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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!


DAY 40


I've been doing NBE for 40 days now, although have only been taking capsules for 27 days, massages for about 32 days, so about 1 month now overall. I have grown 1 inch in that time. I have no idea if this is actual growth, or if its just swelling and may disappear one day! I am interested to learn more about the stalling process, and clearing receptors.

I have completed:

- 29 days of massage (twice daily)
- 3 days of massage (three times daily, in the middle of the day just a quick 5 minute massage)

My new massage oil is made up of: borage oil, avocado oil, ground fenugreek, ground fennel, flaxseed oil (I ran out of Vitamin E oil).

- 16 days of fenugreek (1 capsule per day)
- 11 days fenugreek (2 capsules per day)

- 34 days of fennel tea (twice daily)

- 10 days of EPO (1 capsule per day)
- 4 days of EPO (2 capsules per day)
- 6 days of EPO (3 capsules per day)

- 1 day of Saw Palmetto (1 capsule per day)

I have started to incorporate Saw Palmetto into my routine.

- 13 days of listening to the Rockmelon ringtone (approximately 30 minutes per day spread out at any time, usually listening to it in 5-10 minute intervals)


Starting Measurements Day 32 measurements Day 40 measurements

Under Bust: 28" SAME SAME
Bust: 30.5 " 31.25" 31.5"
Over Bust: 30" 30.5" SAME
over left breast from one side to the middle rib cage 6" 6.5" SAME
over right breast from one side to the middle rib cage 5.5" 6" SAME
from bottom of breast to top of breast 4" SAME
from bottom of breast to top of breast 4" SAME
Waist 25" SAME
Hips 36" SAME
Weight: 55kgs 53-54kgs 52.5-53.5kgs


I have noticed that my breasts seem quite alot heavier when I touch them. Not sure if this makes sense, so will try to describe. Before if I grabbed them they felt like nothing was in them, now they feel more solid. ?! Does that make sense!

They poke out under my top now, albeit they look like tiny little mounds, not mountains!

I have cut out the protein shakes as I think they contributed to me getting too much refined sugar in my diet, along with the rice milk I was drinking with them, and I think this led to me getting pains again. Had no refined sugar the other day, and felt much better. So might see if I can handle having half a protein shake per day next week.

I put on some different bras the other day as I wanted to see if there was a change. I think there is a change in some of the bras I notice I have a slight (very slight!) bump or area of fat in between my breasts that I didn't have before. So that is good. Other bras though just still don't fit at all, even though they are only A cup ones. So still a long way off.

I went out the other weekend to some pubs and couldn't believe the size of some of the girls breasts! They were absolutely huge! Like big basketballs on their chests. Almost made me chuckle how happy I am just to see such a tiny amount of growth.

Need to make sure I remained disciplined with my massages especially. It can be very easy just to skip a day or two.

I am still thinking about getting a noogleberry, doing the blaketalks, and doing a lymphatic breast massage when I massage. I'm a bit worried when the noogleberry arrives, that the people I live with might ask me what the package is! Apparently their packaging is discreet and they just write "toy" on it. But I don't know how I will tell them what kind of "toy" I got if they ask..... hmmmmmm!

This really takes some commitment to do all the time! I wish I could fast-track the process. But I guess that is the lazy side of me coming out, and I just have to put in the effort to get where I want too be!

Day 40 - haven't had much tingly today, mainly after my massage this morning. About a 2/10.

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I never had any breast tissue/fat when I would lean forward before. There was just a big gap. Now there is something!

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Still more, I think I went on a bit of a photo spree!

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Last one! I like this one because I think it shows how I have alot more breast tissue/fat in the middle of my chest than before when it was completely flat, just ribs!

Also, I am a bit confused as what cup size I was and am now. I understand from some websites that you are meant to take your underbust measurement, then if its an even number add 4". So for me that is 28+4 = 32". Then you take your bust measurement, so for me I started with 30.5 and now I am 31.5. And the difference between the 32" (underbust + 4) and your actual bust measurement determines what cup you are.

For me I was negative 1.5 inches before! because 32-30.5. So I gather that makes me an AAA not an AA to start with. Now I have 0.5" negative difference which means I am an AA. And when I get one inch of positive difference that will make me an A cup. And two inches will make me a B cup. So I actually have to get up to 34" to be a B cup. I had previously thought I only needed to get up to 33" to be a B cup!

Does that sound right?

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yeah our messurements are aboutthe same, ans i still need two inches to be a B cup, goos luck on your journey, you´ve had awsome groeth, and i hope you keep it.

Day 41

Had really sore calf muscles yesterday and today. Last night they were so sore could barely sleep. I had this once before and its usually when there is a muscle problem in my hips, so said the physio at the time. They are feeling better now. I also had a really bad sore throat last night and all through today. Pretty much slept most of today. Feeling tired and exhausted.

Breasts felt a bit sore at times, didn't really notice it as I was "focussing" on the pain of my throat etc, and then I realised that my breasts were sore too. Made me feel even more tired! Probably 2/10.

Am taking 1 Saw Palmetto capsule per day. I will up this over the next week or so to two. Just taking it slowly for now.

Back to sleep now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Day 42

Breasts have been driving me crazy today, they are so sore at times, and just generally feel heavy and achy. It might be because I am sick and my body is feeling horrible. About a 7.5-8/10.

Calf muscles are better now.

Must have a flu or cold. Have been eating food with lots of spices in it so I sweat it out.

Have been doing more research about Noogleberry which is a vacumn-suction device. I still can't quite understand how it works, but I gather you put dome cups on your chest, and then pump with a hand pump, and somehow that fills the domes with air, and creates a pulling sensation on your breasts. You then either pump and release, or pump and hold. I have been advised to purchase the Medium cups.

Sounds like if I get a noogleberry, that I should massage beforehand. And then do 30 mins or so of noogling. Not sure whether I would put the heat on it straight after massage and before noogling or not. I think that some people use a bit of creme to stop the domes from hurting?

From the website, it looks like some people have had quite amazing results, however alot of those people already started with a reasonable amount of breast tissue say a Large A and above. I noticed one women who was very small about an AAA and she has had no luck with it. So I guess its like anything, for some people it works, and others it doesn't.

I think it would be useful to give it a go now that I have got a little more breast tissue to work with.

Haven't been listening to the rockmelon ringtone much today or yesterday as its bad enough to listen to when you don't have a headache, let alone when you do have one!

Hi Girlfriday29,

Sorry you are not feeling well. At least we can be thankful for the pain in your breast…since that means you’re growing. Anastasia916 got fantastic results with NB she has a posting on the topic under Methods/Breast Pumps and Suction Devices/ About Noogleberry. If you have questions that are not answered in the post, maybe you can send her a message. I’m sure she would be happy to help you.

Keep growing and get well soon

Day 43

Am so tired still. Sinuses are a real pain. Almost lost my balance this morning as sinuses are so blocked up. Am drinking lots of hot herbal teas.

Breasts kept getting sore all day, about a 6/10. They seem to get sore and sharp pains in them at different times which comes and goes (generally the pain is in one breast at a time). They generally feel quite achy, like a dull ache. Got a bit of a rash mark after massaging and applying heat this morning.

Started listening to the blaketalks today. It is strange!!! Almost makes me laugh. I am just listening to it as I am doing other things, but will listen to it properly soon.

Thanks Aim4C for your comments. Are you going to post a program page?

Finished taking echinacea tablets 3 times per day, and have started taking them twice daily.

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