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Best method for me? Please help.


Sorry that this post is so long! I would just really desperately appreciate some advice.

Basically, I am almost flat chested (AAA cup). I have been trying different methods to increase my breast size for a very long time, and I have never had any luck. I know that it is possible - I have hope - but I don't know what it is I am doing wrong, and I would really appreciate some advice from any other here who are very small (size AA or smaller) who have managed to go up a cup size.

I've been trying to increase my breast size for several years now - I first started trying different natural methods out when I was about 20 and I am almost 25 now, so it has been around 4-5 years.

The problem is, I never really stuck to any of the methods that I tried - as after a while of seeing no results, I would become discouraged and stop.
First of all I just want to say - I know that all natural breast enlargement methods take a long time to see very significant results - and I know that it is important to stick to them for a long time to completely achieve the desired size. But what has always disheartened me is that, after doing a certain method for 3-4 weeks, I would not even see or feel a tiny difference ... not the slightest tiniest difference at all.

I know that my flat AA chest is not genetic, as all the other women in my family who were the same clothes size and height as me when they were my age all had B cup breasts or bigger.

Below are all of the methods that I have tried over the past 4-5 years.

1. I remember reading online that if a woman massages her breasts twice a day for 10-15 each time, she would be "very likely" to increase a cup size within 1 month. I tried massaging my breasts twice a day for over 1 month, there was no change in my breasts at all, and I became disheartened and gave up.

2. I then decided to try massaging my breasts twice a day again, but this time also apply an estrogen breast enlargement cream with each massage. The cream I tried was "Perfect Woman". I tried this for around 3-4 weeks, but it was winter at the time, I was living in a house were people were very economical and didn't like to use the heating unless absolutely necessary - and I found it very tedious to sit shivering in my cold bedroom twice a day doing this. Again I was seeing no results, so I stopped.

3. I've tried a breast pump - one of those ones that does one breast at a time. I would apply the suction to each breast for around 15 each, twice a day. When I was using this method, I would also (before or after the pump) hold a hot water bottle up to my breasts for about 10 minutes to increase the blood flow. But again, after around 4 weeks of seeing no difference, I became disheartened and gave up. Another reason why I gave up was because I was starting to worry that if I continued doing it long-term, the circle indentation marks that the cups make around the breast could potenially become permanent.

4. I spent months purposely making myself gain weight - to see if my breasts would accumulate for fat. But even after gaining quite a lot of weight (to the point where family and colleagues started commenting that I was getting chubby) my breast size did not change. When I realized that the weight gain wasn't helping, I then started to exercise and after a while I got back down to my normal slim size. I went through this issue in more detail in my introduction thread - but basically I never seem to deposit fat into my breasts and upper body at all.

5. Some people say that certain exercises that enlarge the pectoral muscles can make the breast stick out more and appear bigger, so I tried doing breast enlargement exercises for about 2 months. The exercises did indeed make my pectoral muscles bigger, but the muscles that it enlarged were the muscles that are just above my breasts - so instead of making my breasts look bigger, it made them look even worse - because basically the muscles above my breasts where sticking out more than my breasts. Sad So I stopped doing the chest exercises.

Along with the above, I have also tried a couple of other things.

6. I tried massaging 1-2 times a day and also taking fenugreek capsuals twice a day for about 3 weeks, but I stopped after this point for two reasons: 1. because I didn't see any difference at all (not even a tiny bit), and 2. because I generally prefer to apply estrogen herbs topically directly to my breasts rather then taking them internally - as my aunt had breast cancer a few years ago, and I don't like to do anything that has to pass through my digestive system.

I stopped trying for about a year, as I felt hopeless.

7. About a year ago, I started to make my own homemade breast cream, which was basically a plain fragrance-free vitamin e moisturiser with fenugreek liquid extract mixed into it. I started applying this to my breasts, but I didn't do it daily, I just did it about once every two days, and I would leave it on my breasts for about an hour (kind of like a mask treatment) then after it absorbed, I would shower and rinse it off. I stopped doing that after about 5 months, as again, it didn't seem to be having any affect.

What I am currently doing:
~ I am applying a pueraria mirifica spray to my breasts and massaging them for around 5 minutes 1-2 times a day (it is supposed to be 2 times a day) but sometimes if I'm tired I forget and just do it once). I also gently squeeze and rub them sometimes throughout the day (when I'm alone of course) Blush lol.
~ I am drinking a 20g protein shake everyday - as I know that extra protein supports breast growth.
~ I am taking an general multi vitamin and mineral supplement every day. Every other day, I also take an extra calcium tablet to give myself an extra boost, as I know that calcium is important for breast growth.
~ I am taking a collagen supplement every day (although I run out and I've ordered some more, so I had to stop the collagen for a couple of weeks).
~ I am drinking at least 500ml soy milk every day - for the calcium, protein, and also to give me a small gentle boost of estrogen in my diet. Most days I drink a lot more than 500ml. I often drink 1 litre a day.
~ I am avoiding chocolate and coffee, as I know that caffeine usually inhibits breast growth. I have to admit I do drink a lot of green tea every day (because I love the taste and the health properties of green tea) but tea doesn't have anywhere near as much caffeine in it as coffee - so considering that I do not have any other caffeine apart from my green tea, I'm assuming that the small amount from my green tea is ok. I can't get through a day without my green tea. I have considered de-caffeinated green tea - but the de-caffeination process removes 99% of the health properties, therefore it is a no no for me.

I have been doing my current method for about 1 month now, and again, no difference at all at the moment, but I don't want to give up. Any advice about my current method?

Thank you so much!

hi. have you thought about popping over to the noogleberry forums and get some tips for noogling? one month is too soon to see results (for the most part) but theres some pretty inspirational stories on there.
I feel that if you don't get a hormone test and they are ridiculously expensive although I think a good way to go for you esp as BC runs in the family, it would be piece of mind to know if you were in fact estro dominant and could so something about it now. But back to noogling, they proved that tissue expansion encourages growth with the brava system, downside is you have to put more time into noogling to see results and its time consuming I know and risky if youre trying to hide it. hormones and genetics aside (ps my family all have d's plus except me too) tissue expansion is tissue expansion, it doesn't discriminate.
just my two cents worth anyway. good luck

Thank you for your reply. Smile

To be honest, after reading your reply and some of the other replies from ladies on here, I am definitely considering getting my hormones tested. The only problem is, I'm not sure sure exactly what to ask the doctor. Do I simply explain that I am worried about my hormone levels, and I would like all of my hormones to be tested? Or should I say specifically that I am worried about being estrogen dominant, and ask for specific hormones to be tested?

Noogling is also definitely something that I am interested in trying aswell. Even though I tried using a breast pump in the past, it was a cheap one and I'm sure that something with as many good review's as the Noogleberry must be better quality and have better results.


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