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hey, mel... careful now... i sell sex toys as a side business, you know!!

okay, we do have a few products with some absolutely HYSTERICAL names, so i will give you that!!

I just wanted to say that yesterday I went to get my package of pills I ordered from UB cause I opened the envelope but hadn't taken them out till yesterday when I needed a new bottle, and enclosed was a check and a note, I ordered Ultra Wet from them when I was having some issues with my sex drive and wetness when I ordered my supply of UB, and they said they couldn't ship the Ultra Wet because of the blizzards and was reimbursing me. They paid back my money for it in full. So I thought that was nice rather than just telling me there was a delay and just making me wait. But I think things have a way of working themselves out cause this past month my sex drive has been getting much better as I've taken some advice from a doctor, and it seems my problem was mental and emotional. Basically I was advised to make a few changes in my diet, and take time to relax and have me time, since I started doing that, it's gotten MUCH better. So I was thinking to myself, well I already ordered this stuff, I'll just keep it in the cabinet for a rainy day or send it to a friend or family member who might need it. But I got my money back, so that's even better.

Oh and I emailed them and told them the suggestions about fixing the site and making more payment options. We'll see what they say Smile

Okay I got an email back from medplex and this is what was said on the subject matter of the site's appearance...

Thank you so much for your encouraging email. Trust me, I am well aware of the
sites lack luster appearance. We really do 99% of our business selling bulk orders
to chain stores and online herbal sites. Thats why that site hasn't been updated in
over a decade! We are really set up for large orders and since we sell the
"Ultra Breast," for only 19.95 we are making minimal profits on smaller orders. I am glad
you are satisfied, and I will personally look into Paypal. We have had alot of complaints
about the Linkpoint charging system we have but I can tell you in over a decade I havn't had
one problem with them. Well, thanks for the tips and they will be forwarded to the owners.


A. Karls

So maybe once the owners are informed things will be changed Smile But I also emailed them back to ask their wholesale bulk prices cause I might start selling it on ebay since I know it works Smile

Nice. I love that you wrote them about our complaints. I love even more that they responded back so quickly. So it sounds to me as if they have better customer service than BB.


Oh I've gotten emails back from them as fast as the same day, very rarely the most it took was 4 or 5 days.

It really does show an effort! thanks for writing them.Big Grin

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