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THIRD try is the charm!


Wednesday August 6, 2014.

Well, my breasts aren't any bigger however that isn't to say that I don't see any results from PM.

Last week, my 3rd period on PM arrived early. 5 days early to be exact and without ANY cramps what so ever. There were no premenstrual symptoms like usual (emotional, bloating, CRAMPS, etc.) One day I went to the restroom and Ta-DA! Period. It lasted 4 days, and now 3 days after the last day of my period my breasts are feeling sore and swollen.

Even if I don't see any growth, I will continue to take PM because it has helped me deal with my cramps. Normally I would experience severe pains and fevers. Not anymore. So at least that is a plus.

I haven't measured or taken any pictures because I feel like its not necessary yet. I will at the end of this month though.

Great, that's a big plus! Smile

Good luck! Curious to hear your measurement or see a photo because change might be so subtle (especially if you see your own boobs everyday) and you may have grown without realizing it.

We have similar-looking breasts, though I think you have a bit more breast tissue. I am just starting out as well (a week ago with just massage, but still waiting for my herbs to arrive, and I have to get a new noogleberry cup size because I ordered them too small.. so that will take awhile to arrive.. boooo)

Thanks ladies! Well, Ruch, good luck! Hopefully you've gotten the cup issue sorted out by now! lol. As for me, it seems I've taken a step back on progress. My weight has dropped 2 pounds. That may not seem like much but unfortunately for me two pounds make all the difference when you're 5 feet tall and underweight (83 lbs.) every pound counts! So now I'm back to square one, attempting to gain some body fat. I need to try to reach my 95-100 lbs. goal! :sigh: DodgyRolleyes

My NBE program has morphed into an all out body transformation program. I'm on a 2,500 calorie diet to increase my weight from 83.6 lbs. to 105lbs. from here until december 23. According to my BMI that was the calorie intake needed to reach my goal. Now, that is a 21.4 lb. difference in weight and I have 13 weeks to accomplish this. That means I have to gain 1.64 lbs. a week until then. Does that seem reasonable to you guys?

I can't gain breast tissue without sufficient body fat and 105 lbs seems ideal to me. Wish me luck!

I feel like that is too aggressive of a weight gain plan. Even 1 pound a week will be tough. You don't want to get discouraged and quit. You also don't want it all to go to your belly. You might end up with one week of no gains and another week of 3 pounds gain. Just keep on your calorie goal.

When I ended up gaining my weight fast it was not really in the healthiest way and I ended up overshooting my goal and having a big tummy. I went from 112 to 136+ in about 2 months. I had been trying for a long time to gain weight, but never could. It happened when I fell in love and was eating out a lot, drinking and being happy.
It was much harder to get back down to my goal of 125ish.

Get plenty of protein and healthy calories, especially good fats.

Try not to do much cardio, but lifting heavy weights is good if you don't have any medical reasons you can't.

If you don't see any changes after 4 weeks re-evaluate. But, it can take up to 8 weeks to start seeing results from a lifestyle change. Just my experience.

Thank you Wishinandhopin for the tips! I'm fairly active as it is, and do moderate weight training because that's my stress relieve anyway. You're probably right about the quick weight gain though. Also, I'm aware that muscle weighs more than fat so I'm trying to gain both in a healthy ratio of course. Maybe extending it till next summer to see results would be best?

Here is my first progress picture to compare with my "start" picture. What do you think?

Here is a my first picture for progress comparison. Hmmm, maybe It's wishful thinking but I think that I see a difference when looking at it from an angle.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(28-09-2014, 23:12)onitap Wrote:  Here is a my first picture for progress comparison. Hmmm, maybe It's wishful thinking but I think that I see a difference when looking at it from an angle.

Yeah, they ARE getting bigger!!
You DO have something in common with Ali McGraw, though! Your nipples are the same size as hers! Your tits are bigger than hers, though.

you have a really nice body! *_* just wanted to say that! good luck with your nbe!

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