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should I be worried!!


Ima say right now Im a worrier.... I think the worst of everything! so bare with me lol.

so I usually focus on my right breast i dont really feel around my other breast... so today I was applying my volufine cream on my right breast and I thought eh lemme just put a teensy on the other one. so Im massageing semi hard to really get the cream in there and by pushing hard on my right boob I feel like.. I wouldnt wanna say lump but Idk.. maybe a teensy hill/hump. its not super hard. and my left boob... the one i mess with doesnt have it! its just all squishy! so that kinda worries me! o.O like idk how to explain it but I have a boney chest cuz I have very llittle fat on my boobs yk so I was thinking maybe im just feeling like the bones or the cells.. or whatevers in them.
cuz I remmeber along time ago when I started massaging and pressing hard I felt things in my chest and i thought omg!! but i noticed both my breast had the teeny lumpiness to em so i thought maybe its just the insides.

so ive been noogling that boob on and off for about a month.. should i stop for now?

and im not saying noogling caused it cuz I havent massaged my breast that deeply in awhile so I dont know what my boobs felt like before noogling.

If you can move it around abit I would think if it isss anything, its benign. Creams with estrogens can promote the growth of both cysts and fibroadenomas. Both of which are benign and unlikely to cause anything.
I'm not a doctor and suggest you see yours to rule anything else out. but that is what you are most likely deal with, so breathe (:.
Neither of which you should opt to gave removed unless it's like grapefruit in size. You can read about the use of iodine to treat these sort of conditions. it's very good to have adequate iodine in the body but you'd want to confirm that this is a cyst or fibroadenoma first.
I found that the swelling nb does makes every little gland and nodule more noticeable to me so I'm not even trying to suggest that it's anything at all rather sharing that when I first noticed a lump it was from estrogen cream, doctor said it is a fibroadenoma and the use of noohleberry made it more noticeable, though it shrunk again with my period.
Good luck, get back to us because if it is something more than bone, you'll want to get the low-down on all of the hollistic treatment methods Big Grin

(21-07-2014, 15:43)beckums Wrote:  If you can move it around abit I would think if it isss anything, its benign. Creams with estrogens can promote the growth of both cysts and fibroadenomas. Both of which are benign and unlikely to cause anything.
I'm not a doctor and suggest you see yours to rule anything else out. but that is what you are most likely deal with, so breathe (:.
Neither of which you should opt to gave removed unless it's like grapefruit in size. You can read about the use of iodine to treat these sort of conditions. it's very good to have adequate iodine in the body but you'd want to confirm that this is a cyst or fibroadenoma first.
I found that the swelling nb does makes every little gland and nodule more noticeable to me so I'm not even trying to suggest that it's anything at all rather sharing that when I first noticed a lump it was from estrogen cream, doctor said it is a fibroadenoma and the use of noohleberry made it more noticeable, though it shrunk again with my period.
Good luck, get back to us because if it is something more than bone, you'll want to get the low-down on all of the hollistic treatment methods Big Grin

phew! thanks for ur reply.. I feel much better now lol. it probably is.. im not using an estrogenic cream tho. I just started to use this volufine cream but i doubt it did that because thats how i noticed it in the first place.
ya I would get paranoid cuz Id be pumping and massaging and although usually i eat healthy... for some reason when I started i was craving junk food and would just eat chips all the time and la dee da and id think... this isnt good im trying to promote new tisues into my breast and whats flowing to them is horrible junk! so now im super cautiious and im eating healthier Tongue

If there is an ingredient in your cream that sensitizes the tissues and receptors then xenoestrogens in the environment could cause change. Then again hormonal fluctuations through out your cycle will cause changes in the feeling of breasts. to be safe, do a breast exam every fifth day of your cycle lying down, shoulder raised (so breast tissue isn't hiding in the arm pit) this Is the ideal day to rule out hormonal fluctuations and is just good practice.
Very pleased to hear that you are taking care of your health and making better choices (: I'm trying to do the same.

(21-07-2014, 22:07)beckums Wrote:  If there is an ingredient in your cream that sensitizes the tissues and receptors then xenoestrogens in the environment could cause change. Then again hormonal fluctuations through out your cycle will cause changes in the feeling of breasts. to be safe, do a breast exam every fifth day of your cycle lying down, shoulder raised (so breast tissue isn't hiding in the arm pit) this Is the ideal day to rule out hormonal fluctuations and is just good practice.
Very pleased to hear that you are taking care of your health and making better choices (: I'm trying to do the same.

you think birthcontrol can also effect the feeling? ive been on bc for a little more than a week now... not to grow breast tho but just to get rid of acne.
do u say to do it on the 5th day cuz thats when its deflated the most?

I déveloped my fibroadenoma shortly after starting bc. My mom has one too which she got around the same age as I am now for the same reason. It's not something to worry about if it is but I would go to the doctor to rule anything out.
In short, birth control can definitely effect the growth of the glands and nodules within your breasts.

I believe they say day five because it is the most neutral day for hormone fluctuation within your cycle. This would also explain the birth control theory. Contribution theory as day five is a sugar pill day

If you have a lump in your breast, you most likely have FBD (Fibrocystic breast disease) caused by Iodine deficiency.

I recommend everybody to read the book "Iodine, why you need it, why you can't live without it" by Dr. David Brownstein.

The following text has been copied from the curezone Iodine message board:

Fibrocystic breast disease is a condition called "benign" & "common" by mainstream medicine. Well, it's common, folks (90% of American women suffer), but it's definitely NOT benign. The tissue changes in fibrocystic breast disease absolutely CAN be a precursor to breast cancer, which, BTW, 1 in 7 American women gets now Sad BTW, gals, if you have cyclical breast pain, you have FBD. If you DON'T have cyclical breast pain you probably have FBD. Early FBD is only detectable microscopically. 90%, Ladies.... If you are reading this, act now, don't let your FBD progress. Mine is in the process of healing but jeez I wish I would've known about this long ago. Many years of cyclical pain and feeling at odds with my body have gone by....

from the gov:

The condition is so commonly found in breasts, it is believed to be a variation of normal. Other related terms include "mammary dysplasia," "benign breast disease," and "diffuse cystic mastopathy."

A VARIATION OF NORMAL!!!!!?????? (yup, that's what I thought, too)


"Fibrocystic breast disease, which is benign and not cancerous, increases the risk of breast cancer. The greater the changes in the tissue the higher the risk, almost double for proliferative changes and a four-fold increased risk for atypical hyperplasia."

I really feel as though I was well on my way to breast cancer...

Read more:

I don't know if anyone has said this already but if you massage one boob more than the other you may have different feel to the one you pay more attention to. May explain some things...

ah ok now im kinda scared now Tongue

(22-07-2014, 03:44)bustybride Wrote:  I don't know if anyone has said this already but if you massage one boob more than the other you may have different feel to the one you pay more attention to. May explain some things...

thats what I was thinking.. Like all i do is pump the right and massage the right soo Im just scared that im damaging it or something since it feels different

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