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Lily's lab


Hi guys,
I’m not new to this forum, but have not been very active over here. I started my NBE once before with BO but could not continue more than a month and quit. Then I started my journey with brava which I’ve been very consistent with and still doing it. Its my sixth month on it my program page for brava is as follows

my measurements are in the thread above but i want to update here a little

under bust 27
over bust 30.5" (im not sure that .5" gain is going to be permanent or not coz i'm not done with brava yet before brava it was 30" though)
waiste 25.2
but 34
weight 99 or 100 pounds (it seems that i was wrong when i assumed my weight starting brava)
height 5.2 f

brava doesn’t seems to be a great success for me, so I want to start using herbs along with that. my current program is

calcium + vit D
pm cream
spearmint tea
protein shakes (whenever i can once a day or once in 2, 3 days)

I've ordered PM so going to cycle that with FG after it arrives my program would be

PM (follicular 12 days)
FG (luteal)
calcium + vit D
PM cream
spearmint tea
protien shakes

I'VE read great things about goat's rue about giving swelling if anyone can suggest shold i order that too? also wants to order Sp or Stinging nettle root for emergency anti androgen like isabelle does. if anyone suggest which one of them is better.

I Already start with the first list of herbs i probided above. started taking them on thursday march 13 which was forth day of my cycle. i started taking 1 FG a day and one Msm n the vitamins. today I TOOK two FG one in morning one in the eve and one msm which is 1000 mg. using aintrol pm cream twice a day and brava 14 to 36 hours. sometimes 48 hours.

I Really need u guy's feedback to get my program going coz despite the fact i did research about what to add in my program I Still need guidance i might be missing on something. so please feel free to give me suggestion.



(20-03-2014, 02:35 AM)Lilylittle Wrote:  Hi guys,
I’m not new to this forum, but have not been very active over here. I started my NBE once before with BO but could not continue more than a month and quit. Then I started my journey with brava which I’ve been very consistent with and still doing it. Its my sixth month on it my program page for brava is as follows

my measurements are in the thread above but i want to update here a little

under bust 27
over bust 30.5" (im not sure that .5" gain is going to be permanent or not coz i'm not done with brava yet before brava it was 30" though)
waiste 25.2
but 34
weight 99 or 100 pounds (it seems that i was wrong when i assumed my weight starting brava)
height 5.2 f

brava doesn’t seems to be a great success for me, so I want to start using herbs along with that. my current program is

calcium + vit D
pm cream
spearmint tea
protein shakes (whenever i can once a day or once in 2, 3 days)

I've ordered PM so going to cycle that with FG after it arrives my program would be

PM (follicular 12 days)
FG (luteal)
calcium + vit D
PM cream
spearmint tea
protien shakes

I'VE read great things about goat's rue about giving swelling if anyone can suggest shold i order that too? also wants to order Sp or Stinging nettle root for emergency anti androgen like isabelle does. if anyone suggest which one of them is better.

I Already start with the first list of herbs i probided above. started taking them on thursday march 13 which was forth day of my cycle. i started taking 1 FG a day and one Msm n the vitamins. today I TOOK two FG one in morning one in the eve and one msm which is 1000 mg. using aintrol pm cream twice a day and brava 14 to 36 hours. sometimes 48 hours.

I Really need u guy's feedback to get my program going coz despite the fact i did research about what to add in my program I Still need guidance i might be missing on something. so please feel free to give me suggestion.


I would consider adding collagen or eating a lot of chicken and fat/skin (like rotisserie or chicken wings/chicken feet soup) that ought to help with collagen incase msm doesnt. For some reason, not everyone utilizes msm, yielding nbe success. It has something to do with the cells and how your body responds when its in your system.

Also, If it were me, Id look into a little progesterone and cycle that (as directed). you can still use fenugreek and GR if you want. I suggest a GR tincture over pills. Its better absorption.

I would just add GR after a cycle of doing your program with fenugreek. Just to see how you feel on it with out GR.

Also, given you did not give BO a chance, you should have not given up with that, but added that to your brava regi. BO has a higher success rate than herbal methods, and works quite well for thinner/petite gals. I would imagine BO would be simpler than trying to devise this herbal program. BO is a great starting base and then you can add to it after a few months evaluation.

Thanks tibetan for ur input.

I also wanted to ask about progesterone but while i was writing i forgot about it. thank u for answering my question before i even asked lol. so yeah i would definately buy progesterone creme if u think it can help. and about MSM as i've already bought it and started taking i would take it for a little while and will see if i don't see any differenece then i will discontinue it. I also think taking too many pills is going to be hard for me too. I HOPE i just stay consistent with my routine and i think i can if I have the support of u guys.

about goat's rue, have u used its ticture? any idea how it tastes i'm also looking for less pills so i would prefer taking it in liquid form. and does the brand makes any differenece?

well ur right about BO it is much simpler and easy to go with and for my size girls, but i just got skeptical about it. i bought bountiful breast n didn't see many people using it n the one using it didn't reported any significant growth. on top of that i was not regular with the protien shakes no matter waht i do i could not do that. also temps made me unsure my temp was low than 98.2 in my follicular n they say it should be atleast 98.2 so i was not sure wether Bo is working for me with that temprature i assumed not as they say. i bought iodine online but it didn't say on the bottle how to take it. i tried to figure that out but couldn't so i just got frustrated with this whole situation and quit it. i still have 7 months supply of BO. As i decided to give herbs a chance now, so i think i would go with that first and see how herbs works for me n after monitering my results for few months i might give Bo another shot. but for now i want to keep my focus on herbs.[/i]

So the supplements I ordered started coming just got siripon PM n ro-bust ordered these almost 3 weeks ago. N last week I ordered fenugreek extract, borage oil capsules, goat's rue, progestrone cream, reishi mushroom (anti androgen) from I herb n it was already here on Friday but I missed it so they'll come again today to deliver.

So I've pretty much everything to give my program a proper start. Last month I started with fenugreek n few other vitamins etc but now I've PM soo excited to start taking it finally. I hope it gives me the best results, fingers crossed.

I'm about to have periods n my cycle is usually 28 days. I'm going to take start taking It on 3 day of my cycle starting with one n ramping up upto day 11 I'm not very sure how much I'm gonna ramp upto I'll still read some more to figure out. I want to start slow to see how I effects my body n cycle. I've read Wahaika's, thread before n he suggested for smaller girls like me not to go on high doses of phytoestrogens coz small girls can stall quicker on high doses ( as far as I understood it) so i wanna watch out.

If any one can suggest should i take goat's rue in luteal only or in follicular too.

Fenugreek extract n borage oil is to make booby batter but that I'll see after not now. I've a aintrol pm n ro bust for now

Any other suggestions are more than welcome coz I'm very new at it I want to make wise decisions abt my program in the light of knowledgeable ppl like u. Thanks

(07-04-2014, 08:15 PM)Lilylittle Wrote:  I'm about to have periods n my cycle is usually 28 days. I'm going to take start taking It on 3 day of my cycle starting with one n ramping up upto day 11 I'm not very sure how much I'm gonna ramp upto I'll still read some more to figure out. I want to start slow to see how I effects my body n cycle

Hey, good luck with your new program. I will also soon start with Siriporn PM in follicular and PC in luteal phase. I am going to test my hormones before I start. Will take either spearmint or red reishi (or both) as AA.

Sorry I don't know much about GR. But I found an article which might be interesting:

Hello Lily and good luck with that little laboratory of yours Smile

I've read that when using PM, being on other herbs can counter the process, since it could overload your receptors. Though on transgender's side, it doesn't seem to be a problem when using herbs such as Red Clover, Saw Palmetto and others meanwhile using PM. But too much phytoestrogens is not good anyways... So I don't know, maybe you could give PM a shot on its own and see how your body takes it before adding more herbs?

Hi peggy,

thanks for the link u shared. i've ready that it grows the breast n mammary glands. so i'm going to use it in my luteal . i might add it in my second cycle not the first n would see the effects of pm alone in my first cycle. i might add FG in my first cycle's luteal.

@ diana, thatnks for ur input. I'M also trying to add everything slowly in my program also popping too many pills make me gag.IN my first cycle i'm only going to take PM , collagen, MSM, and FG in luteal as far as i read these pills can go together without counter effects (if i need i would take reishi mushroom for AA). I really don't like the idea of having alot of pills. but i would have to i know. i had to order goat's rue's extract and by mistake i orderd the capsules for that one too. anyhow i'll see how it goes

My both shippments of herbs came on time, so i just started taking them on the day i was suppose to take em which was 3rd day of my cycle. so i took 1 pm for days 3 to 5 and today i took two.

so this is just the sixth day of my cycle and fourth day of taking PM nothing so far. and i dont expect anything that quick either.

i've few more pimples showing up on my cheeks. just wondering should i start taking reishi mushroom. from long time my skin has become acne prone should i try anti adrogen for that it might help?

as far as my brava routine is concerned i was slacking on it since yesterday. took it off for several hours when i was at home doing nothingn. I'M kinda bored, tired of doing brava now. I really want to use it for 3 more months, so that i know that i gave it the full shot. but i'm really exhausted of it.

ok time to go to sleep now c u guys later

It takes a lot of dedication to do the Brava system, it seems! I can't imagine having domes on for so long everyday.

Do you still drink spearmint tea?

Sure it is a lot of dedication blessed breast. I'm not consistent with the spearmint teas n drinking stuff means water is not easy for me to be consistent with don't know why.. but trying.

So I stopped my brava journey 2 days ago. My sport box broke n I didn't bother to find a new one. My gain so far seems to be .5 inch to .75 inch. I get different measurement eV time, but I'm sure it's not less than .5 n not more than .75 that's for sure.

today is 13th day of my cycle n I ramped my PM upto 3 on day 11. 1 on day 12 n none today. I took one FG today.

I made the booby oil. I've read the recipe of best boobie batter n altered the FG powder with extract n olive oil with flax seed oil. I put the extract at 2.5 ml in half cup of flax seed oil. Sure don't know how much the extract should I put for half cup of FG powder. I didn't want it to be messy so using extract instead. Placing heating pad on after massaging. N massaging once a day. Working on putting pM cream twice a day so far it's once a day n I just started using it in this cycle since yesterday. Brava use to make me slack on putting it on.

Today when I was massaging with booby oil I saw more shadow under my boobs don't know something is happening or I'm just imagining it. But I definitely did see it. I hope this regime work out for me.


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