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an Easy, but Thorough Detox to Promote Breast Growth


hey girls,
i just found that awesome detox on
and decided to do it ,
but i don't understand what do they mean with ( Warm Lemon Water )
does it mean warm lemon juice or the water that the lemon peel has been boiled in or the water that the lemon leaves have been boiled in ?
I've a garden in my house and all the options are available for me, so what do you think they mean with (warm lemon water ) ?

here's the four steps of this detox .

Detox Step #1. Epsom Bath Salts

Also known as a salt detox bath, this detoxifying method makes use of magnesium sulfate to rid the body of toxins by soaking in an epsom salt-filled tub. This soaking draws toxins from your body while at the same time supplying your body with much-needed magnesium through the skin (around half the American population is deficient in magnesium, which is crucial for around 300 bodily functions).

The result is an energizing rejuvenation of your body and improved liver function. Not bad for a simple bath soak.

To do an epsom bath soak, just fill your tub with warm-hot water (the hotter, the better) and add two cups of epsom salts. You can add a bit of baking powder as well to help with the mineral absorption. If you’re feeling luxurious, feel free to also stir in a few drops of essential oils – lavender is awesome.

Climb into your tub and stay in for around 10 to 15 minutes. We recommend doing epsom bath salts 3x a week while detoxing.

Detox Step #2. Green Smoothie Detox

Green smoothies are something we’ve been really gung ho about lately as it’s proven to be one of the most effective cornerstones in natural breast enhancement and maintenance. It seems like a lot of women are so focused on getting bigger breasts quickly, with supplements, that it’s easy to lose sight of the crucial fact that you need to give your body the vital nutrients and vitamins it needs to support breast growth!

Green smoothies are an easy way to do that.
They provide your body with a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals while at the same time gently detoxing your body with all the blood-cleansing, toxin-binding chlorophyll they contain.

Just like the name implies, a green smoothie detox involves concentrating your diet on primarily fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy real foods like nuts and seeds for a minimum of 3 days while eliminating sugar, simple carbs (white flour & rice) and alcohol.

The easiest way to do this is to get your hands on some detox-ing green smoothie recipes and incorporate them into your diet for a few days. We must warn you, though – they get addicting. You’ll probably be drinking them well afterwards

Detox Step #3. Warm Lemon Water

If you don’t feel like a drastic change in your diet, drinking warm lemon water at the start of the day can be all the detox you need. Lemon contains an enzyme called D- Limonene that activates enzymes in the liver to promote detoxification.

The benefits of detoxifying with warm lemon water are awesome. Lemon juice not only aids digestion, it is also a diuretic that improves your bowel system, balances pH levels (which makes your body less prone to sicknesses), clears skin and even enhances your mood.

Detox Step #4. Milk Thistle

A milk thistle detox is unique because it focuses primarily on the liver. Since the liver is the primary organ for detoxification this makes a lot of sense. Proper liver function is key for a host of functions such as regulating cholesterol and improvement in how the body metabolizes estrogen so it can more easily be absorbed by the body.

To do a milk thistle detox, you simply have to procure milk thistle extract such as Thisilyn, and consume about 175 mg of it daily, to achieve the intended effect of detoxification. To achieve maximum benefit, couple it with a liver cleansing diet that includes a lot of garlic, grapefruit and green tea to sustain the effects.

according to the gerson therapy a coffee enema also detoxes the liver. it is believed that the caffiene in the coffee enema stimulates the live to dump toxins out of bodY and/or filter toxins

Hey! Those are some of the things I'm doing Smile I just started my program a little over a month ago, so this is my first break/mild detox. So, I can't tell you yet how this effects everything. But I was excited to see your thread Smile

This is what I'm doing: week off from all herbs, but continuing my massages, pumping & workouts. Vit E daily, 2 Epsom salt baths spread out over the week, warm lemon water daily, daily shots of organic apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons of chopped garlic taken twice daily, drink a green smoothie daily & throw in some broccoli sprouts and continue to drink 4 liters of purified water and add full body dry brushing twice a week to start with.

Charlie, I am doing similar things on a daily basis (lemon-ginger water, smoothies, garlic, 3-4 liters of water, lots of fruits and veggies)... Smile Ocasionally I am doing a bath with epsom salt and I am using milk thistle during my period. 1-2x per week I take diatomaceous earth.

We have another thread about detox here:

(09-08-2014, 18:25)peggy Wrote:  . 1-2x per week I take diatomaceous earth.

is that a spoonful of dirt??

Yes, some call it dirt. Wink It's almost 90% silica.

Lol. Spoonful of dirt. Hey, when an ex boyfriend was drinking soaked chia seeds years ago, I thought he was nuts until he explained all the benefits of chia. Now I used ground chia in my shakes every day. I'll have to check out this "dirt" Smile

Peggy- good idea to do those every day. I was just going to do the organic apple cider vinegar everyday. You think lemon water every day too would be too much? Awesome thread link! I'm checking it out now. Thanks Smile

(09-08-2014, 18:30)peggy Wrote:  Yes, some call it dirt. Wink It's almost 90% silica.

lol sorry i am just quirky in my humors Tongue the name made me think of dirt ......

Lora, you have a glass of warm water and squeeze some lemon juice into the warm water. You could by rights also put the peel in there but unless its an organic lemon there would be residues in the peel.

But for the most part just cut off some lemon and squeeze the juice in there and drink it. It should stimulate your bowels too if you do it first thing in the morning, as with warm water on its own.

The rind has very rich detox properties too, even to the extent of having anti cancer properties (so I have read) so you could grind the peel into a salad which I have done in the past (again only organic lemon rind)

Funny I was reading Lotus's thread just this morning saying detoxing the breasts can help retain growth etc.

(09-08-2014, 18:25)peggy Wrote:  Charlie, I am doing similar things on a daily basis (lemon-ginger water, smoothies, garlic, 3-4 liters of water, lots of fruits and veggies)... Smile Ocasionally I am doing a bath with epsom salt and I am using milk thistle during my period. 1-2x per week I take diatomaceous earth.

We have another thread about detox here:

hi peggy,
thank you for sharing this thread Big Grin , it makes it easy to reach the information Big Grin

but you know me, so lazy Big Grin , won't it be enough to just do this four steps i shared ?
why i've always to do many things to get result Sad
i don't like to do over work or over effort or over things Sad
i just want things that gives me the result Rolleyes

won't this four steps be enough for a good detox ? Sad

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