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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Month 3 - Day 15

Morning: 1 Fennel tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg
Afternoon: Can't remember if I took FG and SP or not! woops
Evening: 1 fennel tea, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning massage 20 minutes then heat for 20 minutes. Evening massage 15 mins then heat for 5 mins.

Breast sensations: Woke up very early in the morning and felt lots of pain in my breasts. Then went back to sleep. When I woke up for real a bit later, I couldn't remember if that pain was a dream or not! But then my breasts really started to ache. This lasted in the morning. Ached again only for a few minutes a couple of times in the afternoon. So will call it a HIGH as pains pretty intense. Also in the morning felt itchy/pressure feeling around nipple area.

Other health issues: Feel much better today.

Noogleberry: Noogled in the morning for 30 minutes. Noogled in the evening for 30 minutes. I just sit and watch DVDs as I am noogling. Seems to pass the time, as otherwise its really boring. Hardly any swelling tonight when I took cups off. They seemed to swell well in the cups, but straight afterwards no.

Other: Also forget to mention yesterday, I went to the doctor who again didn't seem to be too concerned about the pain mid-cycle, but told me to come in next time I get that rash just before my period. I am booked in to get a full blood test just to check everything. I was weighed, and I am only 53kgs, which is really annoying. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I need to be at least 55kgs so that I have a BMI of 19. I guess on the plus side, my bust is still measuring 31", but only just.

hi girlfriday im just curious im 5´7 as well and my weight is between 117-120 pound, wich would be between 53kgs, and 54kgs, but i dont really look skinny, i just look kind of slim you could say, anyways i just wanted to know, why it is so important for you to have your BMI on 19, last time i went to the doctor she said mine was 19.3, and that was like 6 months ago.

Hi Nessa,

I read that in NBE you should have a BMI of at least 19, because that means you will have approximately 20% body fat. You need that fat to tell your breasts to grow again. Its something to do with in puberty you had a certain amount of body fat that helps you grow. So you need to recreate that when you are doing NBE.

Speaking of weight - last night when I fell asleep, I could feel my ribs. So I definitely need to try to eat more. Thats much easier said than done, when you are on a limited sugar diet like me, because aren't the tastiest things the ones caked in sugar.....

Month 3 - Day 16

Morning: 1 Fennel tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Lunch: 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg
Afternoon: 1 fennel tea, 1 FG, and 1 SP
Evening: EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning massage only for about 10 minutes then heat for 5 minutes. Evening massage 20 mins then heat for 20 mins.

Breast sensations: Had some pretty intense aching pains again in my breasts at different times through the day. Also a weird feeling again around my nipples, kindof itchy. HIGH 8/10. Breasts kindof feel a bit sore and achy 1/10 in general. Bit more tender to touch.

Other health issues: Feel much better today. Had a massage which was awesome!

Noogleberry: Noogled in the morning for only 10 minutes as had an appointment. Then noogled this afternoon for about 15 minutes, but the RH cup kept pinching my skin and then the cups kept falling off. So annoying how that happens sometimes, but other times its fine! I was getting pretty annoyed at the noogle this afternoon, thinking, I can't believe how much time I am spending just trying to get my breasts bigger...... lol argh! Noogled for 35 minutes this evening. Was a bit uncomfortable noogling tonight. Tried my best to do it for 45 minutes, but just couldn't.

I've been very gently rubbing vitamin E creme in after noogling. I love the smell of it, it smells soooo tasty! I also have been putting on 4 drops of Rosehip oil at the same time. This oil is great for your face, particularly if you've got marks on your face. Anyhow, the oil has vitamin A, vitamin E, omega 9 and 6 in it, so I thought that maybe that would help with my breasts. I don't massage it in or anything, just very gently rub it in so it absorbs (its a wicked bright orange colour!).

Other: felt really hungry at times last few days. Ate dinner tonight, then 2 hours later felt hungry so ate some more food.

Month 3 - Day 17

Morning: 1 Fennel tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Mid-morning: 1 Flaxseed oil
Lunch: 1 EPO
Afternoon: 1 fennel tea, 1 FG, and 1 SP
Evening: EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg

Massages: Completed morning massage for 20 minutes with 20 minutes heat. Evening massage for 15 minutes then 20 minutes heat.

Breast sensations: Not as much pains as yesterday, but sometimes quite intense. Moderate - High today. Breasts feel generally much larger and are still quite tender to massage. Noticed that nipples have been quite sensitive last few days.

Noogleberry: Noogled 20 minutes in the morning. Then tried to do an afternoon noogle which turned out to be impossible and I could only noogle with both cups on for 5 minutes!. The cups just wouldn't stay on, and kept making ridiculous farting noises. It was driving me crazy. In the end I settled on doing my RH breast for about 15 minutes. Noogled for 35 minutes tonight.

Other: still felt really hungry, so ate quite alot all day.

Month 3 - Day 18

Morning: 1 Fennel tea, 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg
Mid-morning: 1 Flaxseed oil
Afternoon: 1 FG, and 1 SP, 1 red clover tea
Evening: EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg, 1 fennel tea

Massages: Completed morning massage for 20 minutes with 20 minutes heat. Evening massage for 15 minutes then 20 minutes heat.

Breast sensations: Strange sensations today, as every now and then would feel quite an intense pain or ache, kindof like waves going through my breasts, but then it would stop. Now as I am writing this, just after noogling, my breasts are tingling alot. Medium today. About a 6-7/10.

Noogleberry: Tried my best to get serious with the noogleberry today. I did 55 minutes this morning! Yay. And then this evening did 10 minutes only to find that the cups kept falling off and making farting noises. I persevered for about 20 minutes, but it just wouldn't work. Eventually I just did my RH breast (as thats my smaller one), and did that for 30 minutes.

And, interestingly, this morning I was 31". By the evening I measured, and I got 3 different measurements! haha Firstly I got 31.5", then I got 31", then I got 31.25". Anyhow after noogling I measured my RH breast and it was 6.5" from one side of the breast to the other. It looked huge compared to the other breast! And then I measured around and I got 32.25"! Big Grin Thats the largest I've been. And no doubt if I had noogled the LH breast, I would have measured larger. So that is good news. I really felt that my breasts looked much bigger today (before noogle too).

They feel really dense at the moment and tender to touch. When I run my fingers over them, I can feel some bumps. I noticed this last month too, but then they seemed to go away. They aren't bumps which stick out of the skin, so you can't see them through the breasts, but I can feel them.

Noogling is quite weird - right now my RH breast feels enormous! And its sort of fluffy or something. Not sure if that explain it very well, but its very dense.

Other: Was ravenous after dinner again, so ate a couple of eggs and some cheese and muscles!

Oh, and something else I wanted to mention. What I find with the noogling, is you look at your breasts and its like YEAH thats what they look like. Yay. But when your breasts go back to their normal size, it almost makes me feel quite bad! Even though I know the size I am after noogle isn't my size yet, it feels like it is. And when I see myself back to smaller, I think MAN I AM SMALL.

And I should also add, that I purchased a book called "Life Without Bread". I've only just started reading it. But its very interesting so far, and its all about carbohydrates basically, and making sure you aren't eating too many of them. From what I gather so far, carbohydrates are in lots of food, food that you wouldn't think has carbohydrates in them, like apples. And it all adds up. Check out Suri's link about diet in the main part of the forum if you are interested in diet and NBE.

Hi all,

Just wanted to do a quick post, because I have some good news. This morning when I woke up, I measured myself and I was 31.75"!!!!! Big Grin
This is about 12 hours after noogling.

My breasts look really large, and feel really dense.

I took a couple of photos. I will get around to adding my new photos to the older ones in order to show progress. I've added one photo from Day 8, and then today to show the difference.

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Some more photos from other angles

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Just noogled for 30 minutes. Now measurement is 32" inch and a bit . Not 32.25", but somewhere in between that and 32".

Here are some photos, in the same bra as before. Trying to attempt some cleavage! lol

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More attempted cleavage photos

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