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DAY 2: Just started with Pueraria Mirifica wish me luck!

Hi Bustybride,

Why did you need to enlarge them?

They are soooooo huge!

March, why do you want to enlarge your breasts? Has anyone questioned your motivations? I'm sick of everyone hassling BB when she has just as much of a right to be here as you or anyone else. Perhaps I shouldn't be here either because I started as an 34F? Everyone has room for personal improvement and growth (not just breast growth) no matter who they are. Why does it matter why she is here? (If you really cared maybe you would read her story and understand) Just be thankful she takes the time to contribute, if you can't appreciate that then just move on. BB has been nothing but nice to everyone since she got here and I for one am happy to have her. She has been a great source of inspiration and one day I hope to have the same success she has had using a similar regimen.

Abductor, where did you see anyone here talking about the rights except yourself?

There is nothing wrong in being curious about someone's motives.

If you want to jump on people choose a more appropriate place.

The question was not addressed to you anyway. If the author decides not to answer, it's her business, and not yours.

So why are you trying to enhance your bust?

If you had read Bride's previous posts you would see she has already answered the questions you asked and has also had problems with less endowed and jealous members in the past.

Honestly how will knowing her motivations help you on your NBE journey?

I feel you're questions are irrelevant to this discussion and at this point intentionally malicious. If you really care to find the answers please read previous posts and stop trolling innocent people who actually contribute.

Sorry, but I don't have any desire to discuss anything with you, and not interested in your opinion at all.

(09-03-2015, 14:09)march Wrote:  Hi Bustybride,

Why did you need to enlarge them?

They are soooooo huge!

I can't tell if that's an insult or a compliment. I guess you can ask as long as you aren't putting anyone down; its like personal opinion is in the question.

OMG, I just read the thread, sorry for the past I was sensitive... I think it was a combo of the PM and also my defensiveness of having large boobs.

I have no problem answering the question again, so being busty and struggling with my weight for so many years my girls have been through a lot. Busty girls have their on struggles, by my weight going up and down so much it caused my girls to not be as firm. My goal coming to this place was to not so much make them large but make them perkier and fuller. My goal was to be happy with them topless without a bra. I have been able to make some improvements and I guess like a deflated balloon by filling it back up it gets tighter and more perky. By gaining some inches and without gaining over all weight like before my boobs got much better! I gained more confidence, then I hit a time where the stopped growing or getting perkier. I still wanted them nicer, I took a break and all but .5" of my growth stayed. I started being more athletic and trying to trim down my midsection. I am a fan of Leanne Crow because she seems like a realistic goal for me as that I have somewhat of a similar build, no I am no were as amazing as her and maybe I never will be but why not have a dream? Many have asked me through personal messages and I do not have back problems as long as I am in the right bras not sister sizes. A nice good fitting bra makes me feel great, I can run and jog just like everyone else when I wear 2 bras for working out and choosing the right tops and dresses is hard but with a little more searching I always seem to find something I feel good in. I am different and not like everyone else and no one is like me either. My reason for starting was to make my girls better not bigger but they got bigger along the way. I am now OK going topless and don't mind my reflection in the mirror as much. I don't feel like I have to hold my girls up with my hands when I take my bra off. I am trying this again and really trying to do a strict program (still the details of it out) and want to see if I can pass this stage where my growth stopped, I do feel the difference loosing the .5" and by starting back up I feel like I have gained it back and feel nice and full and perky (have not remeasured yet), I hope to see some more progress to balance my weight loss goals too. I hope everyone understands me a little more even though english isn't my first language but understands why I am here and why I want to continue with my program. I do wish everyone well and if I can inspire one person to feel better about themselves like I have by being here and instead of getting a boob lift surgery but by doing it naturally, even just a little bit I am thinking it is all worth it! If anyone wants to follow my progress I will continue to post on this thread when I feel up to it and I am also going to be tougher this time around and not be as sensitive so all comments are welcome! :-) I love you all, big boobie hugs!!! :-) Thank you so much for even reading to the bottom of my reply!

Even though I am exactly the opposite off you(ATM I feel like I have the bust off a 10 y.o) I so understand you! I hope I can accomplish the same as you..feeling better about myself. Therefore you are a great inspiration for me. And i feel the same as you even though i look completely different. Its a touching story too me! Goodluck and thanks for inspiring me and maybe many others.

I didn't think March's comment was an insult.

BB, your response was very well said, I'm glad you've stuck with it here at BN. You bring a different perspective to BN as to the struggles of big busted woman. Sure, objections exist for some who struggle with breast growth, and quite possibly take it as an insult that someone who is big busted should complain about their large breasts. By the same token, compassion towards (not saying you or others don't lol) the struggles of smaller busted women could be expressed more.

Perhaps a commonality could exist between groups, it happens to both sides of BN members (m/f & mtf).


Whatever the case, both sides are here to learn, gather info, create growth programs and make new that's a community where anyone could/should be welcomed.

Peace. Big Grin


Thanks BB for your detailed response and I am happy you achieved your goal to feel better about yourself.

Didn't even think my question could be viewed as an insult. It was a compliment and curiosity.

Keep up the great result..

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