't need him.

But I'm just about at my 7 month mark. I've been skimping on pumping with the NB this week because my mind has been elsewhere. But I've been doing some massages.

I haven't lost much of my fullness but it's a bit noticeable. I'm very optimistic about my breakup. I'm hoping the elimination of that stressful relationship will allow my body to perform the way it's supposed to.

I've now got the time and the focus for me exclusively, now that I don't have to worry about him. I'm worth every second of my focus, and that's how my life is going to be here on out!

(24-03-2014, 16:57)caitemh Wrote:  Good day ladies! A little bit of an update!

So my last post was talking about my personal relationships. I just split up with my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years and we tried to talk about things. Well, super long story short, him and I don't belong together. He's impossible to trust, and has done some super terrible stuff to me. I've learned and I'm moving on. I don't need him.

But I'm just about at my 7 month mark. I've been skimping on pumping with the NB this week because my mind has been elsewhere. But I've been doing some massages.

I haven't lost much of my fullness but it's a bit noticeable. I'm very optimistic about my breakup. I'm hoping the elimination of that stressful relationship will allow my body to perform the way it's supposed to.

I've now got the time and the focus for me exclusively, now that I don't have to worry about him. I'm worth every second of my focus, and that's how my life is going to be here on out!

Good on you, glad you have a clear head about it all - breakups are devastating especially when you have been mistreated, been there. But now focus on boobies and a much better guy will come along when you are emotionally ready Smile

Hi caitemh, I wish you the best, and I hope you'll be stronger than ever and confident from now on. It's time to dedicate some time to yourself! Hugs

Good day everyone. I'm just doing a tiny update, because it's a big new step for me!

I have been slacking a bit, not noogling and only the occasional massage.

I've been trying to keep my mind busy, my days busy, and I'm trying to make new friends to have fun with my life.

I went shopping the other day at the mall, and stopped for a pack of cigarettes at the smoke shop. They didn't have my brand so I opted for another I used to smoke. The cashier rang up my pack, and to my surprise, it came to $17.00! For one pack!

Well I was rather shocked, then absolutely angry at the pricing. I couldn't keep paying that much money to kill myself!

I did finish that pack, because I bought it, but I have decided that I'm no longer a smoker. Today is day one, but I'm feeling rather cool about it. I figure I will easily be able to save the money I need to purchase my beautiful teacup pig I'm coveting. Haha

So with the smoking eliminated, hopefully I can gain weight a little bit easier and fill out more. No more skin and bones. I'm also looking forward to the physical limitations being lessened over time. I miss being fit.

Anyway, take care girls.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah baby!!! That is an awesome decision!!! I stopped smoking in november 2013 and here I am in April, with taste and smell recovered, perfectly disgusted and away from it. It changed already a lot in my physical condition.

I think the best time to stop is when you have THE conscience pop-out, that instant when your reason say "enough of this shit" and seems like you have reached this point. Wether it is for financial reasons at start or just because you feel sicker and sicker everyday, it is ALWAYS a good reason and the good moment.

Hold on, DON'T find yourself excuses to get back to it EVER. Even though you might probably smoke a few throughout your journey to definitive stop, don't let it make yourself culpabilize to the point you say fuck it I might as well buy another pack. I myself smoked like 7 or 8 cigarettes in 5 months but they were spaced out enough to be significantly more disgusting each time.

You can never regret this choice, good luck & cheers! Big Grin

I have reached that moment.

Splitting with my boyfriend has also given me the kick in my pants to start caring for my body again. This means eliminating cigarettes, exercising again. I'm finding ways to keep myself busy, happy! I've never felt so great.

I'm itching for the snow to stop! It's miserable here and all I want to do is go out on my bike.

I've quit smoking in the past, but this is the final. I'm going to try it cold turkey with the aide of an e cig and a patch for the first few days.

If I can get through my first week it will be smooth sailing! I've been smoking for 10 years and enough is enough!

Good one girl! Wish you all the best in your new project. I was just reading back a bit though and I noticed you said you were gonna take a few days break from the celexa...might be a bit late but i'd really recommend you never do that! SSRIs take some getting used to and if you have the levels at constant fluctuation in your body you're likely to make the anxiety worse as you'll be contantly going through withdrawal then adaptation. Only stop taking them with a weaning plan from your doctor to get off them, try to never miss a dose otherwise.

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