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Bigger Boobs = Higher Success Rate for Relationship? Thoughts?


So this will probably get me backlash and I know this is not nearly true for all relationships, but I relationships have a greater success rate when the female is larger chested? I feel as stupid reading what I just wrote as much as I did while typing it, but truly, I do question this.

All of my friends who have been together 10+ years, married or long-term relationships have large busts. Does this help seal in confidence, nurturing & greater attraction/respect from the male-standpoint? Do smaller-chested females have a complex that at least somewhat puts a gray cloud over their head, stunting their happiness and feeding into insecurities which may leak over into their relationship?

I have always wondered this, but now I am noticing something within my own relationship as my chest grows. The larger I have gotten, the more my bf constantly wants to nuzzle in them, sleep in them, just be all around more cuddly and loving. Has he gained more attraction and "respect" for me? We have always had our ups and downs, but it seems the downs have almost diminished and since I've been "larger" the ups have gone up even higher.

I would like to put out there that he said from the very beginning (before he had even seen my chest) that he was an ass and thigh guy, so I don't think me growing is because he is an all-out boob guy.


(19-02-2014, 23:15)Jenniferlove Wrote:  So this will probably get me backlash and I know this is not nearly true for all relationships, but I relationships have a greater success rate when the female is larger chested? I feel as stupid reading what I just wrote as much as I did while typing it, but truly, I do question this.

All of my friends who have been together 10+ years, married or long-term relationships have large busts. Does this help seal in confidence, nurturing & greater attraction/respect from the male-standpoint? Do smaller-chested females have a complex that at least somewhat puts a gray cloud over their head, stunting their happiness and feeding into insecurities which may leak over into their relationship?

I have always wondered this, but now I am noticing something within my own relationship as my chest grows. The larger I have gotten, the more my bf constantly wants to nuzzle in them, sleep in them, just be all around more cuddly and loving. Has he gained more attraction and "respect" for me? We have always had our ups and downs, but it seems the downs have almost diminished and since I've been "larger" the ups have gone up even higher.

I would like to put out there that he said from the very beginning (before he had even seen my chest) that he was an ass and thigh guy, so I don't think me growing is because he is an all-out boob guy.


Oh JLove! I adore your naivety but I think God should take away your breasts and give you a brain! Lol.

All kidding aside, what I think you are picking up is that most men love and are sexually attracted to large breasted females, but will often tell their small breasted lovers that they love their small breasts the way they are because they know its not that big of a deal (in the back of their minds they know it might hurt our feelings) . The reason why most guys will tell a gal they prefer small breasts over large is because they just want to have a more of chance with you, get in your pants, etc.

No, no, no! Large breasts do not make relationships better, they make sex life better.
For both biological and confidence reasons.

Its like questioning whether or not attractive people have better relationships. I think we all know the answer to that.

While many men love and appreciate small breasts, very few prefer small over large. The reason for large breasts being more of a turn off is because many men don't like their gal getting that attention all the time, and the sag factor. But we need to remember, small and saggy is also unattractive. This based on what men have told me.

My question that has been daunting me, is would your man's happiness be ultimately destroyed if he knew that you were purposely developing them???

Its as if he is only more sexually attracted to your breasts and forgot about that girl who did not have them from before. Maybe that down side of him was from him not being completely happy. I mean it sounds shallow to think hes all of a sudden with a happier attitude towards the relationship. Maybe you caught him at a time in your relationship that was tempting him to stray. This is def something I'd wonder about. I wouldn't ignore that. Id be on a mission to find out what the hell this is all about.

I think you should tell him. Let him react and tell him to Get Over Himself! They're just boobs!


Hmm....well I have never truly been insecure, even with small breasts that never stunted our sex life. The actual sex has not changed at all, more like cuddling/nuzzling in them aspect.

Anyway, thank you for saying I am naive, I usually get told the opposite. Wink I am just an observer and this is a topic that has interested me as do relationships in general. Are men more willing to work for a relationship if a women has a larger (perky) chest. It is incredibly shallow, but I sadly feel it may have some truth.

I have been surrounded with guy friends since I was a child so I know what their opinions are when they don't have to sugar coat it. I am well aware that men love large chests, I just wonder if they are actually more willing to work for the relationship with a bustier female.

My bf and I's relationship runs far deeper than physical thankfully. Everything is in tune to an eerie level. It will make one believe in a higher power. I don't think him finding out would destroy anything, I think he would be concerned above all because he sees me as very confident. I just wanted what it seems every other damn female has in this town and that's nice breasts!

I have always wanted large breasts and feel they play a key role in MY sexual satisfaction. I think they are fun and stimulate arousal.

Edit: I hadn't read the very end I guess. About to stray? I doubt it. He's pretty over-the-top about me and proud to have me by his side. I guess you never truly know with guys though. With the New Year we have put in new energy for sure, mostly very conscious energy not to step on each other's toes. We are both big debaters. This is a mentally-heavy relationship which is so rewarding on many levels. That can have its downside though. I know us biting our tongues is part of it but his large interest in my bust does not go unnoticed.

I should add that I ask these questions to provoke discussion. I determined long before ever finding this site that busty relationships do seem more sound than flat ones. Cool I am just wanting others thoughts on this. And my observation awhile back ironically had nothing to do with my own relationship. My last relationship lasted almost 10 years and he was OBSESSED with my boobs. I am the one that ended it and he was crushed. I just noticed the females I know who have one turbulent relationship after another, self-hate issues, etc. OFTEN have small chests. Then on the flip-side, those females I know who are confident (even if they're not the most attractive) and happy in their relationship all have large chests.

And do two attractive people create a more harmonious relationship? I would say not necessarily at all. What truly matters is if they are attracted to each other, not how attractive they are by the average grading scale. Many attractive people date each other for pure confidence boosts and other shallow reasons. There is no depth in dating someone purely based on looks.

I guess there might be a correlation, but it seems silly for that to be the cause. Even if the theory is that men are more attracted to large breasts and will therefore work harder to maintain a relationship with a busty woman, it's not like there's any shortage of busty women. A man whose only motivation for staying in the relationship is the woman's breasts will probably find a more attractive (physically and personality-wise) girl to chase after soon anyway.

To hear busty women talk, it's just the opposite, anyway, so there might be some bias at work.

(20-02-2014, 01:42)prettylily Wrote:  I guess there might be a correlation, but it seems silly for that to be the cause. Even if the theory is that men are more attracted to large breasts and will therefore work harder to maintain a relationship with a busty woman, it's not like there's any shortage of busty women. A man whose only motivation for staying in the relationship is the woman's breasts will probably find a more attractive (physically and personality-wise) girl to chase after soon anyway.

To hear busty women talk, it's just the opposite, anyway, so there might be some bias at work.

Of course there is no shortage of busty women. Let's say you take the exact same woman though, then put her with an A cup and her with a full C cup. I just wonder if her relationship would be more sound if she had the A or C or if it truly would not matter either way. What percentage of women, in theory, would have a better relationship if they had a full C? It sounds so silly, but men are truly hard-wired to love and adore breasts.

And I'm not saying that would be a man's only motive to stay in a relationship, I just wonder if it harvests more harmony.

Hm. I would say, all else being equal, a guy would work harder for the version he finds more attractive. So bigger breasts might do it for some, blonde hair might do it for some, a shapely behind would do it for others. Technically, my answer to your question is yes, then.

So, in a sense you're defining your actual worthiness in a relationship by the size of your breasts. Bigger breasts = more harmonious relationship. By your personal experience. You've noticed increased intimacy than before you had your full C cups.


(20-02-2014, 02:44)tibetan113 Wrote:  So, in a sense you're defining your actual worthiness in a relationship by the size of your breasts. Bigger breasts = more harmonious relationship. By your personal experience. You've noticed increased intimacy than before you had your full C cups.

Well no, as I wrote, I wonder if bigger breasts increases self-esteem which in turn creates a more harmonious relationship.

This is based on my observations of all the couples around me, old and young. Divorce rates are high, so yes, I think about this. Sure, you would think mental connection would prevail, but what about after 10 years? 20 years?

In my personal relationship right now we made an agreement to bite our tongues when things are stirring into a debate. That has helped us 110%. Our relationship was never about my boobs. He has never commented on boobs period really. I, unfortunately, enjoy attention there and wanted them larger so I grew them. Maybe I don't realize it, but perhaps I'm flaunting them more, encouraging him to give them more love. That could easily be it.

What I was getting at really is security issues with the FEMALE, and this is not for only me but small-busted females in general. I'm not just putting it all on the male, although that was a portion of my discussion as well. Are females who "don't measure up" more insecure and that insecurity trickles into their relationship, polluting it in a sense? Many girls come on here writing things like their relationship is at stake because they are so insecure about their chest size. Men come on here saying they're thinking of straying. And these are only the ones that come forward about their issues.

I knew this would be a wishy washy discussion. Perhaps it was better to not have asked it. Meh!

(20-02-2014, 03:02)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(20-02-2014, 02:44)tibetan113 Wrote:  So, in a sense you're defining your actual worthiness in a relationship by the size of your breasts. Bigger breasts = more harmonious relationship. By your personal experience. You've noticed increased intimacy than before you had your full C cups.

Well no, as I wrote, I wonder if bigger breasts increases self-esteem which in turn creates a more harmonious relationship.

This is based on my observations of all the couples around me, old and young. Divorce rates are high, so yes, I think about this. Sure, you would think mental connection would prevail, but what about after 10 years? 20 years?

In my personal relationship right now we made an agreement to bite our tongues when things are stirring into a debate. That has helped us 110%. Our relationship was never about my boobs. He has never commented on boobs period really. I, unfortunately, enjoy attention there and wanted them larger so I grew them. Maybe I don't realize it, but perhaps I'm flaunting them more, encouraging him to give them more love. That could easily be it.

What I was getting at really is security issues with the FEMALE, and this is not for only me but small-busted females in general. I'm not just putting it all on the male, although that was a portion of my discussion as well. Are females who "don't measure up" more insecure and that insecurity trickles into their relationship, polluting it in a sense? Many girls come on here writing things like their relationship is at stake because they are so insecure about their chest size. Men come on here saying they're thinking of straying. And these are only the ones that come forward about their issues.

I knew this would be a wishy washy discussion. Perhaps it was better to not have asked it. Meh!

Edit! Its my mistake you did mention it. My apology for the following statement below: which has now been deleted. It was the idea of being attracted to each other creating more harmony. That was what you were basing on as well as a woman's insecurity. Now that you've said confidence =harmony, I understand what your posts are in regards to.

So in that case, of course confidence as a woman holding large chest will contribute to more harmony in an intimate relationship. Now with a regular relationship, yes more so than no for the most part in my opinion. I say that cause some guys are intimidated by a woman's confidence (the controlling insecure ones). That sadly can result in mental and physical abuse.


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