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b2cmom program pages


I am a mom of 2 - breastfed both. Breasts flattened out after nursing kids. Age 36. Before children 32 B/C, now 34 A/B (can't wear a B cup without padding though). About a year ago tried Breast Assure and FemGest Breast Assure cream I think I did it about 1.5-2 months with no success. Am trying again since finding this forum. Here is the program I have been doing.


weight 127 lb.
measurement right under nipple line - 31.75

Fenugreek 610 mg three times/day
Saw Palmetto 320 mg 3 x/day
Red Clover 800 mg 3x/day
GABA 750 mg x3tabs at night
Breast Success 1 tab 3x/day (because I still have it might as well use it - lol)
Breast Assure cream when I remember

5/19 found this forum - still feeling nothing
Increased dosages
Fenugreek 610 mg 2 tabs 3x/day
Saw Palmetto 320 mg 2 tabs 3x/day
Red Clover 800 mg 2 tabs 3x/day
GABA 750 mg 3 tabs at night
Breast Success 1 tab 3x/day (because I still have it might as well use it - lol)
Breast Assure cream when I remember
1 Multivitamin
L-lysine 1000 mg/day

5/24 read that someone took ginko biloba & it helped - bought this to add to program. Did research on all herbs & found that you shouldn't take ginko & red clover together, also could only find bad side effects for red clover out of everything. So stopped red clover.

Forgot to measure above nipple line - so that is 31.75.

5/27 All tingles and sensations I had been feeling stopped - so added red clover back in - must need it lol - oh and stopped ginko

5/29 Did Resveratol Weekend Cleanse

6/3 Same program as 5/19 but added:
(take NBE herbs on empty stomach & take the ones mentioned below with meals)
MSM 1000 mg - 2 tabs twice daily
Glucosamine 2000 mg/day (Flex-a-min)
Vit C 500 mg twice daily
Resveratol Diet 2 caps/day

All same but added:
Fish oil 400 mg/Flaxseed oil 400 mg/borage oil 400 mg (all in one pill) - 3x/day
Gelatin 778 mg 2 tabs 3x/day

6/9/10 I feel tingles and sensation everyday - I know something is happening. I look fuller in the mirror not as pancake-ish (lol), but only a slight difference. Also I'm getting the bumps on my nipples like I had when I nursed. NOTE - my skin looks great from these supplements & I haven't been as faithful with Mary Kay as I used to be so I know its the supplements.

Measurements (this is day 5 of my cycle)
Below nipple - 32 (+0.25)
Above nipple - 32 (+0.25)
Measured from top of collarbone to bottom of breast:
Left 10.5 inches
Right 9.5 inches (right smaller than left)

Just told husband last night what I had been doing. He said he is happy with me the way I am and loves my bod (he's the best), but if I really wanted this he would buy me the pumps - YAAAH. So trying to decide between Noogle or BB. I am leaning more towards BB because have heard they are more comfy???

Don't mind if anyone wants to post on my thread.[/font]

Also - tried Wild Yam cream for a while - didn't seem to do anything & actually looked deflated after one of the applications so quit using it.

Forgot to mention at night while lying in bed I do the visual imagery stuff too. Imagining my breasts growing - don't know if this works or not but I know the mind is a powerful tool. :idea:

Just read my e-mails & getting the fit to fab e-mails. She said that you absorb more by applying to your breast because the herbs don't have to go through the liver etc before they get to your boobs. I have been using breast cream but don't know how much fenugreek etc is really in it. So I am planning to keep taking same amounts have been orally except I'm going to reduce saw palmetto (hips are starting to fill out a little lol - just lost some weight & don't want to gain it back). Made a mixture of "smart balance omega oil" & opened 3 fenugreek capsules and 3 red clover capsules & mixed them together in a small tupperware cup with a lid to see if this works better. Also going to start cutting open the saw palmetto caps & applying this as it is a gel cap - will do these 2 at diff times.

Note - Never never never cut open saw palmetto gel cap!!! Smells like puke & I about did lol. Guess I will just have to keep taking by mouth. Will probably lower dose though. Red clover & fenugreek with oil was very grainy so may use as a scrub before showers then apply the breast assure cream after shower.

Ok I'm at work & i forgot to take evening dose of pills b4 I left. I was a little worried about that. I just finished a bowl of chicken noodle soup & started getting some pretty good pains. Maybe they use chicken feet in their soup lol. Has anyone else had this to happen when they combined herbs with something & applied it to their breasts? I guess I was expecting this kind of thing closer to the time i applied it (especially since i washed it off after letting it sit for about 5-10 min.

I need help. I took the online hormone test & tested highest in progesterone deficiency & high androgens. Can someone help me with what this means for nbe? Does taking more estrogen hormones like I have been doing in my program balance this?

Note: I decreased my dose of saw palmetto & didnt feel pains so took it back up to what i had been taking. Last night during dinner felt some pretty good pains. Also the skin on my upper chest (above nipple line) feels thicker when I put my cream on. Before it felt like bone lol.

Hi b2cmom,

Congrats on your progress. SP helps prevent testoterone from converting to DHT...which cause issues like hirsutism. So you definitely need to have that in your program. You also need to cut out sweets and reduce your intake of carbohydrates...this will also help. Spearmint tea is also a good addition this also helps with the testosterone issue. You could also mix this with fennel tea which will give you some added phytoestrogens. SP is notorious for wieght gain, however if you remove sweets from your diet, lower your carbs and increase your intake of lean protein....protein shake (sugar free), lean meat etc... add exercise to that mix and you should be fine

I ordered the NB this week. They have posted pictures of amazing results on the noogleberry forum. Good luck with whatever you choose. I think the combination of your herbal program and NB/BB will give you amazing results.

Aim4c thanks so much for your help. That makes sense & maybe thats why my program worked so fastBig Grin

Anytime..I am also a mom of 2...FYI; If you choose to buy the NB, You can get a 20% discount if you join their forum and post regularly...sadly I did not wait for such great offer, I just went ahead and ordered. Keep us posted with oyur resultsHeart

I was just reading some of the posts on the old forum & saw that your total phytoestrogen should not exceed 5000 mg. Mine does I think just the fenugreek & red clover are around 6000 mg & not sure if saw palmetto is considered a phytoestrogen or not. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. :s

I havent been feeling too well today. Think I have a stomach bug. Im feeling a lot of pains in my breasts tonight so thats a good thing. When I first started feeling stuff from my program it was mild sensations & tingles but now the pains are sharper & deeper. I guess this is a good thing.

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