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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!


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Girlfriday im kind of worried about you and that rash:-/, if thats the way of your body releasing toxins, maybe you should do a liver cleansing or take a break, something like that idk, you could also ask wahaika, and see what does he recomends, good luckSmile

Thanks Nessa for your comments. I will book myself in to see the doctor again. But I'm kindof hoping this is something I can solve myself through diet. The doctors are pretty useless at doing anything about it, and they don't seem to see it as a problem. They told me that lots of people get ovarian cysts, and generally they don't cause you any problems, occasionally they rupture/twist etc, and that is what I had back in January this year. Since then I haven't experienced that again, although I did have the slight bloating/pain, and now slight rash this time. However, on the positive side, this is no where anything like when I had the cyst in January. Interestingly, when I had the cyst in January, I went to get an ultrasound about 7 days later, and there were no cysts to be seen and everything looked completely normal. I really think it was the protein shakes because of all the sugar I was consuming that did it. I will keep up with my program again this month and keep documenting everything, and will see after that. It will be time for a break from NBE anyhow as I will have done it for 3 months.

Ok, I've decided to develop a new format on reporting to make it easier for me to keep track of things. Today is the first day of my period so that makes it easy for me to start it now!

Just to recap from yesterday, I have found that my cycles are 26 days (first month on NBE, and 25 days (second month on NBE).

I received my Noogleberry today. I wasn't expecting it for awhile longer, so was surprised when it turned up this morning. Took me awhile to put it together as I am pretty useless at making things, but got there in the end. I don't really know if I am doing it properly. I just did it for 10 minutes to each breast, LH side first then the RH side. I have medium cups and they are pretty big for me, particularly on my RH which is the small of the breasts. I got the cup rings too, but I was using them without it.

What I do is hold the cup in place, then pump about 4 or 5 times and then there is a release button on the pump, I press that, and then start over pumping 4 to 5 times. It seems that after about the 4th or 5th pump, it gets much harder to pump, so I just assumed that, that was where you stop. Breasts did not look red or anything afterwards. Not sure if I am doing it right, so better get on the noogleberry forum site and read up on how to do it. If anyone reading this knows, then let me know!

Month 3 - Day 1

Morning: 1 fennel tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg
Afternoon: N/A, 1 Spearmint tea
Evening: 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg

Massages: Completed morning massage with heat. No evening massage as went out with friends and too tired now to bother massaging.

Breast sensations: Breasts reasonably active during the morning and midday. But not alot this afternoon or evening. Overall - Medium.

Other health issues: Needed to take an anti-spasmodic pill this afternoon for my period which arrived at midday. Had period pain.

Noogleberry: Attempted to noogle breasts for first time ten minutes each. Then again a few hours later for another ten minutes each. No idea how to do it properly! Felt a kindof pulling sensation on each breast, no redness or anything. The size of the cups is quite funny as my breast inside the cup only fills up about 5% of the cup! There is no way that I can noogle with both cups at the same time. I have to hold down one cup at a time with my hand otherwise it will fall off, and there are gaps.

Any other notes: I have started a thread dedicated for those of us who are AA/AAA cup size. You can see it at

Month 3 - Day 2

Morning: 1 fennel tea, 1 spearmint tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg
Afternoon: 1 Spearmint tea, 1 SP 160mg, 1 FG 610mg,
Evening: 1 fennel tea, 1 EPO 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning and evening massage with heat.

Breast sensations: Breasts had a few sensations in the them, constantly throughout the day. Overall - Medium.

Other health issues: Period pain pretty much completely gone. Rash still there.

Noogleberry: With the help of some of the lovely ladies from the Noogleberry forum, I sorted out my Noogleberry equipment and have got it to work! Still having a bit of trouble trying to get both cups to sit on my chest with no gap in them, but at least managed to noogle one breast at a time properly! Yesterday I must have been doing basically nothing to my breasts!!!! This time, they went red with all the bloody rushing to them in about 10 seconds or so. Quite an interesting sensation, sort of like someone is pulling your breast, and filling it up at the same time with something. Makes them feel alive!

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Month 3 - Day 2

Morning: 1 fennel tea, 1 spearmint tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg
Afternoon: 1 Spearmint tea, 1 SP 160mg, 1 FG 610mg,
Evening: 1 fennel tea, 1 EPO 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning and evening massage with heat.

Breast sensations: Breasts had a few sensations in the them, constantly throughout the day. Overall - Medium.

Other health issues: Period pain pretty much completely gone. Rash still there.

Noogleberry: With the help of some of the lovely ladies from the Noogleberry forum, I sorted out my Noogleberry equipment and have got it to work! Noogled for about 5 minutes, and walked around the room while doing it. I have attached some photos. Its quite an interesting sensation on your breasts, like someone is pulling at your breasts and at the same time filling them up from behind! Will just keep doing a little bit of noogling here and there for the rest of the week I think to get used to it. In the photos you can see how far my breast is filling up the cup. When they are deflated (i.e. before I start noogling) you can't even see the breasts over the foam rings! But when you start pumping they grow bigger before your eyes, which is interesting because it gives you an idea of how you might look like if you grow in the future (albeit with domes on your breasts! hehe) So that is fun.

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Another photo.

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OMg you boobs look sooo big, i know it is because your pumping, but wow, also your areola look bigger, is that because of the pumping??,

Yep, basically your breast expands before your eyes. And everything gets much bigger. As soon as I take it off, everything goes back to normal. But the idea is once you start using it for 30 mins etc at a time and regularly, over time you get swelling after use. Some people find their swelling lasts for hours afterwards. And then of course there is the main objective that over time your breast tissue will actually expand and real growth will occur!

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