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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!


I think you swell more after massaging because there was increased circulation before noogling. Explanation of the measurement...based on what I have read, when you just start noogling...or commence using a larger dome, the swelling you get quickly deflates, sometimes immediately...then over time you start retain some of the swelling for longer and longer periods. I think you are beginning to retain some of your swelling. You should check to see how long you keep your swelling , or how much swelling you keep after 5/10 hours.

Hope this helps

thanks Char! hehe

thanks for the explanation Aim4C. I'll check to see what I measure 5 hours after pumping.

I just had to do a quick post now, because I noogled this morning, and OHHHHH MY, I was amazed! I was absolutely HUGE afterwards, the biggest I have ever been, and on both breasts, particularly my stubborn smaller RH breast too. I measured myself and I was about a 31.75". Was quite incredible. (OK, so you see how amazed I was!!!!!) Big Grin

I then put on that bra that I had on the other day, and my breasts were seriously popping out of it. I WISH I had taken a photo of that. But then I had a shower, and had to get ready to go out, and that bra smelt of fenugreek! So I put on another bra, and took some no bra photos as well quickly.

I can't quite describe how enormous my breasts looked to me! I don't think the photos do them justice. Looking down at them, it was like I had grown another arm or something. I kept looking at them thinking "something is growing out of my chest!!!"

I then felt them and they felt huge! A real handful for once.

Anyhow, I just had to report on this, as I am really happy! (And its not like I can go telling my friends, hey guess what my breasts are way bigger)!!! haha


Even though I'll lose the swelling in an hour or so, the awesome thing about it is that I get to see what my breasts will look like when they ARE actually 31.75". Can't wait to hit the 32" mark! It is still a bit of a mind-game I think, as I find it really really weird to see breasts on my chest. Its like, what are those!!!

Anyhow, enough ranting. Here are some pics.

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Some more pics

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more photos - its a shame that the front-on shot doesn't show the contours in between my breasts, I think because of the flash from the camera.

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darn, will have to try better with the flash, as the flash seems to be obscuring the breasts in the middle.

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Looking good girlfriday, looking good. It will only get better.

Keep noogling.

thanks Aim4C. I will keep noogling, except I unfortunately missed tonight's noogling session. do'h. Went out with friends and am too tired to noogle or massage now.

Month 3 - Day 12

Morning: 1 spearmint tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg
Late Afternoon: 1 spearmint tea, 1 SP 160mg, 1 FG 610mg, 1 fennel tea
Evening: 1 EPO 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning massage 20 minutes then straight to noogle. No evening massage.

Breast sensations: Again, nearly no sensations at all. 1/10

Other health issues: Neck was a bit sore.

Noogleberry: Noogled in the morning for 30 minutes. Had lots of swelling, 31.75". I measured myself about 5 hours later and I was 31.25". Before I noogled I was 31".

Other: Did about 1 hour of exercise.


Month 3 - Day 13

Morning: 1 spearmint tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg
Afternoon: 1 spearmint tea, 1 SP 160mg, 1 FG 610mg, 1 fennel tea
Evening: 1 fennel tea, 1 EPO 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning massage 20 minutes then heat, then straight to noogle. Evening massage 20 mins then straight to noogle.

Breast sensations: Again, barely any sensations 1/10.

Other health issues: Had groin pain again, and bloated. I have noticed this happens to me nearly every cycle on day 13 and 14 just like clock-work. I've done some research, and its likely this is "mid-cycle" pain. Its not too bad, probably a 4-5/10. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, so I will talk about this pain then.

Noogleberry: Noogled in the morning for 30 minutes and at night for 30 minutes. And 10 minutes in the afternoon. Measured a new record! I was 31" to start with, and then measured 32" Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin after noogling both morning and evening. I measured myself about 5 hours after noogling in the morning and I measured about 31.25". The red rings pretty much went down within about 10 minutes, you could barely see the ring marks. Found it a bit difficult tonight as it kept making farting noises again! And started pinching my skin on the bottom of the breast. Funny how some times it doesn't do this, and others it does.

Interestingly, about this time last cycle was when I measured 31.5". I wonder if that means that about these days I am at my "biggest" of my cycle..... Not sure, but will keep tracking.

Other: I really like seeing myself having breasts! Its great. And I can't wait till when I have actually grown to 32". Smile

That's so exciting! I'm sure you'll be getting up to a permanent 32" soon, eee!! I love your updates and how much detail/analysis you put it. I can't wait to get my NB.

Hi Fjells, thanks! Yeah I am really happy I have incorporated NB into my program! Fingers crossed for a real 32" some day soon!

Month 3 - Day 14

Morning: 1 Fennel tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg
Afternoon: 1 SP 160mg, 1 FG 610mg
Evening: 1 fennel tea, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg

Nb: That because I am day 14 of my cycle, I will no longer take spearmint tea until next time my cycle starts.

I have also included flaxseed oil in my routine. This is meant to be a very good oil for women.

Massages: Completed morning massage 20 minutes then heat for 20 minutes. Evening massage 20 mins then straight to noogle.

Breast sensations: A little bit of sensation today, which felt more like a dull ache. About a 3/10. Also around the nipples felt like a pulling/itching sensation for a little bit. LOW.

Other health issues: Feel much better today.

Noogleberry: Noogled in the morning for 25 minutes. Noogled in the evening for 30 minutes.

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