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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

thanks Blackhippie and periwinkle! Yeah, it would be awesome if you woke up the following morning with the same size! But alas, this morning I can report that they are back to normal size again hehe But on the bright side, the red rings have completely gone.

Blackhippie, the bra size is an A cup. But its actually a bit of a weird fit because I have to push my breasts in it otherwise they bulge out the sides. So perhaps its just not a very good fitting bra anyhow. Might try with a different bra next time. The reason I chose that bra is it doesn't have any padding and isn't a "shaped" bra. Most of my bras (and seriously I have lots, I just counted most of them and there are over 32 different bras!!), are padded or shaped. Obviously I chose those bras because they actually give me shape. There is one bra in particular that I like because of the way it is sewed together, it makes me look like I have a beautiful teardrop shape breast under clothes! hehe Little does anyone know.......

I would love to go to a bra shop one day and pick out a bra which has no padding, no shape to it, just the material, and be able to actually fill it with my breast! That would be awesome.

Right, better getting massaging and noogling! Smile

Attached is the progress with photos from Day 1 with a front view.

Month 3 - Day 6

Morning: 1 spearmint tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg
Afternoon: 1 Spearmint tea, 1 SP 160mg, 1 FG 610mg
Evening: 1 EPO 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning and evening massage. I didn't put heat on afterwards in the morning, but proceeded straight to noogleberry. In the evening I did put heat on before noogleberry. Didn't notice any difference from doing this.

Breast sensations: Had that really sharp pain today again in one of the breasts. Had tingly and pain sensations on and off all day. Some quite intense. Also funny feeling around nipples. High. Breast feel very small today, I noticed this while massaging that there was much less to grab, particularly this evening than in the morning.

Other health issues: Slightly sore hips still, so have been doing some stretching exercises for them.

Noogleberry: Noogled in the morning for about 45 minutes, and evening for 30 minutes. I kept losing suction today, think it may have been too much oil on the foam rings. When I sneezed both cups came off! which was quite funny. Its annoying to put them on again. I also noticed when noogling this evening, my RH breast in particular was very small, even when noogling, whereas the other day it swelled up alot, this evening it didn't much at all.

Other: Have been thinking more about the whole measuring business, due to a thread someone started

I think, I am not going to get caught up in the results I get for measuring, unless they are really obvious results, such as a 1.5" increase. I have noticed that there is alot of human error when measuring, and also to do with fluctuations in your cycle. So I will continue to measure, but only out of interest to see what I am measuring, and not because that is the only way I am measuring progress.

I am measuring progress on my photos, how my breasts fill out my bras more, the general feel of them, and the breast sensations I am getting. Basically, as long as I am feeling sensations in my breasts I will keep at this level of Internals, until I decide its time to change them again. I think its dangerous to get too caught up with marking your progress through measurement, as it can give you false hope, and also false warnings, when you may actually be growing even if you do measure less one day.

Perhaps I am having a very skeptical evening, or a healthy dose of realism?, but I think we all need to be aware that for most people, they are going to grow very slowly and over months. Even looking back at my own photos (the ones I put in succession in the Word documents), its funny to think that at one stage I thought I measured 31.5" when clearly one of the times I thought that, doesn't look as big as when I measured it a second time after noogling. In that photo I am clearly bigger, but both times I claim I measure 31.5"! So I guess, thats where human error comes in.

I think that you can easily measure up to 1" difference just through human error. Try measuring yourself now, and breath in, or out, that can change things. Or hold the tape slightly tighter, or slightly looser.... Or if the tape is not sitting perfectly in a circle around your body, rather the tape might be riding up at the back, or riding down. All these things can change your measurements.

Not to mention your cycle, where there can be fluctuations in not just over bust measurements, but also under-bust measurements too. For me, I measured a good 0.5" inches less at the same time of my cycle on different months. So all these things are interesting to note.

And, when I get to 32", thats when I will have a little celebration! I started at 30.5", so 1.5 inches later I think I can say that there has been some growth at least. My goal I think is 33.5" which is a small B cup. That is what I am aiming for.

Month 3 - Day 7

Morning: 1 spearmint tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg
Evening: 1 Spearmint tea, 1 SP 160mg, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning massage, put heat on for about 5-10 minutes then Noogleberry (NB). Missed evening massage. Felt like when I did the massage, there was not alot to grab, particularly in RH breast.

Breast sensations: Had breast sensations in the day about a medium, then in the evening time for hours my breasts went crazy and were really sore, 9/10. This went on until I went to sleep. This was the most they have ever felt. Sensations were in breast in general, short sharp pains, but also a weird sensation around nipples.

Other health issues: Hips a little bit sore at times during the day.

Noogleberry: Noogled in the morning for 30 minutes. Didn't noogle in the evening. When I was noogling my RH breast in particular barely swelled up at all. It looked quite weird because the LH breast was swelling, but the RH breast looked like nothing. Eventually it got bigger as I noogled, but nowhere near like how it got to on other days. It felt a bit sore to noogle on the RH side, particularly the lower part of the cup and foam rings kept digging into my ribs. That hasn't happened before. I definitely feel like I have lost a bit of weight over the past few days, so that could be why. Ribs feel like they are sticking out more than usual.

Other: Ate a meal with wheat, sugar, bacon etc in it at midday. Felt pretty bloated by evening time.

I don't feel that bad with my bra obsession now. I still have bras not even worn lol.

All of mine are push up or padded or both. So I def feel u on 1 day buying just a reg bra with just the wire as da only extra thing lol!

One day, one day :-)

I hate how many bras in the 32/34 A-B range are hardcore padded. What if I don't want to falsely advertise?! Whenever I find an unpadded bra in my size I buy the store's whole stock lol

Hi Periwinkle and Aradiarising, thanks for your comments. Periwinkle, I have some bras that I only wore maybe once or twice, because they are sooooooo padded, they look ridiculous - you can imagine a wall, then imagine things sticking right out of the wall.... well thats how it looked on my chest! Because there is no fat to mask the bulges of the pads, they just stick out. Oh dear! lol

Aradiarising, I don't actually need to wear a bra, and the only reason I wear one is to give me shape! No other reason. So I am glad I can find lots of padded bras in my size. But I hear what you're saying that you don't want to do any false advertising.... hehe I have had this problem too, especially with guys. I think they think there is going to be more than there is, and then they go to grab my breast, and realise nothing is in the bra..... lol oh dear. One day.

Month 3 - Day 8

Morning: 1 spearmint tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg
Evening: 1 Spearmint tea, 1 SP 160mg, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning massage, put heat on for about 5-10 minutes then Noogleberry (NB). Feel much fuller than yesterday where there didn't feel like much there.

Breast sensations: Had medium breast sensations today. When I woke up in the morning, my breasts were aching, particularly around the aerola for hours. About a 6/10.

Other health issues: Little bit gassy still in the morning, but that went away.

Noogleberry: I had real trouble noogling this morning. I just couldn't get both cups to stay on. So I did my RH breast for for 25 minutes. Even that didn't work so well, and it kept making farting noises and falling off all the time. Was a real pain!!!! Then did the LH breast and similar thing. So I basically had to press the cup with one hand in order to keep it on, and to stop the farting noises!!!! Embarassing. I feel like the foam rings are not holding their place and are being pushed out by the cup rings, which results in less foam being under the cup rings than before. I think this is hurting my ribs. After I noogled I had a hot shower and the ring marks 90% go away.

This evening I noogled for 30 minutes. This time it was much easier, and I managed to get both cups on no problem. However, the cup rings hurt under my breasts on my ribs of the RH breast. So could only manage half an hour. Measured straight afterwards and measured a full 31.5". Put a bra on because I read that some people do this as it may keep the swelling around longer.

Month 3 - Day 9

Morning: 1 spearmint tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg
Afternoon: 1 Spearmint tea, 1 SP 160mg, 1 FG 610mg
Evening: 1 fennel tea, 1 EPO 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning massage 20 minutes then put hot wet towels on. Completed evening massage 20 minutes, then heat for 20 minutes.

Breast sensations: Pretty much nothing that I can remember today. So 1/10, Low.

Other health issues: Sore on the bottom RH part of my back. Went and got a professional massage which was nice.

Noogleberry: Decided to not do Noogleberry today. Just didn't want to do it.

Other: I just looked over my notes on breast sensations from my last cycle Day 1-9, and compared them with this cycle Day 1-9. Interestingly these are the results:

(Excuse this as it doesn't seem to put in the gaps/spaces that I put in! Just to be clear the first column is cycle 2, second column is cycle 3, and third column is the day of the cycle)

Cycle 2 This cycle (3) Day
H M 1
H M 2
H M/H 3
M H 4
H M 5
H H 6
M H 7
H M 8
L L 9

- As you can see, the similarities are that from Day 1-8 I have experienced a combination of Medium to High sensations.
- On Day 9 on both cycles I have reported Low sensations.
- In cycle 2, I have reported nearly double the High sensations than cycle 3.
- Of the High sensations I have reported in cycle 3, only 1 corresponds on the same cycle day as a High reported in Cycle 2.

No idea if that means I am perhaps getting to a stage where I am stalling? Or maybe it means that I am getting used to the sensations, so I report them as only a medium, whereas a month ago I reported them as a high.....

I'll keep monitoring my reporting. It will be interesting once I have completed my whole cycle to look back on the results. The reason why I haven't included Cycle 1, is that I only started NBE, particularly the massages (Day 9) and capsules on Day 16 of that cycle. I only started reporting breast sensations from Day 10.

I don't really feel like I am getting any bigger at all at the moment. My breasts don't look or feel any bigger to me at all. This seems strange, as I seem to have alot of breast sensations, but no corresponding growth. I'm not too worried about it at this stage as I realise I have to take a more long-term view on growing my breasts, as I don't have much to begin with. But it is a bit de-motivating...... But, I will keep massaging etc nonetheless. Ongoing persistence..... :-/

Oh, and one more thing. I just measured myself and I am a full 31", more close to 31.25". I was 31.25" on day 9 of Cycle 2. I thought I didn't feel as full as I had before, which is correct, because last cycle about midway through I was measuring at 31.5", now I'm only measuring at 31.5" after noogling.


Keep at it...You got the drive and the right attitude. Your progress maybe slow but remember you are doing this without gaining weight; which means you are generating new breast tissue...and your increase is not as a result of overall bloating. When you have reached your goal...and you will not need to lose weight after, which can cause you to lose inches on top. The NB is also a very good addition to your program. There are some women who respond really well to it...almost immediately; but on average I think it takes a month to get a good swelling out of it. I just ordered a NB yesterday because I have actually lost weight since starting my NBE 3 weeks ago (went from 108lbs - 104lbs). So I'm hoping that the NB will help.
Your persistence and diligence will pay off.

Question!?!?!?!? Are you a 32B now?? You said you were wearing a 34A in your picture. You filled your bra nicely Smile! You also mentioned you were a 32 Band. Does that mean you are 32B now??

Thanks for posting that document with the progression pictures. I can see the difference!!! Nice work. Smile

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