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My Journey To C's



I figure that the swelling I get from massaging is kind of like the swelling you would get from noogling, except much, much slower & not as much. I measured last night after I posted that & came out 32", but I read somewhere that that is what happens when your breasts firm up. You lose some size, then get firm & fuller, & then, lastly, you begin to grow :]. That's why I am not freaking out about losing size lol.

I am glad that you thought of my program when in the shower! Does it put you in a good mood? I am always excited about doing hydrotherapy! I find it to be very relaxing, & that's when my visualizations become more vivid & creative! I sometimes find myself laughing in the shower because of my crazy visualizations XD I still have to get used to the shock of the sudden temperature changes though haha. But you should really try out hydrotherapy & enjoy it to the fullest :] !! I think it is actually working!!

Week 2 - Day 19

My internet was down yesterday so I couldn't post a blog up about what I did, which I will do now lol.

I woke up super late...ten minutes after my alarm rang for taking the pills! I panicked & jumped out of bed & quickly downed the Dong Quai & calcium pills. Lately I have been getting up later & sleeping late. I really, really need to get that fixed :/ Sleep is so important for boobie growth!!

I find that it is becoming easier to stick with the routine than usual. It's probably because I am getting used to it & it actually is becoming more enjoyable now lol. I don't get frustrated when I see no growth, & I just focus on growing breasts. Also, my visualizations just become even more creative as the days go by xD

Still have not gotten my oils for my boobie batter, but I now have more patience than ever, so I am not worried about it :] These things take time after all!!! Oh yah, after massages I still get that heavy, firming feeling in my breasts. Good signs!

I've been trying to eat foods that have low glycemic loads. I found out that rice has an extremely high glycemic load, & it makes me sad because I am Asian & I love rice :[ I only consume 1/2 cup of rice since a whole cup equals about a glycemic load of 75 x.x I have to cut back on bananas too because they have a glycemic load of 52. I have been eating peaches, which only has a glycemic load of about 42 [I think?]. I need to refill our cabinets with boobie friendly foods this weekend!! & I've noticed that all I've been drinking is water. I've eliminated juice entirely from my diet because those usually tend to have a lot of sugar. I love juice, but it has to be done! I will try to drink milk too.

I exercised for about 30 minutes, focusing on my lower back & abs. I never realized how out of shape I was. I had to push myself to finish those 3 sets. It will be worth all the pain in the end!!!

Other: I read that drinking too much water is bad for you & can cause sooo much problems & even be fatal! I drink a lot of water, but I just sip from my cup every now & then.

Week 2 - Day 20

Today I decided to add Swiss Lamb Placenta back into my routine. Mainly because it has so many beneficial ingredients, such as collagen & marine protein. It's very good for the skin & will most likely help in the growing process as well x3 I am taking it twice a day as said on the bottle, one in the morning & one in the evening :]

The first thing I noticed today was how much my chest hurt whenever I would breathe deeply, sniffle, or cough. I think it's because of all the push ups I do before & after I do massages & my pectoralis muscles need to recover lol. I will stop with push ups for now to see if this persists. However, this did not interfere with my workout today! We will see what happens!

Speaking of workout, I was a bit disappointed because I didn't feel like I got a good exercise routine going today. I am going to switch it up! Need better lower body! Especially tush lol! Of course I'm not expecting a miracle & expecting a change over night, but I need more effective exercises. Anyone have any suggestions?

Other: I caved & ate an eggroll today x.x It was only one though! Only oooone!!!

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium pill x1
- Swiss Lamb Placenta x1
- Massage 20 minutes
- Rockmelon Ringtone 10 minutes

- Massage 10 minutes, 30 squeezes

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium pill x1
- Swiss Lamb Placenta x1
- Massage 20 minutes
- Hydrotherapy
- Rockmelon Ringtone 10 minutes

Week 3 - Day 21

I measured myself & came out 32" each time. That means I lost .5" of my breasts. I think it is because of the firming & rounding of my breasts. It is extremely noticeable now. Hopefully I will get back that .5" & more by the end of the first month or the first three months lol :] Not feeling down about it! Okay, I just measured myself again & came out 32.5" for all three times XD Will remeasure again tomorrow for accuracy :3

My chest does not hurt like it did yesterday. I've concluded that it was indeed the push ups & my pectoralis muscles aching from needing to be recovered. I'm going to stop doing so many push ups & limiting myself to only 20 a day!

When doing my work outs, I was disappointed. It didn't feel heavy, but just because I didn't become too tired doesn't mean that it didn't work. I am staying hopeful about it all!

For some reason, I find it harder to concentrate on visualizations. My mind will always want to wander somewhere else. I really need to work on that. I also should start going to bed whenever I feel tired instead of forcing myself to stay up because it's definitely having an effect on my body. It doesn't help with the healing of my muscles & gets in the way of the growth! Need to SLEEP!!! I drank some warm milk not too long ago & should start to feel the drowsiness soon. As soon as I do, I am hitting the bed lol!

What does glyclemic load mean? I also eat soooo much rice. Like sometimes even more than a cup of rice with every meal. I realized how terrible that is, not just for NBE but for my overall health! I also read an article floating around somewhere about a study that was done on women who basically switched to a no carb diet and they saw increase in bust size. Coincidence? Maybe not. I'm more conscious about what I eat now; asians in particular eat insane amounts of grain. When I have lunch or dinner I try to get a small portion of rice (can't live without it) with a heaping serving of veggies, protein, etc.


Glycemic load combines both the quality and quantity of carbohydrate in one ‘number’. It’s the best way to predict blood glucose values of different types and amounts of food. The reason why a diet with little carbs works best for breast growth is because carbs convert to sugar, which in turn creates testosterone. Of course, what we want for breast growth is estrogen. & I know what you mean. I have been limiting myself from eating noodles, rice, any kind of wheat & bread really. They have such high glycemic loads. That's why a lot of people here in the forums have such a strict diet! I need to become more strict with mine lol.

Week 3 - Day 22

I felt pains today! They lasted for maybe ten minutes, but I still got super excited about it! I would have to rate them 4/10. My chest definitely feels firmer as well, & those chest workouts I've been doing are definitely helping too :] Hydrotherapy is, I believe, also helping along with the firming process. I love watching my breasts get round & big & then go soft & small again XD it's like woooow! Aww....Wow! LOL.

Next week will be my fourth week/first month mark, & then it will be time to take a picture & measure. Even though I have only begun my workout again starting this week, it seems like I see a difference in shape already in my body! Maybe it's all the visualizing I've been doing that is making me see things, but I like it a lot :] hopefully there will be results there in three weeks too! I've got double the stuff to focus on! I really think my concentration is coming back too. I can visualize pretty vividly again my idea of an ideal body, yaaay :] !!!

I also bought another bottle of Dong Quai because I'm going to run out of it sometime this coming week. I also added biotin into the order because it has a b-vitamin complex, helps in cell growth, & metabolizes fatty acids & amino acids, but also because it will help me in growing my hair & making my weak, brittle nails stronger :3 I'm excited & cannot wait for that to arrive ^o^

Listened to the rockmelon ringtone for thirty minutes today instead of the usual twenty minutes. I also did an extra session of chi rotation massages. It's something that I just do; I don't even think about it lol. It's such a normal part of my daily routine now. I find that I have a lot more motivation to do things. I just get up & do it. I don't even think twice about it anymore or even sulk about it like I used to because of my impatience. Man, NBE teaches you a lot of things XD so beneficial for much more than just breast growth, but a healthy lifestyle as well! Oh! & a strong mind & perseverance!
Thumbs Up 

"I find that I have a lot more motivation to do things. I just get up & do it. I don't even think twice about it anymore or even sulk about it like I used to because of my impatience. Man, NBE teaches you a lot of things XD so beneficial for much more than just breast growth, but a healthy lifestyle as well! Oh! & a strong mind & perseverance!"

i like these comment... A LOT!!

Thank you, Char ^-^ it is true :] You can ask anyone & they will probably say the same thing! It is such a positive thing, & I am glad I began this journey, not only for the sake of my breasts but my overall well-being :3 I have noticed such an improvement in myself mentally & physically! It is extremely amazing!

Week 3 -Day 23

Internet was down again last night so I couldn't put up this blog, so going to do it now.

I felt some pain yesterday, & I would have to rate it a 3/10. It still got me excited even though it wasn't much. Some pain is better than none! After all, I am not expecting too big of a growth since Dong Quai has far less estrogenic properties than Fenugreek, but I haven't felt the pain in my groin for a good while now since I stopped taking Fenugreek :] I've decided to take out Saw Palmetto completely since I gained weight from it. Well, I don't know if I gained weight from SP or from the depo shot, but it doesn't matter since I'm stopping both XD

I had to go back to doing only 2 massages per day instead of 3. I'm running low on lotion & limited on the amount of money I can spend!! I'm going to scour around the house to find some lotion that I can possibly use since half of the family consists of girls XD I don't think they would mind too much since they don't really use unscented, plain lotion anyway ;p

Oh yah, yesterday marked my 8th day of listening to the Rockmelon ringtone! Whoo-hoo! 2 more days before the 10 day mark! Even so, I'm going to continue listening to it anyway, just to see if there will be any more growth, if any xD of course, I won't measure myself until the end of the 1 month mark, which is July 4th & next week :3 !!! 6 days away until the moment of truth *-*

Also, I ended up not doing hydrotherapy yesterday. I've been too busy studying, reviewing, & researching for my CNA-I exam that I totally forgot about it XD after all, passing that exam is more important than my breasts growing :] though I would prefer both ^-^

Other: I landed a job interview at K-mart LOL XD I'm going to be taking the CNA-I exam sometime next month too, so I probably will be working two jobs. I don't know though because most of the CNA jobs are full-time jobs around here :/ still debating about it.

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