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New Program for DDs - Chiyomilk Alternatives


Sorry I havent been on in a while!

Recently i started working out harder and lost weight but boobies are still here just less "fatty."

I am on day 11 of my cycle so I am taking msm, l arg, and i upped my PM to 375mg. I think with this cycle I want to cut back on my healthy fats. I eat a small handful of walnuts every day or so. I think I saw good results with the large amount of nuts in a day but i want to see if I can get similar results without it.

Another change I am making is adding spearmint capsules to my program. My skin has been very oily lately and I was jst starting to think I was getting over my oily phase. I think it is a mix of a new skincare regimen and a change in hormones from my new program.
So I would like to take two capsules of spearmint each day in follicular and possibly one or none in luteal.
Spearmint decreases free testosterone. But since I am taking saw palmetto in luteal, which keeps T from converting into DHT, I might take just one capsule of spearmint and add an aromatase like white peony which turns T -> estrogen.
Still need to do some more research on this before adding it though. But for now, i started taking spearmint because this oil needs to be tamed now! Lol


It was a lott of water but I needed to compensate for the lack of water from the previous few days Tongue
But typically I strive for 8 cups of water a day.

I was taking Omeprazole magnesium (generic version of prilosec). I think it was only $5 for a 1 month supply. My doctor had me taking 1 20.6mg dose a day (1 pill) and while it was helping a LOT, i noticed that even if i drank part of a BEER my stomach would hate me for a few days. I was also told to stay away from caffeine, chocolate, fatty fried foods, and spicy foods. I love spicy foods Sad I've been taking the omeprazole religiously for about 6 weeks now (doctor told me to take it for a full 12 weeks). It did help really fast when i first started taking it but now it has plateaued I think. I still get a mild discomfort after eating and random burps throughout the day. I feel like by now it should be pretty much gone. I did some searching online and found something else to take. So yesterday I didn't take my pill and nearly all my symptoms came back. I barely even ate because I was so uncomfortable. So I guess the omeprazole was working well! But I want to try something stronger so I am going to try Pepcid (famotidine 40mg a day), which is supposed to be more effective! I'll let you know how it goes Smile starting it today- I think I'll do 20mg before breakfast and 20mg just before bed.

Oops the increase in PM this month was a poor choice but you live and you learn!
I had some symptoms of estrogen dominance during follicular so I might do a 1 month cleanse or reduce my PM dose to 250mg or possibly lower.

Im nearing the end of this cycle and havent had any growth this month really. I just maintained my size. Hopefully next month will be better.


First thing is pretty exciting, to me at least lol, I got the copper IUD put in today!
Pros -
- no more bc pills! no need to worry about missing one

I have been getting more worried about taking bcp AND herbs especially with a significant other. I had a pregnancy scare last month and I just don't want to risk it anymore!

Cons -

- heavier periods
- there's a possibility your partner can feel the strings from the iud during sex

For most people it should be fine and I would rate it a 4/10 on the pain scale for the average person, but I also have a very high threshold for pain and this was the most painful experience of my whole life! I would rate it a 12/10! LOL. But this was because I had a complication - my cervix opening did not want to open up! So I had to be dilated twice and the second time is what killed me! But it's in now and I just have some mild cramping. I hope my periods aren't TOO much heavier and hopefully I don't have terrible cramps! I'll find out on tuesday though when I start my period.

So if you need birth control but want to take herbs, I HIGHLY suggest looking into the copper iud!

Second Update!:

My breasts have gotten very full once again towards the end of this cycle. They started to get bigger about 5 days ago. I woke up with sore breasts and then they just started filling in.
This whole cycle I only felt tingling in my breasts one day and sore breasts for one day (one morning rather) so I definitely need to make some changes for next month.

I'm also not sure if I should detox for a month since I just switched to the copper iud HuhHuh
Day 1 of my cycle starts this upcoming Sunday so I'll have to decide soon!

Until then happy growing ladies Tongue

***I was reading through this thread and just compared my actual progress photos to the photos I posted on here. I don't know what I was thinking lol but that second picture I posted in this thread is definitely not my breast size! I'd say that's my short-term goal. The shape is similar though. But realistically, the last photo I posted that was in a separate post is very very spot-on - it could be me! lol.
Just wanted to post this so I don't mislead anyone!! I tried to edit the post but I can't edit after 1440 hours Sad

HOpefully, I'll have enough courage one day to post real photos! I just wish I took side pictures in the beginning. I have pretty shallow breasts and I've noticed that most of my growth has been spread out across my chest. The sides of my breasts and center have filled in a lot, but my breasts don't look like the size they are. Even my bf is shocked when I tell him my size.

This cycle, I decided to continue taking herbs. I think that if I take a break now, my body will freak out from the lack of hormones from herbs AND from my bcp.

Today is the 3rd day of my cycle - I am taking just collagen, l-arg, multivitamin gummies, and msm.
Also, my skin has been dry so I now only take 1 spearmint capsule every other day.
Another thing I have changed up is when I take the l-arg. I read it is better to take it at night since your body already produces hgh during sleep so I take both 1g pills at night just before bed. I can't say if it's making a difference since I've only been taking it for a few days now but I'll let you know Wink

That's all for now Tongue I'll post more updates as the cycle goes on! I am really excited to see my growth in the second half of my cycle!

hi wat is l arg used for? thanks Smile

(28-07-2015, 20:43)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(28-07-2015, 18:15)carolbrigid Wrote:  So you are taking 2 gm of L-Arginine per day? Thank you :-)

Yes 2g a day.

I might up this to 3g the second month, but I'll see how it goes for the first month. I haven't started taking it yet Blush

The pills I have are 1000mg/tablet and the bottle says I can take up to 3 tablets a day.


1. You can take BCP or Tranexamic Acid to alleviate the transition to copper IUD if you are getting a lot of bleeding.

2. It's normal to look like a B cup if you wear sizes like 32D, 32C, 30D, 30DD. I wear 32 C/D and look like a 34 A/B/ This is because the stereotype of what a C or D cup looks like is a 36C or D (which on a 32 person would be more like 32E). All that bra size tells you is the difference in inches. It's like a tall man with a 34 waist looks different from a short man with a 34 waist.

(30-09-2015, 00:45)Tribble1 Wrote:  1. You can take BCP or Tranexamic Acid to alleviate the transition to copper IUD if you are getting a lot of bleeding.

2. It's normal to look like a B cup if you wear sizes like 32D, 32C, 30D, 30DD. I wear 32 C/D and look like a 34 A/B/ This is because the stereotype of what a C or D cup looks like is a 36C or D (which on a 32 person would be more like 32E). All that bra size tells you is the difference in inches. It's like a tall man with a 34 waist looks different from a short man with a 34 waist.

Thanks for the info Tribble Smile

The blood has let up a lot and I seem to be resuming to my normal period now- thank goodness and luckily the cramping hasn't been as awful as others have described, but I think it could be because my hormones aren't disrupted yet so we'll see during my next cycle how it goes lol. I actually barely had any cramps today.

What a great way to explain it! That is so true about the 34" waist thing. And yeah it makes sense to us because we know that the volume in a 34A bra is the same as a 30C but when we tell others we wear a C cup they're like "what!?" because they picture 34C!! Lol

(29-09-2015, 23:12)ihatepd Wrote:  hi wat is l arg used for? thanks Smile

(28-07-2015, 20:43)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(28-07-2015, 18:15)carolbrigid Wrote:  So you are taking 2 gm of L-Arginine per day? Thank you :-)

Yes 2g a day.

I might up this to 3g the second month, but I'll see how it goes for the first month. I haven't started taking it yet Blush

The pills I have are 1000mg/tablet and the bottle says I can take up to 3 tablets a day.

l-arg increases human growth hormone (hgh) which is essential in growing breasts during puberty! You can increase hgh naturally through exercise and sleep also.

Boobies were itchy when I woke up this morning Tongue a good sign!

They were a little itchy throughout the day too -- mostly under my nipple so hopefully I'll start filling out on the bottom more.

The bf noticed that they look fuller too but they usually fill out around this time after my period is over. They look bigger and I seem to fill out my bras a little better. The center/cleavage seems more defined Big Grin

Waiting on a new bra to come next week! I ordered a demi bra for my shallow breasts. I got the Betsey Johnson Forever demi bra in a 30DDD at first. I don't know WHAT I was thinking lol but this was obviously way too big! Sent it back for a 30DD. The bra doesn't have any padding Sad but it seems like it creates a nice shape.
I think my biggest issue right now is thinking about what bra size I want my breasts to be. I need to be more patient and accept whatever size they are and let them grow!

happy growing ladies Blush

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