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Is there such thing as too many hours noogling?


Okay so because the brava says 10 hours a day and has been proven to give at least a tiny amount of growth I figure noogling as many hours as I can is also the way to go. This month I have been noodling every day for 4-10 hours. Most days are 5 hours I would say. This is all together not all at once. Usually 2 hours afternoon and then 3-4 hours at night. Yes I break to massage. .....I am at my wits end here. When I first started in February I only did 1 hour then I moved to 2 hours then I would do about 3 hours then 4 hours. Then I had a few months where I was very inconsistent and 2 months without anything because I got paranoid of a lump which is now gone and was probably from herbs.. Recent three months I have been pumping for 4-7 hours everyday no herbs. I feel like I've tried everything. I can get great swelling but I can't get any growth and I try so hard. I'm starting to wonder if I am doing myself a diservice by pumping so many hours but at the same time can't stop comparing to the brava system.

Well, the only difficulty I've had a couple of times was some bruising, I think from doing a bit too hard a suction. If your are experiencing no particular soreness and have no bruising or anything, I would think you're OK. When this has happened, I just stopped suction for a week or so until the bruising goes away. I'm no medical pro, though, so that's just a lay opinion. It certainly wouldn't hurt to mention it to your doctor and as about this if it really concerns you.

What sort of results are getting, BTW?

Growth over a couple months can be so small you can't see it... probably took me nearly a year to gain a full cup size.... I'd rather have slow growth that is permanent rather than temporary swelling...

I agree with Karren. Better to have slow but permanent gains then bigger temporary gains.

I think there's such a thing as too much noogling. There's several threads about it on this forum and on the noogleberry forum.

Here's the deal, the reason that Brava suggests such long periods of time (it's actually 12+ hours now, they changed it since 10 hours wasn't enough), is because it uses such low suction. With Noogleberry, the suction is greater, so you wear it far less than Brava.

I think of pumping this way:

Pumping is very much like working out in terms of timing. If you don't give your breasts time off to repair & grow, they won't. At least that's how I feel. Same with working out, if you don't give your muscles the time off they need to repair & grow, they won't. I've seen posts where several girls were pumping like crazy and when they took other people's advice and only pumped 1-2 hours a day every other day, they started getting growth. Same with the other way around though, some people saw better results from more pumping. Everyone responds differently. The trick is to find what works for YOU.

Doing it more often doesn't always give better results, and you know that now since you've been doing it more and haven't seen a growth change. Some people DO see better results from pumping more often, but everyone is different and it seems like that's not working for you like you'd hoped, so I suggest that you try a different approach. Take a break from pumping completely for a few days, let your breasts rest & heal, then start back up with two hours a day, either split up between 1 hour in the AM and one hour in the PM, or 2 hours straight with breaks, but only pump every other day. Give it several weeks to a month and see how your body responds to that. Make sure to take pics and measurements because even if you don't think there's growth, pictures don't lie Smile


Also, here's some other pointers that might help:

*Drink lots of water while you're pumping
*Don't pump too hard that it would damage breast tissue. Too much pressure can cause damage & also delay results
*Lay a heating pad on your breasts for 20 min after you pump
*Keep massaging twice a day and try to do this before you pump, not after
*I can't remember who came up with this tip on here, it might have been Karren. But it works for me! Put racquetball balls or some kind of small bouncy balls inside of your domes while pumping (can be found in sporting goods or in the kid toy section of stores). You want the balls JUST big enough to where your nipples and areolas press against them/flatten when you're pumped up. Don't get balls that are too big and dig into your breasts!! And don't get balls that are too small that barely touch your nipples. You need for your nips, areolas and a little of the breast around the aerola to flatten up against the ball when pumped up. This helps the suction focus on the whole breast without putting any pressure on your nipples and it creates better swelling. Sounds crazy, but it works!! I noogled for a few weeks before I saw that tip on this forum, and I tried it. Big difference in the swelling and after I started doing that, I never pump without the balls.

Hope this helps Smile

(02-02-2015, 21:08)Karren Wrote:  Growth over a couple months can be so small you can't see it... probably took me nearly a year to gain a full cup size.... I'd rather have slow growth that is permanent rather than temporary swelling...

It's been a year now and I haven't gained a cup size or even half or a quarter and I didn't start out flat chested so I don't understand. Breaks don't work for me...I guess I can try only up to 3 hours everyday with one day off per week?

(03-02-2015, 05:13)Charlie_girl Wrote:  I agree with Karren. Better to have slow but permanent gains then bigger temporary gains.

I think there's such a thing as too much noogling. There's several threads about it on this forum and on the noogleberry forum.

Here's the deal, the reason that Brava suggests such long periods of time (it's actually 12+ hours now, they changed it since 10 hours wasn't enough), is because it uses such low suction. With Noogleberry, the suction is greater, so you wear it far less than Brava.

I think of pumping this way:

Pumping is very much like working out in terms of timing. If you don't give your breasts time off to repair & grow, they won't. At least that's how I feel. Same with working out, if you don't give your muscles the time off they need to repair & grow, they won't. I've seen posts where several girls were pumping like crazy and when they took other people's advice and only pumped 1-2 hours a day every other day, they started getting growth. Same with the other way around though, some people saw better results from more pumping. Everyone responds differently. The trick is to find what works for YOU.

Doing it more often doesn't always give better results, and you know that now since you've been doing it more and haven't seen a growth change. Some people DO see better results from pumping more often, but everyone is different and it seems like that's not working for you like you'd hoped, so I suggest that you try a different approach. Take a break from pumping completely for a few days, let your breasts rest & heal, then start back up with two hours a day, either split up between 1 hour in the AM and one hour in the PM, or 2 hours straight with breaks, but only pump every other day. Give it several weeks to a month and see how your body responds to that. Make sure to take pics and measurements because even if you don't think there's growth, pictures don't lie Smile

Thank you for your's hard for me to not pump at all for a day but I guess I will have to start. What do you think about taking a day off then doing 2 hours a day that week ...then the next week one day off and 3 hours per day ? Huh ah I don't know, my unintentional breaks didn't do anything for me before so I don't want to start with that many. I guess I'll find out if I need more days off if two months of the new routine doesn't work, I'll do what you recommended 2 hours every other day. I really think I should take some herbs or pueraria. I started taking fenugreek and hops again for a week now because I was so helped me before but scared me when I got a lump. I take less than the bottle recommends per day so I am not worried that I will get cancer, that seems very unlikely. You have higher levels of estrogen when ur getting your period or pregnant for 9 months so I don't think a tiny amount for a month or two would cause cancer.

Just an update: I stopped pumping for two days and only massaged and took fenugreek capsules. It seemed to be beneficial,my breasts look fuller and I noticed that a vein in my left nipple was protruding before the two day break and now as I am pumping it is no longer doing that. I'm going to start seeing noogling like a workout. I won't pump everyday a week now, I plan on pumping 5 days a week now and taking two days in between to rest and massage.

Wtf. I just pumped for two hours on and off massage breaks ect after my two day break I was just happy about above ^ and now after the pump they look smaller! This is ridiculas, I am at my wits end.

Honey, it sounds like your body is saying that you're over doing it. Maybe 2 hours on and off in one sitting is too much. Try one hour in the morning and one hour at night. And I've heard to NOT massage AFTER you pump, only before and/or during breaks. I think 5 days a week is still too much after what you've been doing. I really think that you should lay off completely tomorrow then start again the day after and ONLY do twice a day every other day. Your body obviously doesn't respond well to pumping too frequently, so try another approach. Trust me, we ALL know about wanting results fast. But what you're doing obviously isn't getting you there or working for you. So stop, breathe, and know that breaks are helping you grow.

If you don't want to do breaks every other day, then pump for two days on and one day off, two days on, one day off. I don't think 5 on and two off would be as beneficial with how your body has been reacting.

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