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B's new program~~


I'm starting a new thread, because my goals have changed.

My Stats:
Age - 23 years old
Current size - 32B
Height - 5'8
Weight - 120? I haven't weighed myself in a while.
BC - Copper T-Novo IUD (No hormones)

Here are my goals:
1) Becoming orgasmic!
2) Growing breasts - 32b to 32dd (? I'm going to go by looks)
3) Bigger booty w flatter tummy.

Nbe is not my top priority, being able to have an orgasm during sex is!! A lot of my supplements play into that, I'm sure they're good for nbe too, though.

My NBE plan is massage, 2x a day, with a heating pad at night
Greenbush Herbs extract mix - 2 part fenugreek, 2 part wild yam, 2 part saw palmetto, 1 part maca root extract. I'll be massaging with this in my oil as well as taking 3 droppers, 3x a day.
Also 2 fenugreek capsules (1100 mg total) once a day, and Dr. Duke's Bustea 2x day.

I'm taking a fair bit of herbs to help me become more able to reach an O during sex. It's a mental thing. Here is what I am taking:
- Avena Sativa extract (wild oat)
- Fo-ti extract
- Damiana tea (once in morning)
- Maca root
- l-arginine (occasionally only)
- * Using my kegelmaster daily during my nightly massage. So 400-600 kegels.

Other random things I am taking:
- a multi-vitamin
- folic acid
- selenium
- iron, zinc, copper (occasionally, switched around)
- Vit b complex
- Probiotics
- Ginger
- Adreset (contains cordyceps, ginseng, rhodiola)
- Fish oil

I think that is everything. Oh, and a sleeping pill with a few random ingredients. And Magnesium Oil.

My period is kind of irregular, I get spotting halfway through my cycle, been like this since I had my mirena IUD removed back in September. So hopefully regular use of my herbs will regulate it.


Awesome. Good luck with your program!

Personal question: Are you able to achieve orgasm at all or just not during traditional intercourse?

I have a Kegel8 that I rather like and think works pretty well. How do you like the Kegelmaster? How long have you been using it?

(04-05-2014, 21:42)wishinandhopin Wrote:  Awesome. Good luck with your program!

Personal question: Are you able to achieve orgasm at all or just not during traditional intercourse?

I have a Kegel8 that I rather like and think works pretty well. How do you like the Kegelmaster? How long have you been using it?

Thanks Wishin! I'm going to have to look up the Kegel8, I'm not sure what it is. I quite like the kegelmaster, I am on level 8 or 9 (?) of 15, I definitely feel like it is making me stronger.
And I can climax just fine on my own, or also during sex if I also stimulate my clit, but it is more difficult and takes more time because sometimes the angle to get my hand down there is weird. And it is hard for me to climax if it is my guy giving me clit action because it often just isn't the right spot. Have any tips for me ?? Smile

A lot of it is stress I think, I start worrying about whether I'll come in time before he is finished, if at all, and that stressing is so distracting! I've been finding my O's are stronger alone though if I put my focus on my g-spot rather than my clit.

Well, I'm certainly no expert. It's all experiment! Have you had him give you an O first through other methods (oral, manual, toy) and then had intercourse? If you could have an O first you will be nice and swollen/sensitive for intercourse. That should help. Plus you won't worry about getting yours, ya know? Then, go for another after. Go for multiples. Take your time. Plus, there really is no big deal about not having an O during actual intercourse. Lots of women don't.

I looked up the Kegelmaster. I might have to get one. It looks a little simpler to use and clean.

(05-05-2014, 03:45)wishinandhopin Wrote:  Well, I'm certainly no expert. It's all experiment! Have you had him give you an O first through other methods (oral, manual, toy) and then had intercourse? If you could have an O first you will be nice and swollen/sensitive for intercourse. That should help. Plus you won't worry about getting yours, ya know? Then, go for another after. Go for multiples. Take your time. Plus, there really is no big deal about not having an O during actual intercourse. Lots of women don't.

I looked up the Kegelmaster. I might have to get one. It looks a little simpler to use and clean.

Yea I'm not understanding the Kegel8... Is it an electric current of some sort? And sometimes oral is hard for me to reach O too, I start getting it into my mind that I am taking too long you know? And it makes it hard. I dunno the guy I am kind of with, we've had sex twice now, and both times after it seemed his ego took a blow because I didn't come. He commented on it both times :/ and now he is creating distance between us, which sucks.... Whatever. I'm trying not to let him bring me down, and just going to have fun practicing on my own Wink lol. I'm really close to switching over to girls. Legitly.

My left boobie is catching up to my right, yay!
Also I forgot to mention some things in my program, spearmint tea twice a day (I mix the leaves with my Damiana leaves) and also, I've basically stopped applying progesterone unless it is the days before my period, because it triggers spotting for me. But every morning and night I have been applying a tiny bit to my lips and then covering with Vaseline. It feels all tingly like a lip plumper gloss! Maybe the rosemary or ginseng in it. So yea this is probably giving me very minuscule amounts of progesterone.

yay for chatching up!

I wish I had advice for the sex, but I don't. I think sex gets better the longer you are with someone. It can be difficult to O when you are still getting to know each others bodies and preferences.

Hey girl

I have been away for a while and just got back on (real quick! can't stay...) because I noticed the medplex website is down and wanted to see if anyone knew anything about it...

And then I saw you had a new program. I have to comment, because I have had the same kind of problem for quite some time. One big problem, as you said, is the stress. I find that also works against me as well. That being said, have you tried drinking your favorite alcoholic beverage before having sex? I mean, that is a pretty stupid question, but I would be surprised if it DIDN'T help you. My ex used to be slightly offended that alcohol was needed to dramatically improve my enjoyment in the bedroom, but all that matters at this point is if I enjoy myself. Men can leave their egos at the door, if you ask me! And many of them know they are being silly... it is mostly an inherent thing. They cannot help it. Their innate job is to please us and, if they unable to, it is like an girl who is unable to sexually arouse a man in a bedroom. They feel ashamed. He is creating distance with you because that is how he is feeling... and THIS is exactly why so many many MANY women FAKE their orgasms-- because a man cannot help feeling like a failure when we don't have one. That's below me, so I just try my darndest to give myself one. It is always clitoral stimulation for me. I like it best when I am worked up and then before coming, have intercourse so that I come while having intercourse. He works on me, and then I initiate intercourse when I am ready. He loves it. I am amazed that you are able to better with focusing on the g-spot. That spot only ever makes me feel like I have to pee!

And I have NEVER heard of the Kegelmaster. I have only done non-resistance kegel exercises, but this is pretty fantastic looking. Have you found it to make you notably stronger in your contractions?

Anyway, good luck with this and I will want to hear up-dates!

(09-05-2014, 18:40)wishinandhopin Wrote:  yay for chatching up!

I wish I had advice for the sex, but I don't. I think sex gets better the longer you are with someone. It can be difficult to O when you are still getting to know each others bodies and preferences.

Hey there! Kind of want to second this. I feel the best sex I've had was always with a partner whom I was extremely comfortable and felt secure with. If you feel shy or hesitant (plus the stress you mentioned) it can be harder to mentally get into it...and sex, especially for women, is very mental.

Also, as timarie suggested, maybe having a bit of alcohol or similar substance may help you?

Last thought...maybe try different positions with your partner, and doing things that build trust in the bedroom and help raise your comfort level, like having sex with the lights on, or taking your time and exploring different type of foreplay/oral stimulation? Maybe even getting off beforehand and then having actually intercourse with your partner may help you achieve the big O... Huh

In any case...good luck with both goals! <3 <3 <3

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